Box 15, Folder 11, Document 34

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Box 15, Folder 11, Document 34

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FROM: lst Deputy Chief Ps

SUBJECT: Suggested action on the report of the National Ad-.
visory Committee on Civil Disorders

A meeting of the following Division Heads was held at Fire De-=
partment Headquarters, Tuesday, March 26, 1968, at 10 a.m. for
the purpose of submitting recommendations on implementation of
the corrective action called for by the Mayor as outlined in the.
"Report of the National Advisory Committee on Civil Disorders".
The following Division Heads were in attendance:

lst Deputy Chief C. T. Ragsdale, Chairman
Deputy Chief P. O. Williams

Battalion Chief J. I. Gibson

Fire Marshal J. F. Seagraves

Superintendent of Alarms T. H. Cobb
Superintendent of Maintenance J. R. Cochran, and
Training Chief R. W. McGill

Chief Ragsdale called for a report from each individual and
the following appeared to be the consensus of opinion of all
in attendance,

l. Only one area addressed itself to the activities of the Fire
Department and that was to provide more effective communications
in the areas concerned or in other words project the Fire De=-
partment and its activities to the residents in order to improve
the image that now exists.

2. In order to effectively accomplish No. 1 above the following
recommendations are made:

A. Prepare a brochure that would project the Fire Department
such as: Outlining the responsibilities of each Division
explaining the functions of all concerned and to emphasis
upon the citizens of these areas that the Fire Department
exists for only one purpose and that is for the protection
of life and property in all areas, to all citizens. This
booklet would contain such information as the requirements
for employment, the training, and benefits derived from
being employed by the City of Atlanta Fire Department, an

Page 2

open invitation to all personnel:to visit their Fire De-
partment, how to report a fire, how to obtain emergency
responses, the need for protecting fire apparatus, many
fire prevention steps to be taken by each citizen, and
an explanation that the Fire Prevention Bureau is avail-
able to assist any group by making Fire Prevention talks,
demonstrations, and showing of film.

nstitute a program of visitation into various communities

or the purpose of distribution of Fire Prevention Literature,
nstrations of Fire Equipment, and providing for*Dwelling
ections on request. During the inspection extend an in-
tion to residents to visit their community Fire Station.

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4. Have Merit Badges purchased and maintained at each Fire.
Station in sufficient quantities to give to all children
visiting the Fire Station along with an impressive comment
that in receiving this badge they are assuming a helpful
citizen's role in assisting the Fire Department in prevent-
ing fires.

5. Coordinate with the Water Department in providing street
showers for children in these areas utilizing the fire hydrants.

6. Cooperate fully with "Little City Hall" in answering complaints
and grievances that come under the jurisdiction of this Depart-


7. Have the Fire Department Personnel, especially Chief Officers,
show their interestand concern for citizens in these areas
in responding to alarms.

In reference to Fire Departments and Civil Disorders (Page 493)
wherein specific recommendations are set forth for fire service
during civil disorders we make the following observations:

1. The Fire Department has a documented plan which is
based on the above stated recommendations.

2. This plan was coordinated with the Department of Civil
Defense, Department of Police, Georgia National Guard,
Water Department, and Public Works Department.

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