Dublin Core
Box 15, Folder 11, Document 31
Text Item Type Metadata
Using the round figure $100,066, the Federal minimum of
$1.60, and 17 (May l-Septembex 1) 40-hour weeks, a total of 100
(approxinate) openings is derived.
Time has not permitted an exhaustive survey of all City
departments, divisions, sections, and sites, The openings bela
indicate that the locating of 100 jobs is not really difficuite
screening, pidcenesk, counseling and training being much more
Every effort would be nade to make into permanent employees
all who beceme eligible. Hope for success in this should be
realistic (10<25%) and provision made for program continuance for
those still ineligible at the end of the summer.
Placing a small number of hard core unemployables 16-22 in
each City Department or division is not the most efficient way.
Due to vacations individual work forces tend te be small in summer
stretching experienced help even further to keep up with work demands.
Consequently even less than usual time (and inclination) is available
for any sort cf on-the-job training and necessary counseling. Too,
if the work unit adjusts pace and precedure to fit the new employee (s)
* Of the 589 summer people employed last ('67) summer, 416 were
City-financed and included such as 31 lifeguards, 59 locker
attendants, 27 swimming pool managers and 50 or so recreation
leaders, The Parks Department plans approximately the same
number of placements this year in similar programs.
another adjustment becomes necessary at the end of the summer.
f. more efficient way is ta put ali se as many as possible
temporary (summer) employees in seasonal Soos or to work with
suseawen City operations, Examples of these are "Camp Wilderness"
and the Atlanta Beautification Corps, both described belcw.
By departments:
ae Parks
1. Plans have been subnitted for the employment of 300 youths
as recreation assistants (youth leaders).
2. Camp Wilderness: A program which would utilize from 25
to 100 youthsemale or fenale- in ground cleaning, building
repair, etc. at a site on Lake Allatoona. Employees could
be transported back and forth cach day or, as facilities
become available, every five days. Part of the lua eGuta
be spent in recreation.
3. Twelve (minimum) zoo aidesemale or females to replace and
supplement prisoners. In summer this number could be increased,
Duties to include light grounds maintenance, biiilding custodial
work, guide service, protention and care for younger children.
Successful performance leads to promotion to zoo attendant,
he Several greenhouse aides and 6-10 custodial workers (male
or female) at the golf courses and parks for grounds clean
b. Traffic Engineering:
Six males year round to perform Light labor at the Sign Shop
and on the street. Two males at the Signal Shop to serve
as electrician helpers and pex form modezate labor duties,
Six males (well screened) to sexyve as traffic checkers. Two
femaies (weLlL screened) to provide clerical heip in the engineering
c. Municipal Garages: Four males te learn and perform semieskilled
ad. Sanitation: The Atlanta Beautification Corps (ABC) now is
divided into three groups witn a total of about 50 workers and
foremen., Because of its tight but flexible organization its
growth potentialesllowing adequate timesis infinite. At present
it could absorb 18524 young workers who would have the benefit
of association with stable, more mature workers. EQOA has promoised
an early increase in ABC allotment which could also increase tne
number of City=-financed workers to 35 or more. The advent of
spring brings tne possibility or more daversified activities by
ABCegrass, flowers, shrubsewhicn increases interest as weli as
e. Streets: 12620 expressway shoulder cleanevp workers (males or
younger females) to be tied in with the present eperation in that
£. City Wides S-]O counselors to screen, counsel, train and generally
oversee the workers hired in this operation and those in the
Neighborhood Youth Corps expansion (cf MrSe Thompson's report).
It is cobvieus that if the money becomes available more than
enough slots can be found to provide meaningful work to hard core
unemployahles, Only in several instances is any real talent or
sophistication required, and all offer ladder or lateral promotional
possibility in a year round progran.
Edvard G, Parraw j
“4 a
ty) 3 “AF bE
Using the round figure $100,066, the Federal minimum of
$1.60, and 17 (May l-Septembex 1) 40-hour weeks, a total of 100
(approxinate) openings is derived.
Time has not permitted an exhaustive survey of all City
departments, divisions, sections, and sites, The openings bela
indicate that the locating of 100 jobs is not really difficuite
screening, pidcenesk, counseling and training being much more
Every effort would be nade to make into permanent employees
all who beceme eligible. Hope for success in this should be
realistic (10<25%) and provision made for program continuance for
those still ineligible at the end of the summer.
Placing a small number of hard core unemployables 16-22 in
each City Department or division is not the most efficient way.
Due to vacations individual work forces tend te be small in summer
stretching experienced help even further to keep up with work demands.
Consequently even less than usual time (and inclination) is available
for any sort cf on-the-job training and necessary counseling. Too,
if the work unit adjusts pace and precedure to fit the new employee (s)
* Of the 589 summer people employed last ('67) summer, 416 were
City-financed and included such as 31 lifeguards, 59 locker
attendants, 27 swimming pool managers and 50 or so recreation
leaders, The Parks Department plans approximately the same
number of placements this year in similar programs.
another adjustment becomes necessary at the end of the summer.
f. more efficient way is ta put ali se as many as possible
temporary (summer) employees in seasonal Soos or to work with
suseawen City operations, Examples of these are "Camp Wilderness"
and the Atlanta Beautification Corps, both described belcw.
By departments:
ae Parks
1. Plans have been subnitted for the employment of 300 youths
as recreation assistants (youth leaders).
2. Camp Wilderness: A program which would utilize from 25
to 100 youthsemale or fenale- in ground cleaning, building
repair, etc. at a site on Lake Allatoona. Employees could
be transported back and forth cach day or, as facilities
become available, every five days. Part of the lua eGuta
be spent in recreation.
3. Twelve (minimum) zoo aidesemale or females to replace and
supplement prisoners. In summer this number could be increased,
Duties to include light grounds maintenance, biiilding custodial
work, guide service, protention and care for younger children.
Successful performance leads to promotion to zoo attendant,
he Several greenhouse aides and 6-10 custodial workers (male
or female) at the golf courses and parks for grounds clean
b. Traffic Engineering:
Six males year round to perform Light labor at the Sign Shop
and on the street. Two males at the Signal Shop to serve
as electrician helpers and pex form modezate labor duties,
Six males (well screened) to sexyve as traffic checkers. Two
femaies (weLlL screened) to provide clerical heip in the engineering
c. Municipal Garages: Four males te learn and perform semieskilled
ad. Sanitation: The Atlanta Beautification Corps (ABC) now is
divided into three groups witn a total of about 50 workers and
foremen., Because of its tight but flexible organization its
growth potentialesllowing adequate timesis infinite. At present
it could absorb 18524 young workers who would have the benefit
of association with stable, more mature workers. EQOA has promoised
an early increase in ABC allotment which could also increase tne
number of City=-financed workers to 35 or more. The advent of
spring brings tne possibility or more daversified activities by
ABCegrass, flowers, shrubsewhicn increases interest as weli as
e. Streets: 12620 expressway shoulder cleanevp workers (males or
younger females) to be tied in with the present eperation in that
£. City Wides S-]O counselors to screen, counsel, train and generally
oversee the workers hired in this operation and those in the
Neighborhood Youth Corps expansion (cf MrSe Thompson's report).
It is cobvieus that if the money becomes available more than
enough slots can be found to provide meaningful work to hard core
unemployahles, Only in several instances is any real talent or
sophistication required, and all offer ladder or lateral promotional
possibility in a year round progran.
Edvard G, Parraw j
“4 a
ty) 3 “AF bE