Box 15, Folder 12, Document 4

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Box 15, Folder 12, Document 4

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. Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal

Harch 22, 1968

The Honorable Ivan Allen, dr., Mayor
City of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia

Ieer Ivan:

In Gonnection with the implementation of the housing phase of the
Riot Keport, ve sugsest the following: ,

1. 4A personal letter from you to all developers who heve not
broken grouné urging them to get moving. Colonel Jones can
supply you with the nares.

2. Cal}. on tie Aldoxmanic Loard to revise the City Bulldi
Code to conform with the National Fuilding Code, thus c1
less expensive construction.

3. Ask the Atlanta Eousing Authority to take 1,000 of the
units now to he develoned by the turnkey process and revert
to the old method of building them using the Authority.

It is in the erea of public housing units that we are behind
your scnedule.

&&. Peviow the new macter land use plan to include sone nore

and strategic areas for housing. Then call on the Aldermanic
Board to acont the first phase of the master plan as a new
zoning ordinance.

®5. Appoint ae committee cf the Aldermanic Roard to deal with

6. Ask Lee Purge to announce the formation of the non-profit
housing Fund. I understand this is pretty well lined up.

levy is
Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild & Paschal

March 22, 12°63
Page 2 - The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. -

If you want to discuss any of these suggestions call on ne.


SOR Cecil A, Alexander
cc! Hr. Dan E. Sweat, Jr.
Ky. Haleoli D. Jones a



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