Dublin Core
Box 14, Folder 4, Document 86
Text Item Type Metadata
Lou Corrigan
The Atlanta Magazine
Coumerce Building
Atlanta, Ga. Ja 1-0845
Mrs. J. E. Buffington
Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs &
DeKalb Council of Churches
5559 Rock Springs Road
Lithonia, Ga. 482-6322
Gil Campbell, Projects Manager
DeKalb Chamber of Commerce
Decatur Federal Building
Decatur, Ga. Dr. 8-3691
Ernest Camp
Burke Dowling Adams
1750 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, Ga. Tr 5-O121
Mrs. Mozelle Christian, Mgr. Travel Council
Georgia State Chamber of Commerce
1200 Commerce Building
Atlanta, Ga. Ja 4-881
Don Deaton, Travel Editor
The Atlanta Journal
Atlanta, Ga. Ja 2-5050
Miss Elizabeth Devendorf
Davison's, 180 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, Georgia 5221300
Ed England, Exec. Sec.
Georgia Restaurant Assoc.
1230 Commerce Building
Atlanta, Ga. 524-0811
Jim Fazholz, Dir. of Broadcasting
The Atlanta Braves
P. O. Box Llee
Atlanta, Ga. 522-7630
1965-66 Directors
Miss Madeline Fry, Tourist Dept.
Georgia Dept. of Ind. & Trade
100 State Capitol
Atlanta, Ga. Ja 3-1706
Frank Griffeth
Burke Dowling Adams
1750 Peachtree Street, N. E.
Atlanta, Ga. Tr 5-0121
Bill Hardman, Mer. Tourist Divn.
Georgia Dept. of Industry & Trade
100 State Capitol
Atlanta, Ga. Ja 3-1706
B. A. Jorgensen
Sears Roebuck Foundation
675 Ponce de Leon Avenue
Atlanta, Ga. 875-8211
Mrs. Maymie Jones, Attorney
321 Standard Federal Savings Bldg.
Atlanta, Ga. 525-2996
General Harold Maddux, Manager
Stone Mountain Memorial Park
Stone Mountain, Georgia 469-9831
Henry McConnell, Dist. Sales Mgr.
Eastern Air Lines
522 W. Peachtree Street N. W.
Atlanta, Ga. 875-8811
Matt McWhorter
Stone Mountain Plantation
Stone Mountain, Ga. 469-9848
Ed Noble
Lenox Square, Inc.
3393 Peachtree Road N. E.
Atlanta, Ga. Ce 3-6767
Joe D. Oliver, Travel Dept.
C & 5 National Bank
Broad & Marietta Street
Atlanta, Ga. 588-2201
Ralph Perkin
Seaboard Airline Railroad
P'tree Center Building
Atlanta, Ga. Ja 1-2179
Miss Ann Poland
Public Relations Dept.
Rich's, Inc. (Main Office)
Atlanta, Ga. Ja 2-636
Harold Random
1758 Colt Drive
Chamblee, Ga. 457-0675
Robert R. Richardson, Attorney
William Oliver Building
Atlanta, Ga. 524~-79h6
Mrs. Billie Tovell
Southeastern Fair Assoc.
P. 0. Box 4988
Atlanta, Ga. 622-3511
(Pres. Atlanta Women's C of C)
W. C,. Thornton
Thornton & Company
P. O. Box 46
Tucker, Ga. 938-3800
(Pres. DeKalb Chamber of Com.)
Steve Styron
Georgia Hotel-Motel Assoc,
Commerce Building
Atlanta, Ga. 524-0811
Stewart Swift
Pan American Airways
Fulton National Building
Atlanta, Ga. Ja 4-7788
Morris Ward, Commercial Artist
5668 Morosgo Drive, N. E.
Atlanta, Ga. 233-3633
Mrs. Grace Watkins
Greyhound Travel Bureau
81 Cain Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Ga. 525-8066
Charles D. McKinney, Jr.
Melton and McKinney, Inc.
432 BE. Howard Avenue
Decatur, Georgia
Mrs. Frank Watkins
Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs,
5th District
2056 Clairmont Terrace
Atlanta, Ga. 634-4855
Mack Widencamp
Atlanta Convention Bureau
1100 Commerce Building
Atlanta, Ga. 525-2088
Reid Williamson, Exec. V. P.
DeKalb Chamber of Commerce
Decatur Federal Building
Decatur, Ga. Dr. 8-3691
Mrs. D. P. Westcott
Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs,
5th District
2706 Winding Lane, N. E.
Atlanta, Ga. 636-2452
Louis Manning
W. R. Bean & Son, Inc.
4800 Fredrick Dr., N. W.
Atlanta, Ga. 344-2020
Mrs. Ward Wight, Jr., Chm.
