Box 15, Folder 3, Document 34

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Box 15, Folder 3, Document 34

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June 19, 1969

Mr. Clarence D. Coleman
Southern Regional Director
Wational Urban Leggue, Inc.
136 Marietta Street, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mr. Coleman:

In response to your letter of June 17, I am herein enclosing
a complete roster of the Model Cities Staff with the infor-
mation you requested.

At this time, it is impossible to give you this same infor-
mation with regard to the staffs of the sub-contracting
agencies because it is not readily available in format.

I believe the information on my staff will facilitate your
developing a statement concerning our personnel practices.
However, if you need any additional information, please feel
free to contact me.


Johnny C. Johnson




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