Dublin Core
Box 15, Folder 2, Document 40
Text Item Type Metadata
Project Description Total Cost
Develop Existing and New Daniel Stanton Neighborhood Park = 10;;000*
Park Land
James L. Key Neighborhood Park 30,000*
Pittman Expanded Neighborhood Park
developed. 16,000*
Adair Neighborhood Park developed 16,000*
Peoplestown Block Park developed 36,000*
Block Park and Playlot developed 12,000*
Purchase Vacant Land for Pittsburgh Playlot purchased; 130, 000**
Block Parks and Playlots
Adair Park Playlot purchased;
Mechanicsville Playlot #1 pur-
chased; Mechanicsville Playlot
#2 purchased; Summerhill Playlot
#2 purchased: Peoplestown Block Park
purchased; Grant Park Playlot purchased.
* $60,000 in city funds, $24,000
Housing and Urban Development,
Bureau of Recreation.
*x This amount is made of $22,000
supplemental funds and $65,000
in funds from Department of
$36,000 in funds from U.S.
in city funds, $43,000 in
in grant funds from HUD.
Parks Department
Page 2
Recreation Programs and Staff
Park Recreation Programs
Park Recreation Staff
Public Information Director
Recreation Advisory
Continue existing recreation programs $ 73,000
and staff. Add 10 full time recreation 12,000
professionals. Develop programs not 47,000
existing in parks and establish addi-
tional recreation facilities.
Add one full time public information (8,000).
Add six citizen advisory councils 1,000 )
on recreation and 12 workshops on all
phases of recreation and cultural pro-
1. The above amounts have been appropriated in our 1969 Budget.
2. The necessary staff and equipment are available within the department to complete this work dur-
ing the 1969 fiscal year.
3. Present staff is adequate to make applications for the required federal grants and to implement
the programs as described above during the 1969 fiscal year.
Project Description Total Cost
Develop Existing and New Daniel Stanton Neighborhood Park = 10;;000*
Park Land
James L. Key Neighborhood Park 30,000*
Pittman Expanded Neighborhood Park
developed. 16,000*
Adair Neighborhood Park developed 16,000*
Peoplestown Block Park developed 36,000*
Block Park and Playlot developed 12,000*
Purchase Vacant Land for Pittsburgh Playlot purchased; 130, 000**
Block Parks and Playlots
Adair Park Playlot purchased;
Mechanicsville Playlot #1 pur-
chased; Mechanicsville Playlot
#2 purchased; Summerhill Playlot
#2 purchased: Peoplestown Block Park
purchased; Grant Park Playlot purchased.
* $60,000 in city funds, $24,000
Housing and Urban Development,
Bureau of Recreation.
*x This amount is made of $22,000
supplemental funds and $65,000
in funds from Department of
$36,000 in funds from U.S.
in city funds, $43,000 in
in grant funds from HUD.
Parks Department
Page 2
Recreation Programs and Staff
Park Recreation Programs
Park Recreation Staff
Public Information Director
Recreation Advisory
Continue existing recreation programs $ 73,000
and staff. Add 10 full time recreation 12,000
professionals. Develop programs not 47,000
existing in parks and establish addi-
tional recreation facilities.
Add one full time public information (8,000).
Add six citizen advisory councils 1,000 )
on recreation and 12 workshops on all
phases of recreation and cultural pro-
1. The above amounts have been appropriated in our 1969 Budget.
2. The necessary staff and equipment are available within the department to complete this work dur-
ing the 1969 fiscal year.
3. Present staff is adequate to make applications for the required federal grants and to implement
the programs as described above during the 1969 fiscal year.