Box 15, Folder 5, Document 8

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Box 15, Folder 5, Document 8

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October 3, 1969

Mr. Gilbert Dulaney, Administrator

Fulton County Department of
Family and Children Services

165 Central Avenue, S. W.

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mr. Dulaney:

The October Model Cities Executive Board meeting is scheduled
for Wednesday, October 15 at 10:00 a.m. in City Hall, Committee
Room #2.

In order to bring all board members up to date on progress in
the Model Cities Program, we would appreciate a report from
your organization at this meeting relative to projects you have
presently undertaken. To allow the meeting to move along, we
ask that presentations be Limited to approximately five minutes
and encourage the use of any visual aids you may develop.

We feél that the members of the board will be interested in both
successes and dificulties that you may have encountered. Your
report should be particularly beneficial to the board, demon-
strating just what is happening in Model Cities.

We would appreciate your cooperation and personal attention to
this request, however, if you are unable to attend please let
us know who will represent you at this meeting.


Johnny Cc. Johnson
Executive Director


ee: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.
Model Cities Executive Board Members


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