Box 14, Folder 12, Document 34

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Box 14, Folder 12, Document 34

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Wish oad,

Vi writs) a



The forty hour work weex has become the
accepted standard work week in industry,
city, county, state, and federal agencies
jn all parts of the United states, and

Like the develop:ient in iutdustry, the forty
hour work week or even shorter work weeks
have become the standard reyuirements in
the federal governient, in a majority of
the states and neurly all of tne larsfe
cities and counties in public e.aployient
recognized as part of the better governed
units in our country, and

“he reduction in hours of work has been
achieved in all instances witaout reduction
of pay, now therefore be it

Thet all work perfor:ed by fire fignaters of
the atlanta aire Jepuarticnt in excess of
forty (40) Sours in any one week, be com~
pensated at the rate of time and one-half
of the established rate of pay.

Adopted at the meeting of the wxecutive soard of Local
#134 International association of #ire Fignters on
December 29, 1965 end enoroved by tie full body on
Januery 4, and Januery 11, 1966.

? .

a weiVal., resident


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