Box 14, Folder 12, Document 6

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Box 14, Folder 12, Document 6

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September 22, 1966

Honorable Ivan Allen

Mayor of the City of Atlanta
63 Mitchell Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mayor Allen:

Attached is a copy of my reply to a "fact Sheet" being
circhlated py the firemen's union, of which you are
no doubt aware of.

There are many areas I do not agree with your philos-=-
ophy, but I do not agree with the firemen's union in
regard to the strike which kept Atlanta in an extremely
vulnerable state either. The city handled the situation
very well and if you weege to be subject to criticism, it
would be due to your leniency to the strikers. As I
stated in my reply, I will back our firemen now on duty
and if a raise in pay will attract better men, I am in
favor of such a move.

It is my hope that the majority of Atlantans will express
similar views regarding this so-called fact sheet being

Sn the Bond,

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Robert 8S, Morl
4520 Santa Fe Trail, S.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30331.


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