Box 15, Folder 2, Document 68

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Box 15, Folder 2, Document 68

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§ 2-39 ATLANTA CODE § 2-40.1

recommendations with references to civil defense; to super-
vise the expenditure of appropriations made to civil defense
by the city for civil defense purposes, and to handle all matters
in connection therewith. (Code 1953, § 28.11; Ord. No. 1966-
46, § 2, 6-20-66)

Amendment note—Ord. No. 1966-46, § 2, enacted June 20, 1966, and

effective December 31, 1966, amended § 2-39 to add the provisions codi-

fied herein as subsection (b). . x
Cross references—Duty to grant permits to places selling sandwiches,

soft drinks, §§ 17-159, 17-160; duty to formulate rules and regulations
for police department, § 25-1(a); duty to pass on permits and licenses, §

Sec. 2-40. Special duty of finance committee relative to annual
tax ordinance.

In addition to the powers, duties and authority set forth in
sections 2-29 and 2-31, the finance committee shall prepare
and report to the mayor and board of aldermen the annual tax
ordinance. (Code 1958, § 28.12)

Cross references—Duty of building and electric lights committee to
supervise department of building inspector, § 8-3; power of tax com-
mittee to cancel business license penalties and fi. fa. costs, § 17-24;
petitioris for license to peddle articles not enumerated in annual tax
ordinance to be referred to finance committee, § 17-323.

_. See. 2-40.1. Planning and development committee.

(a) Creation. “A committee of the board of aldermen is

hereby created to be entitled the planning and development


(b) Membershsip. The planning and development commit-
tee shall be composed of six members and a chairman (total of
seven) to be appointed by the mayor. The mayor shal! appoint
the planning and development committee so that a representa-
tion is obtained of aldermanic committees concerned with
community development, redevelopment and improvements.

(c) Functions, responsibilities. This planning and develop-
ment committee shall have the primary responsibility to re-
view and coordinate the long range plans and programs of all
eity efforts in the fields of community development, redevelop-
ment, facilities and improvements, and to make suggestions
to other appropriate aldermanic committees or recommend
actions and policies for adoption by the board of aldermen to
Supp. No. 4 4 Si

52 : 7



§ 2-40.1 ADMINISTRATION § 2-41

insure maximum coordination and the highest quality of
urban community development. This responsibility shall in-
clude the review and evaluation of the elements of the com-
prehensive (general) plan development by the planning de-
partment with guidance from the Atlanta-Fulton County
Joint Planning Board; this comprehensive plan to be composed
of at least a land-use plan, a major thoroughfare plan and a
community facilities plan with public improvements program.
The committee shall further be responsible for developing
policy recommendations on all other matters concerning the
planning and coordination of future city developments in-
cluding, specifically, the community improvements program
(CIP), the 1962 Federal Highway Act, the workable program
for community improvement, urban renewal preliminary and
project plans, and other related urban renewal matters. (Ord.
of 12-21-64) :

Editor’s note—Ord. of Dec. 21, 1964, from which § 2-40.1 is derived,
did not expressly amend this Code, hence the manner of codification
was at the discretion of the editors. That part of said ordinance abolish-
ing the urban renewal committee and providing for transfer of its

functions and activities to the planning and development committee, has
not been codified as part of this section. :

Sec. 2-40.2. Urban renewal policy committee; membership.

There is hereby established a standing committee of the

board of aldermen to be known as the urban renewal policy
committee, to consist of five (5) members of the board of
aldermen, to be appointed by the mayor, including the chair-
man, the vice-chairman and one other regular member of the
planning and development committee, and two members to be
appointed by the chairman of the Housing Authority of the
city. (Ord. of 1-18-65)

Editor’s note—Ord. of Jan. 18, 1965 did not expressly amend this
Code, hence the manner of codification was at the discretion of the
editors. The preamble to said ordinance recited the fact that said com-
mittee, pursuant to resolution, is coordinating urban renewal activities
and prosrams between the city and its urban renewal agent, the housing
authority. :

Sec. 2-41. Duties of zoning committee.

The duties of the zoning committee shall be to hold any
public hearing required to be held by the provisions of the
. Zoning and Planning Act of the General Assembly of Georgia
approved January 381, 1946, and contained in Georgia Laws
Supp. No. 6 . 53 a


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