Box 15, Folder 11, Document 3

Dublin Core


Box 15, Folder 11, Document 3

Text Item Type Metadata




Immediate Concentrated Action:


1, Areas of Concentration - There are six areas of concentration
identified on the accompanying map (Exhibit A). This is a minimum
number, more should be added if needed. These areas generally
conform to the EOA poverty areas and use their centers as a base

of operations, The areas are:
Base of Operations

West Central


Northwest-Perry Homes


Watts Road
Almond and Carey Park
Center Hill
Grove Park
Dixie Hills

Hunter Hills

Western Avenue

Adair Park


Grant Park
Peoplestown i
Chosewood :

South Atlanta

High Point and Joyland
Lakewood Heights


Lincoln Homes
Scotts Crossing
Hill Park
Perry Homes - Rockdale
Page Two

Base of Operations Neighborhoods
East Central Glen Iris

Bass Community

Cabbagetown - Reynoldstown

Edgewood . Edgewood
: Kirkwood

Nash-Washington ; English Avenue
. . Vine City

University Center

Administrative Organization - The administrative organization
for the 1968 City Services Program is attached as Exhibit B.

Responsibilities -
rete eee



Mayor - through the Director of Governmental Liaison and
the Community Development Coordinator will be responsible
for the supervision of the entire program,

Advisory Committee on Civil Disorders - The Mayor will
create this committee composed of three Aldermen, The
,responsibility of this committee is: (1) Initially, this
committee shall review and approve all public agency and
City departmental programs proposed to be undertaken
during the 1968 City Services Program; (2) Evaluate the
recommendations of the National Advisory Committee on
Civil Disorders, specifically Chapters 10 through 17, and
present in report form its recommendations relative to
City policy to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen for
adoption; (3) Evaluate this year's City Services Program,
particularly those activities which parallel those
recommendations contained in the Commission's report;
and (4) Provide the Mayor with its findings and recommen-
dations relative to (a) the success of the local efforts;
(b) whether the local effort should be made permanent
and continuing, and, if so, how; and (c) how the local
effort should be expanded assuming it is successful. The
committee should submit its report early this fall,
Page Thr ec

c. Director of Governmental Liaison and Community Development
Coordinator - See above,

ad, City Services ‘Coordinators - There will be six coordinators,
-one for each of the six areas and centers designated. They
will be responsible to the Community Development Coordinator.
Each City Services Coordinator will be responsible for the
coordination of City and non-City services with the Neighborhood

Task Force.

e. Neighborhood Task Force - A joint government-community
organization to be developed at each center. It will consist

of the:

(1) EOA Citizens Neighborhood Advisory Council (elected
lay citizens)

(2) EOA center staff and health, welfare, social service,
employment and legal aid programs

(3) City Services Coordinator

(4) City-Wide Resources Task Force on an "as needed"!

The objective of the Neighborhood Task Force is more
effective communication between residents and local public
officials and how to improve City services in the area,

{. City-Wide Resources Task Force - Representatives from
public agencies and City departments who will either
individually or collectively make themselves available to
each of the six Neighborhood Task Forces on an "as needed"


Each public agency and City department will be requested

to designate their representative on this Task Force. Each
’ representative will be serving full-time and will be expected

to be continued on the contributing agency's payroll. The
Page Four

public agencies and City Departments affected are:

Atlanta Housing Authority

Atlanta Public Schools ;

Fulton County Health Department

Economic Opportunity Atlanta (EOA)

Atlanta Youth Council

Parks and Recreation Department

Fire Department

Police Department

Public Works Department

Building Inspectors Department

Sanitation Department

Traffic Engineering Department

Planning Department

Atlanta Public Library
‘More detailed responsibilities are attached for each agency
as Exhibit C.

Complaints - Complaints will be readily handled by the Neighborhood
Task Force, the City-Wide Resources Task Force, and the City
Service Coordinator. However, a pressure valve is needed through
which major complaints and the need for broad policy determinations
affecting the entire city can be formally conveyed to the City
administration. The Community Relations Commission will

hold grievance-response hearings in these areas on a periodic’
basis during the summer months, The Community Relations
Commission would in turn‘report their findings directly to the
Mayor and the Advisory Committee on Civil Disorders,

Department Heads Meetings - Will be convened and held ona
weekly basis to facilitate development of the program and to
assist in resolving problems. The Mayor or the Administrative
Assistant to the Mayor or the Director of Governmental Liaison
will chair the meeting.

