Dublin Core
Box 14, Folder 4, Document 93
Text Item Type Metadata
522 = 1967
TO: Members of Dedication Committee
RE: Stadium Dedication cea
There will be a meeting of the Stadium Dedication Committee
on Tuesday, March ¥, 1966 at 3:30 P. M. in the Authority
Office, Atlanta Stadium.
This is a very important meeting since we hope to finalize
all plans for the Dedication Day. Therefore, you are ur-
gently requested to make every effort to be present.
Sf rae |
~~ ‘Sidney Scarborough Por
Edgar J. Forio, Chairman
Committee on Dedication
Combes uN CM pegTeer rey
POUKIE US Ll Lrae Cuye uu
TA POVULPObeniay) pha
Shug ys Letloeegeq Ge mye AOA OF COE 9) fe Dbewaues:
717 Dye Lew Cpe coaTesT yen peke tf owhepetie hen «as Whe
LyTy gu we aerdk yo oLnpyug Horde Sree me pole YO Lowe piss
OLkIGSe” wey oery tiie
on yneequal wwe Bo pay Me fo a MT Pe Pe ype geek:
$VOGr MTT) ps § Popes eh Cp (Ee Me, PeqpevpTrD (Tey eRe eS
wi ve vqinw | 47) eur ree
Lot (eWpoLY ef perTaugren Pemudt ge
Li Pyuy
er 48) ghee
' pee eh ’ af sev - taf a 1oPoas be eee ae ils Wit Re
522 = 1967
TO: Members of Dedication Committee
RE: Stadium Dedication cea
There will be a meeting of the Stadium Dedication Committee
on Tuesday, March ¥, 1966 at 3:30 P. M. in the Authority
Office, Atlanta Stadium.
This is a very important meeting since we hope to finalize
all plans for the Dedication Day. Therefore, you are ur-
gently requested to make every effort to be present.
Sf rae |
~~ ‘Sidney Scarborough Por
Edgar J. Forio, Chairman
Committee on Dedication
Combes uN CM pegTeer rey
POUKIE US Ll Lrae Cuye uu
TA POVULPObeniay) pha
Shug ys Letloeegeq Ge mye AOA OF COE 9) fe Dbewaues:
717 Dye Lew Cpe coaTesT yen peke tf owhepetie hen «as Whe
LyTy gu we aerdk yo oLnpyug Horde Sree me pole YO Lowe piss
OLkIGSe” wey oery tiie
on yneequal wwe Bo pay Me fo a MT Pe Pe ype geek:
$VOGr MTT) ps § Popes eh Cp (Ee Me, PeqpevpTrD (Tey eRe eS
wi ve vqinw | 47) eur ree
Lot (eWpoLY ef perTaugren Pemudt ge
Li Pyuy
er 48) ghee
' pee eh ’ af sev - taf a 1oPoas be eee ae ils Wit Re