Dublin Core
Box 15, Folder 1, Document 7
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Feb ruary 13 ? 1 96 9 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
R, EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS, ANN M, MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison
To: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
From; Dan Sweat
Subject: Urban Coalition
In determining whether or not a formal ''Urban Coalition" should be
established in Atlanta, I feel the following points should be considered:
1. The National Urban Coalition will apparently be a key communications
link to the Nixon Administration, Whereas in the past, the heavily
Democratic dominated National League of Cities and U. S. Conference
of Mayors have enjoyed a key position in national administration
affairs, they might not have quite the muscle with the Republicans,
John Gardner does have.
2, It is abundantly clear that the Nixon Administration intends to
funnel as many urban programs as possible through the private,
business sector, This will require some sort of coordination
among business and government at the local level and metro level.
3, There probably will be a greater need and demand for an identifiable
local coalition after you leave the office of Mayor. The next Mayor
certainly won't be the leader of the ''power structure’! and probably
not even a member of it.
4, Ifa real coalition is formed, it must be done by the ''power structure"!
and supported by the very top leadership.
5. A meaningful coalition should attempt to get metro representation.
If it is to set the rules for the city in the future it must be geared to
influence annexation, dispersed housing, planning for industry,
transportation, etc,
Mayor Allen
Page Two
February 13, 1969
6. Someone should look into the Winston-Salem Urban Coalition. They
have already raised $1.7 million for coalition activities, plus some
$2.5 million for a Housing Development Corporation. I understand
they met the other day and raised $120, 000 for summer programs,
If we had just a fraction of that kind of money to "'sell' projects, we
could multiply it many fold.
7. #j%\envision an Urban Coalition whose membership would consist of
every organization wishing to identify with it and which would get
together as a whole at one big annual dinner. A small executive
committee of power structure ''statesmen" would set the policies
and priorities between annual meetings and communicate to the
community through a small high powered staff,
DS: fy