On a periodic but frequent basis the Mayor and/or key department
heads will take field trips to the designated areas and visit with
each Neighborhood Task Force, It would also be desirable for the
City-Wide Resources Task Forces to accompany the Mayor and
department heads on some of the field trips,
Page Five


The presence of the Mayor and department heads in each
designated area is extremely important, Preferably, all six
areas should be covered on each field trip. However, time may
force a compromise to spot checks within each area,

6. Personnel -




City Services Coordinators (6)

A request will be made of the Chief Building Official to
assign the two coordinators from the Building Inspection
Division of the Department of Buildings who worked on last
summer's program to once again assume this responsibility
for this summer's program, The two coordinators would
be loaned to the Mayor's Office for the period May 1 -
October 1 but would remain on the Building Department's


Four additional coordinators will be employed and
these funds will be requested from the Board of


Representatives on the City-Wide Resources Task Force

The Mayor will make formal requests of the public
agencies and City departments for the necessary people
under the conditions set forth under "3-f" above.

EOA will provide aide assistance on the same basis as
last year as well as clerical assistance through Neighbor-

hood Youth Corps positions.

7. Office space and equipment will be furnished by EOA at
neighborhood centers,

7 é
Page Six

_ The above arrangements closely parallel last year's efforts, They

also closely parallel the recommendations made by the President's
Commission on Civil Disorders, We have added the qualitative aspect
of having the Advisory Committee on Civil Disorders monitor this
summer's efforts with an eye toward placing this effort on a permanent
_ and continuing basis.

In short, this summer's efforts will be in direct response to Chapter 10
of the Commission's Report, 'The Community Response,"

Immediate City-Wide Action -

While the above 1968 City Services Program constitutes immediate
-concentrated action, it is desirable that a broadbased-examination be
made of the Report of the National Advisory Committee on Civil Disorders,

we ;
It is recommended that all City departments read the whole report,
and more specifically, Chapter 10. This Chapter is entitled 'The
Community Response" and contains recommendations which would
affect every operating department of the City of Atlanta if they were
implemented, Therefore, the Mayor requests each department and

public agency to respond to the following proposition:

< . . * .
Assuming the recommendations contained in Chapter 10 were being
considered for implementation: < -

1, In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of

each recommendation?

2. In your judgment, how would it affect your department?

3. Outline the steps involved in implementing each recommendation
as it would affect your department or agency.

4, Estimate the probable costs involved in No, 3.

This information should be filed with the Mayor's Office and the Advisory
Committee on Civil Disorders by April 1, 1968,
Page Seven .


The Mayor is referring Chapter ll, "Police and the Community}! and
Chapter 12, "Control of Disorder," to the Police Department and the
Police Committee of the Board of Aldermen for detailed study and

recommendations for action,

This information should be filed with the Mayor's Office and the Advisory
Committee on Civil Disorders by April 1, 1968.

The Mayor is referring Chapter 13, "Administration of Justice Under
Emergency Conditions," to the City Attorney's Office and inviting the
Atlanta Bar Association to participate in its review. Acting individually
or in concert they should study it and provide the City with their comments

and recommendations for action,

This information should be filed with the Mayor's Office and the Advisory
Committee on Civil Disorders by April 1, 1968.

