Box 15, Folder 1, Document 71

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Box 15, Folder 1, Document 71

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October 23, 1967

TO: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
FROM: Dan Sweat

SUBJECT: Wednesday A.M. meeting of Local Urban Coalition

The following format is suggested for the Wednesday meeting:
1, Mayor briefly state background for formation of National Urban Coalition.

(a) Grew from a concern that the country 's national priorities placed
the problems of our urban cities far down the list -- behind Defense,
Space, Agriculture, Highways, etc.

(b) The need for a reordering of priorities to make cities the No. 1
concern of the nation.

(c) Congress not only has an attitude which is freezing urban expenditures,
but is actually cutting back on social programs of long standing. (The
Social Security amendments as passed by the House freezes the number
of aid to families with dependent children to current levels, which
would mean that Atlanta or Fulton County DFCS could certify no more
AFDC cases than the total number at present. )

2. Who makes up Urban Coalition?

(a) National Steering Committee of 33 members. Mayors of urban cities,
top labor leaders, businessmen, civil rights leaders, educators and
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3. What does it do?

(2) This coalition pulls together the key elements in cities for
discussion and joint actions on the major urban problem areas --
slums, poverty, unemployment, housing, education, etc.

(b) The coalition will distribute information among its members on
pending legislation before Congress and conduct an educational
campaign to make the nation aware of the massive problems which.
cities face.

(c) The coalition will attempt to stimulate interest by private business
to provide jobs and programs in cities (the $1 billion Insurance
Industry Housing Program resulted from the Urban Coalition)
and develop resources from all other areas to bring maximum
impact on urban problems.

4. What can an Atlanta Urban Coalition do?

(a) Act as a communications link between National Coalition and local

(b) Provide an identifiable group representing all areas of Atlanta life
to convene and bring to bear on any city crisis.

(c) Stimulate maximum cooperation and coordination among organizations.

(d) Act as a sounding board for new program proposals and recommend
where certain programs should be placed.

(e) Provide support from local community for legislative proposals to
the National Congress and State Legislature.

(f) Assist City in determining local priorities.

5. Mayor ask for comments on proposal and on draft resolution.

6. Mayor ask for endorsement of National Coalition Goals.

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7. Suggested Steps for Follow-Up.

volunteers to provide staff assistance. (Perhaps some organiza- | \
tion has a person they could assign to ooordinate the program
full-time. It doesn't have to be done from City Hall.)

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(a) Mayor's Office will coordinate Coalition initially, but encourage

(b) Other organizations who express interest in joining will be added
and kept informed.

8. Mayor mention probabil

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holding conference here on s eee=ebee 15th to cease ware petveee
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