Box 15, Folder 2, Document 49

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Box 15, Folder 2, Document 49

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[etn es wae JAN 24 1969
Room 645
Janwi\ry 16, 1969

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Office of the Regional Administrator



Mr. Johnny C. Johnson

City Demonstration Agency
673 Capitol Avenue
Atlanta, Georgia 30315

Dear Mr. Johnson:

Subject: Model Cities Program

Following review by the Regional Interagency Coordinating Committee

the Atlanta Comprehensive City Demonstration Program (CCDP) has now
been reviewed by the Washington Interagency Committee, and, as
indicated in our letter to Mayor Allen of January 14, 1969, the Depart-
ment of Housing and Urban Development annoimced approval of the Atlanta

Program on January 8, 1969.

| The following work items must be accomplished, however, before a grant
| contract can be offered by HUD:

| 1) Submission of your revised budget for program administration (See
my letter dated December 26, 1968.

2) Submission of your statement of non-federal contribution showing
eligibility for the supplemental grant of $7,175,000. As you know, all
projects for which the CDA claims “base” must be submitted to HUD in
accordance with CDA #7 and CDA #1, Page 16. Where they exist, you may
wish to submit project descriptions or summaries thereof from existing

3) Submission of a letter from the area CAMPS committee stating that
the committee has reviewed and approved the CCDP. I wnderstand this
was accomplished on January 6 and a letter from the CAMPS committee so
stating will be sufficient.

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Page 2

In addition to the foregoing, I want to share with you the following
comments and recommendations «oneerning various components of your plan
based on the Washington review and on your conversations on January 14
with Don Dodge, Area Desk Officer, and Tom Williams, Atlante Coordinator:

Resident Involvement - I unders\and that you discussed with Messrs. Dodge
and Williams projects RE-O02N ari RE-OO3N as well as projects CD -0011N
and CD-0O12N, all of which are to be operated by the Atlanta Youth Council.
It would be helpful if you would supplement the existing project descript-
ions with a short statement desc:\ibing the Atlanta Youth gowct) and
indicating the relationship among these four projects.

% - With regard to Projec\: EM-O14N which provides funds for
job-training activities, there wil need to be further consideration
of that pert of the project which contemplates training for sewing machine
eperators since it appears the Depa tment of Lebor has further questions
concerning the proposal. Mr. Willisias will be in touch with you in the
near future to arrange a meeting wit) appropriate members of your staff
end the state and federal agencies concerned.

Economic Development - One of the concerns noted during the Washington
review was that there appeared to be n« link between the Development
Corporation (EC-001N) and the Outreach Project (EC-O03C). However, I
understand that the same sponsor is contemplated for EC-003C and for

the Single-Purpose Develepment Corporation (EC-005N) and that both projects
will work with the financial pool to be created wnder BC-001. I also
understand that you are submitting an application for funding to the
Economic Development Administration and that some changes in project
descriptions and budgets may be necessitated depending on the result of
this application.

Education - As indicated during your meeting with the Interagency
Coordinating Committee, a statement clarifying the city’s maintenance

of effort in this component should be submitted in the near future. It
would also be advisable to have letters from the Atlanta Board of
Education and the State Department of Education indicating review and
concurrence in your plan. I would also like t» reiterate the concern
previeusly expressed to you by the RICC that the programs proposed in
this component do not appear to provide the means to make the educational
system more responsive to the felt needs and expressed views of residents.
This should be further considered by the CDA for the purpose of design-
ing remedial proposals. With regard to Project ED-030N, I understand
this is for the purpose of assisting the CDA to evaluate new educational
programs to be implemented under the Model Cities plan and is not for
evaluation of existing programs.
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Page 3

Health - I understand that a non-profit corporation, entitled the Model
Neighborhood Better Health Corporation has recently been established
composed of elected resident representatives, representatives of the
four local medical and dental societies and three social service s,zencies
which will be responsible for operating the major programs in this
component. <A short statement describing the corporation and its
relationship to the local professional agencies would be helpful,. I
would also suggest that the corporation, if it is to be the sponsoring
agency for the proposed health facility, should be advised to begin
discussion with the Atlanta FHA Insuring Office at the earliest possible

Transportation - I understand that project TR-O17N, entitled, Public

Facilities Impact Evaluation will in fact be a consultant study for the i
purpose of developing specific transportation recommendaticns and is not

an evaluation of first year activities in this component.

Housing - With regard to project HR-OO5N, Housing Center, I understand
that Messrs. Dodge and Williams discussed with you the advisability of
seeking an appropriate sponsor in lieu of CDA operation of the project
and that you are now in the process of exploring this matter.

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I would urge your immediate attention to those items 1/sted above which
must be completed to enable us to move toward tendering of the grant
agreement. Mr. Williams will, of course, be available for discussion
should you have any questions on these matters.

Sincerely yours,

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Earl H. Metzger, Jr. !

Assistant Regional Administrator
for Model Cities


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