Box 14, Folder 12, Document 86

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Box 14, Folder 12, Document 86

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Sep. 14, 1966

The Atlanta Journal
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Sir:

It's doubtful that you'll print this letter
since you're obviously backing the City political
machine, but you should know that the general public
has nothing but comtempt for the so-called loyal

Loyal to whom? Certainly not the citizens of
Atlanta, They know the largest objection of the
striking firemen is the lowering of qualifications
the city has been insisting upon - even to the extent
that men labeled as cowardly and unfit by the training
school have been put to work! All of this, of course,
brought on by the low salaries and long hours being
unattractive to the quality of men needed,

In reality - the striking men are the men really
loyal to the people - they are willing to put every-
thing they have, as individuals, in jeopardy, in order
to keep Atlanta's Fire Department on the professional
level a city of this caliber should have.

These so-called loyal firemen are simply afraid
of fighting for what they know is right - fear of
losing @ paycheck - or an opportunity for a promotion -
and in some cases, hoping to get an unearned position
by default. In other words, the weak members stayed on
the job - refusing to even back up the men fighting for
thems I hope there are no fires involving lives because
these men won't take a risk.

Five-hundred fifty men are by far the majority.
They couldn't be all wrong:

Iwonder how Mayor Allen can face the citizens
knowing he could have averted this situation by simply
letting a Judge decide theissue. His pride has Atlanta
in a dangerous and serious situation.


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