Box 15, Folder 2, Document 23

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Box 15, Folder 2, Document 23

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The Director Speaks .c<< sels oscw eis

"The Model Cities Program, authorized by the
Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development
Act of 1966, provides technical and financial assis-
tance to help communities plan and carry out com-
prehensive programs to upgrade social, economic, and
physical conditions in blighted neighborhoods.

A total of 150 communities have received
planning funds since the first grants were made in
November 1967.

Atlanta was one of the first 63 cities to
receive its planning grants and is among the first
communities in the Model Cities Program to submit
its comprehensive program to receive funds to carry
eut its first year projects.

The Atlanta Model Cities document includes a
definitive use of HUD Supplemental Funds, describing
allocaticns for programs and projects, representing
a total of $7,175,000 in Model Cities supplemental
funds. In addition to these funds, the Atlanta
Program has been given fund assurances for other
programs by the Department of Housing and Urban Develop-
ment, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare,
the Department of Labor and the Office of Economic
Opportunity for activities in the Model Neighborhood.
These funds will represent an additional $16 million
for our first year programs.

The Model Cities Program is a new concept and we
have all learned as we have gone and are going along.
We recognize the fact that if our urban problems are
to advance toward solution, it is important, if not
imperative, that we alter our attitudes and previously
caged philosophies. The program is designed to contribute
to a well-balanced city containing a mixture of the facili-
ties and services needed to serve the diverse groups
living and working in the city and includes projects and
activities further designed to make services and facilities,
jobs and housing outside the Model Neighborhood more
accessible to neighborhood residents.

We have made conscientous and serious efforts to
reap productive involvement from the neighborhood re-
sidents. Our document includes and reflects the con-
structive participation of the residents in planning
and the implementation of this program.

We have compiled a summation of the program which
we submitted to HUD and includes the allocations for
program areas listing their major projects."

----- Johnny Johnson

atlanta model cities

673 capitol ave.s.w. atlanta ga.30315 524-8876
Atlanta's model neighborhood covers 3,000 acres, and includes
48,000 people living in six sub neighborhoods, The target area ranks
far below the rest of the city in income, employment, education and
heelth. a

The unemployment rate for the model neighborhood is 15 percent
compared to 2.8 percent for the city. Over half of model neighborhood
families have poverty level incomes and only 29 percent of neighborhood
residents have incomes above $5,000 a year. Almost twice as many model
neighborhood students drop out of high school before graduation as
compared to the city as a whole, and 78 percent of neighborhood parents
did not complete high school. There are no physicians or dentists
living or practicing in the model neighborhood. About 70 percent of
the model neighborhood population is Negro.

Atlanta's five year program was devéloped with the help:of 11 central
committees made up of residents from counterpart program subcommittees
in each of six sub-neighborhoods. The City Demonstration Agency: (CDA)
including staff members on loan from other public and private agencies
provided the committees with technical assistance and staff work for
the planning. Plans went from the central committee to the 16-member
Sseering Committee of the Model Neighborhood Mass Convention, which was
oren to all neighborhood residents. The Model Neighborhood Executive
Beard, composed of chairmen of elected councils in the six neighborhoods,
4.x public officiels, and two citizens at large appointed by the Mayor,
as responsible for policy guidance during the planning and final .
e,vroval of plans before submission to the Atlanta Board of Aldermen.

Five Year Strategy

The Atlanta Model Cities program will focus on widening cree
for model neighborhood residents while ane eae a eee a Sige
to allow residents ant
causes of socio-economic deprivation adva :
iti Atlanta will concentrate
tual opportunities. To realize this goal |
a Sreavans Cie support one another and generate benefits beyond initial


According to standards set by residents and the CDA, priority

programs are those directed at meeting basic needs cages Sa aaa
residents. These are housing, Ureneporus’ sc? eee eee aC .
jn social services, an
Residents felt that other programs | cre
ted to these primary goals 4
lture, and health, are closely rela ae
cantor be fully appreciated until more severe conditions are alleviated

To improve job information and Perey ‘the Georgia State
Employment Service would operate a communications s wit!
located in four outreach posts to relay Job information to
residents as rapidly as possible. A Job Mobile eae provide
‘services to the outreach offices for recruiting residents and trans-
porting them to outreach offices for perenvels: and to job sites for —

Many residents are unable to take advantage of job o:
they lack money for transportation, clothes of Painoe Be
To overcome these problems, the program would Lees direct
maintenance funds for eye-glasses and denta and an
assistance fund to help the new employee meet crac tset
first pay day.

