Dublin Core
Box 14, Folder 12, Document 1
Text Item Type Metadata
October 4, 1966
To: Meyor Ivan Allen, Jr.
From: R. Earl Landers
It is our understanding that Don Slayman, head of Civil
Rights department of AFL-CIO in Washington, D. C.,
is wiring Dr, Martin Luther King doday regarding Dr.
King's interest in the Atlanta Firemen's strike. It is
our understanding that Mr. Slayman is advising Dr. King
that these men were formerly members of an AFL-CIO
affiliated union and as such were sworn not to strike.
It is our further understanding that Mr. Slayman will ad-
vise Dr. King that AFL-CIO has a very keen interest in
the Atlanta strike.
Carl Sutherland was told this morning that one of the
reasons numerous firemen pulled out of the Local #134
and joined the new Independent Union was because AFL-
CIO had contributed $25,000. to NAACP. This, of course,
could well be a lot of gossip and should be used accordingly.
To: Meyor Ivan Allen, Jr.
From: R. Earl Landers
It is our understanding that Don Slayman, head of Civil
Rights department of AFL-CIO in Washington, D. C.,
is wiring Dr, Martin Luther King doday regarding Dr.
King's interest in the Atlanta Firemen's strike. It is
our understanding that Mr. Slayman is advising Dr. King
that these men were formerly members of an AFL-CIO
affiliated union and as such were sworn not to strike.
It is our further understanding that Mr. Slayman will ad-
vise Dr. King that AFL-CIO has a very keen interest in
the Atlanta strike.
Carl Sutherland was told this morning that one of the
reasons numerous firemen pulled out of the Local #134
and joined the new Independent Union was because AFL-
CIO had contributed $25,000. to NAACP. This, of course,
could well be a lot of gossip and should be used accordingly.