Box 15, Folder 2, Document 70

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Box 15, Folder 2, Document 70

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Chapter 32

Sec. 82-1. Duties of planning department.

Sec. 32-2. Duties of planning engineer.

Sec. 32-3. Determination of phasing and of allocations to be devoted
to project areas.

Sec. 32-4. Determination of locations of projects.

Sec. 32-5. Rezoning recommendations.

Sec. 82-6. Processing applications embracing subdivisions, requests
for building permits.

Sec. 32-7. Commitments by builders.

Sec. 32-8. Minimum structural requirements.

See. 32-9. Varying specifications in description of materials,

Sec. 32-10. Designation of changes in “description of materials”.

Sec. 32-11. Restriction on issuance of building permits.

Sec. 32-12. Technical committee.

Sec. 32-13. Reserved.

.Sec. 32-1. Duties of planning department.

Urban renewal zctivities of the city shall be conducted in
the department of planning under the general supervision
of the mayor and board of aldermen through the planning and
development committee. The department of planning shall
study the urban renewal requirements of the city, to determine
ways and means for their accomplishment, and to promote and
facilitate timely coordination and orderly development of
urban renewal plans, projects and other related activities
throughout the city. (Cum. Supp., § 564.3; Ord. of 6-1-64,
§ 2; Ord. of 12-21-64)

Editor’s note—-The planning and development committee has been
substituted for the urban renewal committee in §§ 32-1, 32-2 and 32-13,
pursuant to Ord. of Dec. 21, 1964 abolishing the urban renewal com-

mittee and transferring its functions to the planning and development

Sec. 32-2. Duties of planning engineer.

The planning engineer shall devote particular attention
to the requirements and commitments of the “workable pro-
gram”, as defined in the National Housing Act of 1954, as
amended, and shall call upon the various departments, agen-

*Cross references—Minimum housing standards, § 15-21 et seq.;
responsibility of department of -building inspector relative to demoli-
tion of buildings, § 8-12; director of urban renewal emeritus, § 21-75(y).

State law reference—Powers of municipalities as to urban renewal,
Ga. Code, Ch. 69-11.

Supp. No. 5 * .

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§ 32-2 ATLANTA CODE . § 32-5

cies and agents of the city, as required, to carry out their re-
sponsibilities thereunder to include annual revisions for re-
certifications of the “workable program”. The planning en-
gineer shall insure coordination of capital improvement proj-
ects with urban renewal project plans in order to obtain the
best possible advantage for the city. He shall frequently con-
sult with the mayor and chairman of the planning and de-
velopment committee of the board of aldermen and keep them
informed as to urban renewal requirements and the state of
development of the city’s urban renewal plans, and shall make
recommendations thereon for facilitating progress of urban
‘renewal in the city. (Cum. Supp., § 56A.3; Ord. of 6-1-64, § 2;
Ord. of 12-21-64)

Note—See editor’s note following § 32-1.

Sec. 32-3. Determination of phasing and all aliocations to be
devoted to project areas,

The planning department, in coordination with the housing
authovity of the city, will determine the phasing considered
desirable for construction of F.H.A. 221 housing allocations
and what portions thereof, if any, should be devoted to urban
renewal project areas, and shall make recommendations ac-
cordingly to local F.H.A. officials. (Cum. Supp., § 56A.4;
Ord. of 6-1-64, $ 2)

Sec. 32-4. Determination of locations of projects.

The planning department will study proposed locations for
such projects and determine those considered most suitable
from the city’s standpoint for 221 housing projects and shall
coordinate thereon with local F.H.A. officials. (Cum. Supp.,
§ 564.5; Ord. of 6-1-64, § 2)

Sec. 32-5. Rezoning recommendations.

The Atlanta-Fulton County joint planning board will make
timely recommendations to the zoning committee for rezoning
such areas as it considers appropriate in order to facilitate
the 221 housing program. (Cum. Supp., § 56A.6; Ord. of

Editor’s note—Ord. of Dec. 21, 1964 redesignated the planning and
zoning committee as the zoning committee. .

Supp. No. 5


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