These activities vould support eee,

N , National Alliance of Businessmen, which
fj create jobs for the hard-core unemplo:
} job opportunities and reducing the high,

To strengthen existing small Peace and
to locate in the model neighborhood, At!
Devetonment meee tae aon to ee ae ioe
c operat z
eee eet Supplenent ing fase Saas a Cha
to be established for model neighborhood cee pro
give aid to model es ‘businesses and b

An existing Outreach Program aie provides tec
to small businesses will be cha . ‘
neighborhood. This program, by 2
Tee gives training in bookkeeping, :
techniques as they apply to. the actual opera

‘Satisfactory Community Environment

_ The Atlanta program seeks to eliminate several major sources of
blight and decay in the model neighborhood. A Sewer Program Study will
determine the best means of controlling the flooding and overflow of
old sewers, and faulty sewers will be reconstructed or replaced under
the Neighborhood Development Program. Programs to replace and repair
water mains and to increase rubbish collection are also included.~

" Housing

The housing program, identified by model neighborhood residents as

a top priority, aims to increase the number of families living in adequate
housing by 6,432 or 160 percent. Home ownership among model neighborhood
families would be increased by 25 percent.

- A key element in Atlanta's housing strategy is establishing a

Modél Neighborhood Housing Center to include a nonprofit Housing Development
and Rehabilitation Corporation and a Home Ownership Agency. The Center
would provide extensive housing services to residents and promote self-
help programs of housing rehabilitation and construction. The Center will
also attempt to promote equal opportunity in housing and assist residents
who want to move to other parts of the city. The Housing Corporation would
“encourage rehabilitation and construction by sponsoring housing :
‘projects, providing seed money for sponsors, and doing the technical
‘preparation for housing projects that would then be bid on by commercial
‘builders. ;

+ Other programs for housing construction and renewal planned under
the Neighborhood Development progrem would be supplemented by © Code
Enforcement program.

Job gee and recruitment

Direct Medical Maintenance
Job readiness-Resident Welfare Fund
Manpower Study; Data Gathering

mee Day B
Pre-School eS .

Group Practice oo Facility
croup, Health and SS t, ar
Pants Benches Group: in

Crime Data compilation at
Juvenile Delinquency Prevent
Group Foster Home| i

United Youth Outreach ;

Spacianived 5 eee es eNGae en
Public Facilities.

aeueecs Deere and Rehabilitation Corp.
bani: Center

To meet a serious shortage of day care facilities
of working parents, Atlanta would use a combination ae
tended Day Program for school children and fot t
olds will be supplemented by training ré x
cis and block mothers to care for ch

essionals to work te the.

feasted By a variety such serv
learn and communicate good habits in

Existing resources would be expanded
decal: services in the model neig
expanded to serve all residents who need it,
“J as presently to recipients of public welfa
| would be expanded to include aay care, mee
older persons.


by residents' inability to age te to medical fa
pay for adequate care, and insuffic ent.

To remedy these conditions, Atlanta plans a |
grams to ors health pee to eae


The high school dropout rate for the model neighborhood is 8.9
percent compared to 4.9 percent for the city.

To combat these problems, Atlanta's comprehensive program for
upgrading education includes construction of new schools, expanded
vocational education programs, curriculum redevelopment, pre-school
activities, and adult education. Existing programs such as Curriculum
Aides and Teacher Aides would continue. New programs such as the
Extended Day Program to keep schools open 11 hours a day, a Twelve
Month School program for all model neighborhood high schools, and a
Communications Skills Laboratory are designed to increase the impact
.of the schools on the community. To deal with environmental effects
on the education process, plans call for School Social Workers, a
Parent Education program to help parents with home related problems,
and a-program of Curriculum Development and Family Living to improve
the self confidence and social acceptance of children. Atlanta also
plans a special Middle School for children in grades 6-8.

Crime and Delinquency Prevention

Although crime and delinquency rates are expected to drop as @
result of other programs to alleviate basic causes of socio-economic
411s, the Atlanta program calls for immediate activities.

The Georgia State Department of Criminal Justice would conduct
a Crime Data Compilation project to further assess and offer approaches
to solving the crime problem in the model neighborhood. An existing
program of using model neighborhood residents as Community Service
Officers attached to the Crime Prevention Bureau would be expanded.

To prevent juvenile delinquency from becoming a problem of crime, the
‘program calls for a United Youth Outreach program in which young

people would be employed by the Atlanta Children's Youth Council to
reach "hard core" young people in the model neighborhood. A Group
Foster Home for Delinquents and Pre-délinquents will also be established
to serve adoleseent boys between the ages of 14 - 16.

