Box 14, Folder 12, Document 37

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Box 14, Folder 12, Document 37

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11, 1966

In 1962 .:11 desart.cits oF tue City of ..tisnta,
except the fire Vepartiu:ent wad their vorK week
shortened to forty or forty-four ours, aid

Tne re:ibers of the «tlanta lire vepartrent fave
not had a reduction of hours since the -lan of
mproverent in Janusry 1952, and

The City of atlanta, in the :satter of re‘uired

work week for she rire Department, cas not kept
pace with establisned practices in other\:2jor

cities in tne country, and

Lhe City of atlanta Jersonnel coarad nas enucoulg

tered «reat difficulty in procuring ana retaining
qualified applicints for the sire separt.icnt, cue
lirzely to tne lon work weei:, now therefore be it

thet the Juayor cnd .oard of ..lder.en of the City
of =: tlanta endorse, recouieid and establish by
ordinence covering the tire vepart:sent, a maxi-
mui work week of fifty-six hours (as tne first
step in estadlishin: a forty hour work week for
the rire vepartiwent), and de it further

That such waximun standards be esteblisned with-
out reduction in say, and be it furtéer

that in establishins a fifty-six nour vork week,
the tiree platoon system ve inaugurated, one
platoon Workin: tre Gay suift, one ¢latoon worke-
ing the night shift, and one piatoon bein. off,
eacn working four days and bein:;; off tiio days,
tue cycle tcekins anproxi.ately 12 weeks to com-
plete, at which tiie it would bej;in anew and be
it further

het the fifty-six hour vork week be established
with each plitoon raintaining its present struc-
ture and complizent of officers, ensincers,
drivers, tillerren, etc, which is now in effect
with tie two platoon system.

.dopted at tue meeting, of tre uxecutive’ soard of Local j;134
interne tional «issociation of sire #i.hters on veceber 29,
1965 anda

boroved by tie full body on Januury 4, and January

OM Yiher.

Ue Ue biceViLR, President

r = eee


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