The Mayor is referring Chapter 14, 'Damages:; Repair and Compensation,"
to Mr. James Bentley, Comptroller General of the State of Georgia,
with the request that he and his good office study this and provide the
City with their recommendations for action,

This information should be filed with the Mayor's Office and the Advisory
Committee on Civil Disorders by April 1, 1968,

The Mayor is referring Chapter 15, "The Media of Mass Communications,"
to the Mayor and the news media, The Mayor in conjunction with the news
media will study and make recommendations for action on this particular


‘This information should be filed with the Mayor's Office and the Advisory
Committee on Civil Disorders by April 1, 1968. -

The Mayor is referring Chapter 16, 'The Future of the Cities," to the
Mayor and Board of Aldermen, the Chamber of Commerce, and the
Atlanta Urban Coalition,

This information should be filed with the Mayor's Office and the Advisory
Committee on Civil Disorders by April 1, 1968,
Page Eight

. The Mayor is referring the entire Chapter 17, "Recommendations for
National Action, '" to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, the Chamber
of Commerce, and the Atlanta Urban Coalition. It is also being
referred to specific, individual agencies in secerdance with the
components of the Chapter:

1, Ernployment:

Economic Opportunity Atlanta
Personnel Board
Atlanta National Alliance of Businessmen

2. Education:
Atlanta Board:‘of Education

3, . Welfare Systein:
Fulton County Department of Family and Children

4, Housing:

Atlanta Housing Authority
Housing Resources Committee
. Planning Department
é “
This. information should be filed with the Mayor's Office and the Advisory
Committee on Civil Disorders by April 1, 1968.


Department Heads . Mayor and ~

Advisory Committee

Vs ; Board of Aldermen

» My


on Civil Disorders


Director of
Governmental Liaison % °


Community Development

= as eee ee ee ee


City-Wide Resources ‘
Task Force

j f ' ( =
Nash- West Central _ Northwest - Summec Bast Edgewood
Washington | Perry Homes Central

. City Services City Services City Services City Services City Services City Services

Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator — Coordinator
Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood

Task Force Task Force Task Force Task Force Task Force Task Force

i gs A ‘ 7 of
~~ ~ t i “.
~~ * t I / aie
a ~ “4 sy Z -“
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Community Relations Commission



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Sanitation Department

Trash pick up twice a week.

Garbage pick up twice a week or three times if necessary.

Clean streets once a week, "at

Remove abandoned automobiles,

Coordinate with EOA to clean up vacant aganaity and the
elimination of hazards to children at play.

Public Works Department

Clean out storm drainage.

Clean right of way of debris.
Grade and gravel unpaved streets.
Patch paved streets,

' Pave streets on petition basis.

Building Inspector


. A. The Building Inspector, according to the policy

established in the Housing Code Compliance Program,
will in proposed Urban Renewal areas:

a. Placard where warranted and seek demolition,

b. Correct hazards and coordinate with the Health
Department any unsanitary canditions (Example:

Sr: water standing in basements).

c. Reduce overcrowding - Liaison with Housing
Authority for relocation help.

d. Vacate unfit units,

e. Clean up premises,

B. In the remaining areas as designated on the Planning
map, step up housing code enforcement to the greatest

extent possible without deviating from the established ~


C, Enforcement of Zoning Ordinance.

Page Two

3 : 4,

Parks Department

A. Equip and staff a massive recreation program using
all park and school properties and other land secured

under short-term lease,

B. Maximum development of properly supervised day
and evening social activities and recreational
programs (Example: evening movies and possibly
street activities). -

C. Coordinate with Traffic Engineer the blocking off .
of streets for recreational activities,

Police Department

. “Improve police protection to residents and homes,
An expanded crime prevention program,
Increase traffic speed control efforts,

Fire Department
A. An-expanded fire prevention PHOgRATH

“ 8B. Assist inthe program of street showers for children
using fire hyd ants. 2
* —

Traffic Engineering Department

Install speed control signs.
Survey area and provide stepped up street light
maintenance activities. : =

Planning Department

Provide necessary planning assistance to all departments.

% ‘
A. ©The bookmobile schedule be increased and expanded
in the affected area,

ee B. Branch libraries located within this area be given
I OS maximum support and attention,

i C. Library coordination with such activities as Headstart
to promote and encourage maximum use of library


‘ oe - facilities.
10. Atlanta Youth Council

A. Coordinate the Summer Youth Opportunity Campaign
' to provide the maximum number of jobs for young |
people in private industry and the public agencies and
to insure adequate summer recreation and education
programs for children in target areas.

ll. Mayor's Office

Coordination of total summer effort.


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