Box 15, Folder 11, Document 10

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Box 15, Folder 11, Document 10

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March 14, 1968


From: Ivan Allen, Jr.

To: Department/Agency Heads

In order that we might evaluate the City's planning effort for
increased summer services, I am asking certain City depart-
ment heads and agency directors to meet with me next
Tuesday, March 19.

The meeting will be held at 2:30 p.m. in Committee Room 2
at City Hall.

Most of you were involved last year in the development and
execution of our special programs of city services and youth
activities during the summer months. The favorable results
of those programs have convinced us that we must extend and
expand them this year.

At the Tuesday meeting we will discuss;

1. A proposal for city services coordination this year.

2. The recommendations of the President's Commission on
Civil Disorders and what the City should do with them.

I hope you will be with us.



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