Box 15, Folder 3, Document 1

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Box 15, Folder 3, Document 1

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6 Llu Sweut
fan ntact

July 23, 1969

822 Grant Street, S.E.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. Ben Blackburn
House of Representatives
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. Blackburn:

I eam sending this letter to your Decatur office since I understand my recent
letter concerning the problem with the Model Cities here in Atlanta has been
referred to your local office for handling.

I appreciate your reply received on July 22 indicating that this matter has
been turned over to jthe Office of Housing and Urban Development for action,

Since writing stem you previously, we have continued to try to sell the
property through individuals and real estate companies who have running ads
in th@§iliewspaper advertising for rental and investment property. We have
been advised by two different real estate representatives that they have
checked with personal contacts at City Hall and were advised that it would
be impossible for them to re-sell the property if they buy it because all
Gity Inspectors have been advised not to approve any property in the area for
any type VA loan and that all the banks in the city have an agreement not
to finance any purchases in the area. These two real estate agents did aot
give us the names of their contacts at City Hall since they said the infor-
mation was given to them strictly off the record.

The closing date on our new home is fast approaching and at this point the
‘only aolution seems to be for Model Cities to purchase the property to use as
temporary housing for people who are being dislocated in clearance areas.

Since as I indicated in my previous letter one individual who inquired at

the City Planning office in City Hall about purchasing the property was in-
formed not to purchase because they “had plans for the property" it would be
my opinion that they plan to eventually purchase the property for some purpose.
Under these circumstances I believe you will agree that it would be more
economical for them to purchase property such as ours to use as temporary
housing thagijg purchase mobile type temporary housing or at least to supplement
the mobile type. This would also I believe solve our problem as well as
others who are presently or may at a future date find themselves transferred
out of the area.
Again, I will state that I do not believe we are making an unreasonable
request, and I believe you will agree that with a long range plan such as

this some provisions should have been made initially to cover such situations.

They apparently were not and as a result we find ourselves in a situation
of being unable to dispose of property in the area because they have it timd
up where no one is interested in the property for rental, investment, or a
home, and yet when you try to takk to anyone in their office here they just
keep referring you from one person to another until you are back talking
with the first person you spoke with and the circle begins all over again.

Wenwill be expecting to hear from someone within a few days.


| 19
Ye fall AM

(Mre.) Lazell Kirkland
(Cli@ferd E. Kirkland)
$22 Grant Street, S. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30315

Telephone - 622-9074 or 688-8036
ec: Mayor Ivan Allen

ec: Mr. Johnny Johnson - Model Cities Office
ec: Mrs. @erona Clayton- Model Cities Office


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