Recreation and Culture

The limited recreational and cultural facilities in the neighborhood
do not meet the needs of residents. Transportation difficulties prevent
the majority of residents from benefiting from existing recreational

: The program calls for buying land suitable for development of open
space parks, Block Parks and Playlots. Park facilities will have full-time
recreation staffs to provide organized recreation activities for all age
groups. As an interim measure while parks are being developed, the
program proposes five Mobile Recreation Centers to provide recreational
opportunities for residents.

The program also calls for activities to develop cultural pride
and encourage self-expression among residents through classes in music,
drama, dance, visual arts, and creative writing. Professional artists
working with classes of 20 are expected to reach 1800 model neighborhood
residents a week in this program.

The program proposes three store-front libraries within easy access
of bus routes and parking facilities.




Unless transportation faciliti
: lit i
residents will be unable to tose “eS are improved, model neighborhood

health services. advantage of Job opportunities or

ntra System to provide trans
= Bu: i rtation f i
within the model neighborhood and to eran areas Se a
wae ee ox provide access to shopping facilities
‘ 9 Bn> PO=nLS Ob cranster to ‘other bus route
ard : : es. Al E
plaored is a system of specialized péssenger vans for aronemicet dey

care chillren, the elderly. + i ;
ict y, the handicapped, and those in need of

Programs for street repai i
rs pair and widening, sidewal
erid streel lighting will be continued and as = cafes

Resident Involvement

The program calls for a series of special activities to increase
the quality and quantity of both model neighborhood resident involvement
and mutual involvement of neighborhood and city residents in the program.
An incorporated nonprofit Model Cities Resident Organization would become
the central body for recruiting residents, involving residents in future

Model Cities planning and working with other groups in the neighborhood.
To organize neighborhood youth and coordinate youth activities, a Model
Cities Atlanta Youth Council would be established to serve residents age


The Atlanta program also proposes a special Resident Training

project to give residents skills in leadership, self-help activities

and social planning.

A-newly created Community Relations Commission

would direct a program to increase city-wide participation in Model
‘Cities through activities such as a Talent Bank to increase the use of
volunteers and a series of Town Hall meetings throughout the city.




David F. Caldwell, Assistant Director for Administration

Donald V. Holland, Senior Budget Analyst
Velma L. Carr (Miss), Principal Stenographer
Mary Ann Ryder, (Miss), Senior Stenographer
Howard Turnipseed, College Intern

Edna Lockett, (Mrs.) Resident Trainee


B. T. Howell, Program Coordinator

Alan Wexler, Technical Writer i
Joseph A. Stroud, Program Specialist

Roslyn Walker (Mrs.), Evaluation Analyst
Mitchell A. Mitchell, System Analyst

Pat Akin (Mrs.), Stenographer

Bayard Irwin, Research Specialist


James L. Weight, Jx., Director of Physical Development
Louis Orosz, Physical Planning Coordinator

Michael Lewallen, Graphics Specialist

John Sluss, Draftsman

Barbara Hawk (Miss), Stenographer

" a ha his a 23 ami any ee ee kd — El ot

James R. Shimkus, Director of Social Developm
Davey L. Gibson, Social Planning Coordinator
Frances Eisenstat, (Mrs.) Social EaapDens ass
eran. Warden, Cx eee) Social Pla
vo Warden, © and Sel aanenao nner
Willie Es ; ho ee On (Mrs) Social pisiher

0: D: Purp, es Ee », State, abe as
EX, ¥ en ve
Winfred knights a careerist
ae Deva eee - Department Representati
ne, State tative
Jim Culp, Economic Sevbloceene Planner I
Rose M. Petting (Miss), Economic Development Program Specialist

De epee ee teeey Reisese uoed nies ae
Rose- e Stewar ss), Ne Organizer
Lyall Scott, Neighborhood Organizer

Maria McDonald (Mrs.), Stenographer

Ruby M. Coleman (Mrs.), Community Relations Assistant
Laverne Maddox (Mrs.), Community Relations Assistant
Elizabeth Lee (Mrs.), Community Relations Assistant
Mary A. Roberts (Mrs. ae Community Relations Assistant
Elizabeth Parks (Mrs.), Community Relations Assistant
Eleanor Rakestraw (Mrs.), Community Relations Assistant
Betty Tye, (Mrs.) Community Relations Assistant


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