Box 14, Folder 4, Document 26

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Box 14, Folder 4, Document 26

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April 13

Following list to receive "thank yous":

Georgia Package Stores Institute 30 @ $15 $450
L~ 28 Third St., NE, Atl. 30308
J.C, Garner 30 @ 15 450
Dn, (above two had 100 tickets, retd. 40)
(Garner: 430 Central Ave., SW, Atl. 30303) 5
a aaleds
Georgia Distilled Spirits Institute (Marvin Brazeal):
9_distributors each took 11 for total of 99 tickets
— State
wy Ager eie Wholesalers 11 @ $15 $165
pow= David Meyer, 436 Armour Cir., NE
© Nationak Distributing Co., Ine. 11@ 15 165 Alfred A. Pars
- 1455 Ellsworth Ind. Blvd., NW
— Empire Distributors, Inc. 11 @ 15 165 Max Rahn
1TOO Marietta Bivd., NW ——————————— ees
ly ~ United Distribubers, Inc. 11@ 15 165
hue H.L, Johnson, 184 Walker St., SW ._-_ :
: » MeKesson & Robbins, Inc. 1l1@ 15 165
er _ Tames2A.DStanley, P.O. Box 13107, Stat. K, Atlanta 30324
— v General Wholesaler@ Co. : ile 15. 165

@;\| , William D. Young, 710 Ashby St., NW
- (checks not yet recd. from other 3)

Thank following dept. heads:

Grady Ridgeway, sold 109 tickets 100

Chief Herbert Henkins, sold 20 20
Forrest Gee, sold 20 30)
Ray Nixon, sold 6 10
Paul Weir, sold 10 10

Roy Elrod, sold 10 10


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