Box 14, Folder 4, Document 112

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Box 14, Folder 4, Document 112

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(Sid Scarbrough, Ernie Johnson, George

Goodwin and Ann Drummond ~- 2/4/65)

In discussing the appropriate date to hold dedication ceremonies, it
agreed that the first game to be played on Aprill9th, would not be the appropriate
time. The reasons brought out included the fact that many areas of the stadium
would not be completed, the landscaping would not be in, the weather is apt to
be inclément, wad the operation of the stadium itself would not have reached the
point of refinement desired for such an important occasion. It was the general
concensus, however, that at the April 9th game the following brief ceremony
would be appropriate.

Utilizing a member of the Braves staff as master of ceremonies, a
local high school band (Murphy High was suggested) could be used to play the
National anthem, a Boy Scout color guard to present colors, the highest ranking
clergy to give a brief invocation, and Mayor Allen to throw out the first ball.

If two people could be utilized for “the first ball bit", The Chairman of the
Fulton County Commissioners should share the honors with the Mayor.

Since the important exhibition game between the Braves and White Sox
is scheduled for June 14, and sinve this is also Flag Day, the middle of the summer
and approximately two and a half months of operating the stadium, it was our feeling,
with the Mayor's enthusiastic concurrence, that this would be the best date to
dedicate the stadium.

In discussing the format of the ceremony, the following suggestions were
made, First, that ne more than 45 minutes be allowed. . . that Arthur Montgomery

serve ae Master of Ceremonies, . . secure the Third Army Band, and the Marine

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Corps color guard, invite Matewilda Dobbe (a native Atlantian with the Metropolitan
Opera) to sing the National Anthem; invite Dr. Billy Graham te deliver the
invocation and invite Senators Russell and Talmadge, our Georgia Congressmen
State and local officials to attend. It was felt that only persons asked to speak
‘(less than one minute each) w9uld be the Governor, and the two Senators. Mayor
Allen specifically requested the honor of throwing out the ball.

Adopting the June 14th date as the Dedication would permit time to
prepare an outstanding sauvenier program, and explore the possibility of securring
several sponsoring Atlanta firma who would buy large blocks of tickets for special
guests and their company associates. : |

If this suggestion is pleasing to the Stadium Authority Yedifation

Committee, it would be extremely important to get an early commitment trorn

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