Annual Spring Egleston Tour of Homes
3496 Knollwood Dr., N. W.
Atlanta, Ga. 237-3256
Lou Corrigan
The Atlanta Magazine
Coumerce Building
Atlanta, Ga. Ja 1-0845
Mrs. J. E. Buffington
Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs &
DeKalb Council of Churches
5559 Rock Springs Road
Lithonia, Ga. 482-6322
Gil Campbell, Projects Manager
DeKalb Chamber of Commerce
Decatur Federal Building
Decatur, Ga. Dr. 8-3691
Ernest Camp
Burke Dowling Adams
1750 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, Ga. Tr 5-O121
Mrs. Mozelle Christian, Mgr. Travel Council
Georgia State Chamber of Commerce
1200 Commerce Building
Atlanta, Ga. Ja 4-881
Don Deaton, Travel Editor
The Atlanta Journal
Atlanta, Ga. Ja 2-5050
Miss Elizabeth Devendorf
Davison's, 180 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, Georgia 5221300
Ed England, Exec. Sec.
Georgia Restaurant Assoc.
1230 Commerce Building
Atlanta, Ga. 524-0811
Jim Fazholz, Dir. of Broadcasting
The Atlanta Braves
P. O. Box Llee
Atlanta, Ga. 522-7630
1965-66 Directors
Miss Madeline Fry, Tourist Dept.
Georgia Dept. of Ind. & Trade
100 State Capitol
Atlanta, Ga. Ja 3-1706
Frank Griffeth
Burke Dowling Adams
1750 Peachtree Street, N. E.
Atlanta, Ga. Tr 5-0121
Bill Hardman, Mer. Tourist Divn.
Georgia Dept. of Industry & Trade
100 State Capitol
Atlanta, Ga. Ja 3-1706
B. A. Jorgensen
Sears Roebuck Foundation
675 Ponce de Leon Avenue
Atlanta, Ga. 875-8211
Mrs. Maymie Jones, Attorney
321 Standard Federal Savings Bldg.
Atlanta, Ga. 525-2996
General Harold Maddux, Manager
Stone Mountain Memorial Park
Stone Mountain, Georgia 469-9831
Henry McConnell, Dist. Sales Mgr.
Eastern Air Lines
522 W. Peachtree Street N. W.
Atlanta, Ga. 875-8811
Matt McWhorter
Stone Mountain Plantation
Stone Mountain, Ga. 469-9848
Ed Noble
Lenox Square, Inc.
3393 Peachtree Road N. E.
Atlanta, Ga. Ce 3-6767
Joe D. Oliver, Travel Dept.
C & 5 National Bank
Broad & Marietta Street
Atlanta, Ga. 588-2201
Ralph Perkin
Seaboard Airline Railroad
P'tree Center Building
Atlanta, Ga. Ja 1-2179
Miss Ann Poland
Public Relations Dept.
Rich's, Inc. (Main Office)
Atlanta, Ga. Ja 2-636
Harold Random
1758 Colt Drive
Chamblee, Ga. 457-0675
Robert R. Richardson, Attorney
William Oliver Building
Atlanta, Ga. 524~-79h6
Mrs. Billie Tovell
Southeastern Fair Assoc.
P. 0. Box 4988
Atlanta, Ga. 622-3511
(Pres. Atlanta Women's C of C)
W. C,. Thornton
Thornton & Company
P. O. Box 46
Tucker, Ga. 938-3800
(Pres. DeKalb Chamber of Com.)
Steve Styron
Georgia Hotel-Motel Assoc,
Commerce Building
Atlanta, Ga. 524-0811
Stewart Swift
Pan American Airways
Fulton National Building
Atlanta, Ga. Ja 4-7788
Morris Ward, Commercial Artist
5668 Morosgo Drive, N. E.
Atlanta, Ga. 233-3633
Mrs. Grace Watkins
Greyhound Travel Bureau
81 Cain Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Ga. 525-8066
Charles D. McKinney, Jr.
Melton and McKinney, Inc.
432 BE. Howard Avenue
Decatur, Georgia
Mrs. Frank Watkins
Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs,
5th District
2056 Clairmont Terrace
Atlanta, Ga. 634-4855
Mack Widencamp
Atlanta Convention Bureau
1100 Commerce Building
Atlanta, Ga. 525-2088
Reid Williamson, Exec. V. P.
DeKalb Chamber of Commerce
Decatur Federal Building
Decatur, Ga. Dr. 8-3691
Mrs. D. P. Westcott
Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs,
5th District
2706 Winding Lane, N. E.
Atlanta, Ga. 636-2452
Louis Manning
W. R. Bean & Son, Inc.
4800 Fredrick Dr., N. W.
Atlanta, Ga. 344-2020
Mrs. Ward Wight, Jr., Chm.
Annual Spring Egleston Tour of Homes
3496 Knollwood Dr., N. W.
Atlanta, Ga. 237-3256