Box 15, Folder 2, Document 35

Dublin Core


Box 15, Folder 2, Document 35

Text Item Type Metadata


January 27, 1969

TOs , Mr. Johnny C. vonngens Director, Atlanta Model Cities

- Program Agency
FROM: Jack C. Delius, -General Manager of Parks and Recreetion
SUBJECT: 1969 Program, Atlenta Model Cities

In resvonse to your memorandum of January 16, 1969 which had attached
thereto a schedule of projects to be underteken by the Department of
Parks during 1969, we wish to make the following cotsments end

$60,000 from the 1969 Park improvement Program has been allocated for
Model Cities for the purpose of developing existing and new park lands.
Approval must now be obtained from the Citizen's Park Advisory Com- j
Mittee before the entire 1969 Park Improvement Budget is voted into
law by the Board of Aldermen,

$22,000 has been set aside in Account No. G 34-62-773-7-1, "Purchase
of Land for Park Purposes," as this department's contribution toward
the purchase of vacant land for block parks and playiots.

Regarding our requested commitment that sufficient staff and equipment
are available to complete the projects outlined on your attachments,

we are assuming that the Parks Committee of the Board of Aldermen

would place top priority on each and every one of these items and
would, in fact, not object if the respective Model Cities Park Improve-
ment projects and purchase of additional lands preempted all other

1969 capital projects. In other words, items covered in the Model
Cities Project will take priority over Urban Beautification and the
regular 1969 Park Improvement Program

As to your request that we state "..... can foresee no reason why
these projects cannot be completed as required," we will have to have
the full cooperation of other agencies, such as the City Law Depart-
ment and the City Land agent, in expediting appreisals, preparation
of construction contracts, etc. With their assistance we can, in
fact, foresee no reason why these projects cannot be completed as
Memorendum to: ‘ -~ 2- January 27, 1969
Mr, Johnny C. Johnson, Director
Model Cities Program Agency

The Model Cities staff, working with the Parks and Recreation staff
who had been loaned to Model Cities on e fulltime basis, have deter~
mined that the following additional stef£& personnel are needed for
parks in the Model Cities area:

Locations Existing Additional Staff Cost
Staff Needed
Adair Park 2 1 Recreation Leader $ 4,632.00
Pittman Park 4 l Recreation Leader 4,632,00
*Stenton Park 2 » il Recreation Leader 4,635.00
*Key Park = "0 1 Community Center
Director 5,712.00
2 Recreation Leaders 9,274.00
*Grant Park 0 1 Community Center
Director 5, 712,00
2 Recreation Leaders 9,274.00
Dodd Avenue 2 0 0
71 Little Street 2 0 0
Total L2 9 $43,868.00

*Parks above are without recreational programs. The funds requested
($12,000) will be used to equip and initiate recreational program

We understand that the Personnel Department is presently reviewing
requests from all departments that need additional staff to
implement Model Cities 1969 Program and, of course, we cannot
commit ourselves to the operation of a program unless the above
personnel are supplied.

JCD: jw

cc: Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.
Aldermanic Parks Committee ;
Mr. R. Earl Landers, Mayor's Office
Mr. Charles L. Davis, Director of Finance
Mr. Stanley T. Martin, Jr., Asst. Gen. Mgr. of Parks
Mr. A. P. Brindley, Parks Engineer .


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