Box 15, Folder 2, Document 54

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Box 15, Folder 2, Document 54

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Tuesday, June 10, 1969
10:00 a.m.

The monthly meeting of the Model Neighborhood Executive Board was
held on Tuesday, June 10, 1969 at 10:00 a.m. in Committee Room #2,
City Hall.

The following members were present:

Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., Chairman
Mrs. Mattie Ansley

Mr. Clarence Coleman

Mr. John Hood

Alderman E. Gregory Griggs
Alderman G. Everett Millican
Mr. Walter Mitchell

Mrs. Martha Weems

Mr. Joe Whitely


Mr. Sam Caldwell

Deacon Lewis Peters
Mr. J. D. Newberry
Dr. C. Miles Smith
Mr. Bill Wainwright

Other City Department Heads, representatives from neighborhood
organizations and the press were also present.

The chairman, Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., called the meeting to order.
He then entertained a motion for the adoption of the May 14 Minutes.
It was so moved and unanimously approved without correction.


Mrs. Weems reported for the Mass Convention Steering Committee. She
said that several resolutions will be presented to the Board followi
the Mass Convention meeting on Sunday, June 15. Mrs. Weems also
reported that the Steering Committee had been incorporated under the
name of Stadium Heights, Inc., and have now been designated to be
the recipient of a $72,000 grant of OEO/HUD funds for training assis
tance to Model Neighborhood residents. The purpose of the Mass
Convention Meeting will be to get its approval before proceeding fur
ther with compliance of the requirements to receive the grant.

Mr. Millican read the recommendation from the Review Committee which
approved the projects for implementation and recommended the execu-
tion of contracts with the Atlanta Board of Education and the Georgia
State Employment Service. A list of these projects were distributed
to all Board members.

Mr. Mitchell moved that the recommendation be approved by the Board.
Mrs. Weems seconded the motion. The Mayor then asked if there was
any discussion of the motion and recommendation. Mr. Coleman said
that he felt that he was not in a position to give an intelligent
vote because of his lack of information about the projects involved.
He said that he as a Board member should be more informed and that
the community should be more informed. The Mayor outlined the pro-
cedure that has been followed in disseminating information about the
projects and activities of the Model Cities Program to the Board
members and the Model Neighborhood Area residents. He also gave
background information on the formation and function of the Review
Committee that he appointed to review all projects in the program
and to make recommendations to the entire Board. He invited Mr. Cole
man to serve on that Committee and invited other Board members to
sit in on the meetings if they desired. Mr. Coleman accepted the
seat on the Review Committee.

Mr. Coleman then suggested that the Board be divided into committees
to correspond with the areas included inthe program and that these
committees should meet regularly with the Model Cities Staff.

Mr. Johnson stated that the Staff would be happy to meet with any
of the Board members at any time. He also stated that there were
already existing Board committees that correspond with the areas

of the program, and that these committee should be utilized rather
than establishing new ones.

A vote was then taken on the previous motion to approve the recommen-
dation of the Review Committee. The motion was approved by the Board


Mr. Johnson asked for the Board's approval to transfer funds from
Project HR-003N to the Multi-Purpose Facility Project. It has been
necessary to increase the size of the building from 15,000 feet to
20,100 feet, and the cost has increased from $180,000 to $280,000.
Mr. Hood moved that the transfer be approved and the contract be
awarded to the bidder. The motion was seconded and unanimously

Mr. Johnson also asked approval to reimburse the Georgia State Employ
ment Service in the amount of $21,966 for salaries of the staff they
provided the program last year and this year. Mr. Griggs moved that
the Georgia State Employment Service be reimburse the $21,966. The
motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
Mr. Johnson then asked for approval to proceed with Project No.
EM-O14N for staffing only The project needs two employees to do
the intitial paper work and interviewing to get the project in
motion. A discussion followed on whether the two employees would
be area residents. Mr. Fulp from the Georgia State Employment
Service said that the two positions called for professional inter-
viewers with experience in the State Employment System. Further
discussion followed on the steps taken to actually seek out Model
Neighborhood residents for positions available in the Model Cities
Program. As a result of the discussion, the Mayor proposed that
Mr. Coleman make a motion that the GSES be required to hire Model
Neighborhood residents to fill the two positions in Project No.
EM-O14N. Mr. Hood seconded the motion. Mr. Johnson then stated
that the Board should concern itself with the greater issue of
employment rather than two individual positions and suggested that
a general policy be established as a guide for the employment prac-
tices of all agencies involved in the program. Mr. Hood then offered
an amendment to the motion to state that priority be given to com-
munity residents for the positions in Project EM-O14N. Mr. Coleman
accepted the amendment and the motion was approved.

The Mayor then re-emphasized the fact that no one should be hired
for any job unless a basic effort has been made to hire from the
Model Cities Area. He then appointed Mr. Coleman, Mr. Millican and
Mrs. Weems to draft a policy statement that outlines the Board's
position that an all out effort must be made by agencies under con-
tract with the program to hire all of their personnel from the Area
or to provide training for residents to fill other positions. The
special committee is to report at the next Board meeting.

Mr. Johnson introduced two new members to the staff. They are:

Samuel Russell, Jr. Howard E. Turnipseed
Director of Program Management Contract Administrator


Mr. Whitley brought tothe Board's attention that there is a different
policy by the Board of Education for condeming and taking property
needed for school expansion. There is no assistance offered for
families who are displaced. Mr. Johnson concurred with Mr. Whitley's
report. He stated that Project HR-041N provides special relocation
assistance for families that are displaced and are not in a clearance
area. This project was designed because of the failure of some
agencies to provide relocation assistance. The Mayor asked Mr. Whitle
to get a full report on the amount of property that will be taken by
the Board of Education and to give a report at the next meeting.

Mr. Hood commented that committees are constantly being appointed

to handle different activities rather than using the ones that already
exist. Mr. Coleman requested that each Board members receive a

list of the committees and their members. He also proposed that the
Board discuss the function and structure of the committees at the

next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 a.m.


Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr., Chairman
Model Neighborhood Executive Board


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