Dublin Core
Box 15, Folder 4, Document 22
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EE Se ee a ee SS Sa ee ee ee a eee eee ee SO SSS RE a Se
February 11, 1969
Mr. Sam Steen
Metropolitan Area Director
Georgia State Employment Service
Georgia Department of Labor
State Labor Building
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mr, Steen:
The City of Atlanta was recently approved for a Model Cities imple-
mentation grant for 1969. This grant was made possible as a result
of intensive planning efforts carried on over the past several months
by the Model Cities staff and several cooperating agencies.
One of the strong points of our Model Cities Program is the manpower
component for developing and upgrading Model Cities residents for
carrying out meaningful jobs in the future. I would like to personally
thank you and Sam Caldwell and all the GSES people who worked so hard
in assisting us in the development of this program,
The City is especially indebted to Col. O. D. Fulp. Without Col. Fulp's
individual effort I am sure the Model Cities Program would not have
reached the planning goals of its manpower component in such an
excellent manner,
Thank you again for all the assistance and your excellent cooperation.
Sincerely yours,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
Carts +t
February 11, 1969
Mr. Sam Steen
Metropolitan Area Director
Georgia State Employment Service
Georgia Department of Labor
State Labor Building
Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Mr, Steen:
The City of Atlanta was recently approved for a Model Cities imple-
mentation grant for 1969. This grant was made possible as a result
of intensive planning efforts carried on over the past several months
by the Model Cities staff and several cooperating agencies.
One of the strong points of our Model Cities Program is the manpower
component for developing and upgrading Model Cities residents for
carrying out meaningful jobs in the future. I would like to personally
thank you and Sam Caldwell and all the GSES people who worked so hard
in assisting us in the development of this program,
The City is especially indebted to Col. O. D. Fulp. Without Col. Fulp's
individual effort I am sure the Model Cities Program would not have
reached the planning goals of its manpower component in such an
excellent manner,
Thank you again for all the assistance and your excellent cooperation.
Sincerely yours,
Ivan Allen, Jr.
Carts +t