Box 15, Folder 12, Document 8

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Box 15, Folder 12, Document 8

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This program plan outlines the direction which this year's program will hcepefully
No plan, however great, can succeed without the sincere effort of us all.









Age Priorities

Youth employment 14-21 years of age.

Programs that will act positively and affirmatively to deter civil
disorder, sscial conflict, and general delinquency.

Remediai Educational Programs in poverty schools, low cest transpor~
tation to jobs, recreation, and education.

Recreational programs fer older youth during evenining hours.
Make-yp programs for children attending half-day classes.

Opportunities to work in useful community services, leadership and
citizenship activities.

Tutorial and study help pregrams.

Programs that will provide individualized guidance and social services
to youth so that youth may make better life adjustments.

Educational and cultural eerchment programs.

Organized athletic activities for inner-city youth.

Unemployed pocr youth 16~21 years of age.

Social and acadenically retarded youth 6-18 years of age.
Delinquent and potentially delinquent youth 14-21 years cf age,
Culturally deprived youth of all ages.

Community services and leadership development among youth 14-21 years
of age.
6, Children age 6-13.

7. Children and ycuth exhibiting special individual, personality and
health problems.

The 1968 Youth Opportunity Program is coordinated by the Atlanta Children and
Youth Services Council. The Council is serving as staff to the Metropolitan Youth
Opportunity Council. The ccuncil is composed of approximately 85 agencies and
organizations. :

The Mayor of the City of Atlanta serves as General Chairman cf the Youth Oppor-
tunity Program. The Board of Directors of the Atlanta Children and Youth Services ©
Council serves as Executive Committee of the Youth Opportunity Program. The repre-
sentatives of the various participating organizations serve as the membership of the
Youth Opportunity Pregram.

Planning Process

- Several community-wide exploratory meetings were held early in 1968. These meat~-
ings included youth and adult residents of the prospective target areas as well repre-
sentatives from government, business, civic, religious, and educational organizations.

Every community organization, social agency, Neighborhood Service Center, youth
club, and other private non-profit groups were invited to submit programs and alter~
natives which could be operated with or without federal funding. A narrative summary
of these proposals is contained herein.’


In the educational aspect of the YOP, efforts will be made to (1) prowide needed
remedial and tutorial programs for poor youth; (2) provide vocational infcrmation and
educational activities needed by youth to enter into the labor force; (3) allow crea-
tive and innovative educational programs not possible during winter months; (4) ailow
coupling of educational, employment cultural enrichment and recreational programs; and
(5) offer programs and courses not generally available to poor youth during regular
school year.

The major operating programs will be summer schools opperated by the Atlanta,
Decatur, Fulton and DeKalb Counties School Systems. A fee is charged for these
schools, however, the Atlanta Public School System has indicated that no needy chiid
will be denied admission to summer school.because of money. PTA's and other community
groups are promoting attendance of summer school for children needing remediai work.

In addition to the regular summer program, several special programs wiil be

provided under Title I and I1I EASA by the Atlanta and DeKalb County Boards of Educa~


erdaticn fourd in the target areas, six

be planned and implemented. Arc education

3 Tne Arts Council and its Associate

ft of the educaticnal pregram.


Because cf tne serious academic re
tutorial and/or study-help pregrams wi
will be developed in several cf the ta
members are spearheading the art ed


A. Specific Geais

The goals of the edurarienal aspect. of the Yop are:

1. To provide Stisser remtdial programs for 2,024 srudeats. |

2: To provide tutecriai services for 1,362 scudents.

a To previde vocational, technical, and occupational information for
2,185 students,

4. To provide enricoment and advance programs for 1,090 students.

5. To provide creative and experimental pregrams combining employment,

enrichment, recreacional and occupational information for needy students.

6. To latnch aa intensive back-tceschool effort to gat 2,500 students te
return to scheol to the fall.

he To assist needy high school graduates to chtain scholarship and tuition
5 & P
aid to continmye their education, giving special attentioa te “high risk"

8. To assist the schoot and cezmunity in meeting the special nee
students with the special persenal, social and economic problems.


hain Goals

eee ae ye eee

B. Planned Programs to

1. Summer Schcoi. Summer schools will be conducted by Atlanta, Fulton
and DeKalt Schoris, .

Several agenctes plan te and will

y~nelp pregrams. Presently, 6 such programs
: are planned inveiving a tectal of 1362 students. The tutorial and
study“help programs are: :

ae Cabbage Tows Recreation e. -H. R. Butler Scheol
b, Central YWCA Program f. Jchn Hepe School

ez Butler Street YMCA
d. SiimeMec EOA Service Center

3. NovationalsTechoical, Fdvcational and Occupational Txfcrmatton Program.
s Some plans are being developed along this lire with Atlanta Area Tech-
nical School. Many groups are planning to offer cultural enrichment

and advanced pregrams.

4, BacketorSchool Etrervt. The Atlanta Area Schools, Youth Council, EOA,
and Chest: agencies will sgain isunch an effort to ger youth to return
to school. This effort will take place beginning August.

5. "High Risk", LoweIncome., In late May, a comnittee will be formed to

develop a project te expicre and deal with the problem of high risk,
peer student warhing te go te college.

6. Specisi Problem Students. The Youth Council, varicus Boards of Education
and other community groups will and are warking on projects that will
help schcols deal with such preblems as absenteesm, incorrigibility,
over age promoticn, dropouts, pregnaceies, emotional disturbances,
mental health, and teacher=pupil relationships. Presently, the Youth
Council is cocperating with Atlanta University, EOA, Family Counseling
Center, the County Welfare, The Atlanta Board of Education and several
other’ groups in.a pilot absenteeism project. Tne Atlanta Board of
Education is planring several projects with various groups that will
have a significant impact on their preblems.

7. Education Sub-Comnittee. The Mayor's Couricil on Youth Opportunity has
organized a sub=-ccmmittee on education. This comuittee is chaired by
Mrs. Betty Canten.

Recreation, Social and Cultural Pregrams


tn a aa


There are approximately 500,009 children and youth in Greater Atlanta. Most
of these will be seeking ways to spend their sunner leisure time. Unfor-
tunately, the lack of recreational and informal educational programs are

most acute in the peverty commnities. Realizing the great need and shortage
of whelesome recreational activities year-round, the varécus Parks and
Recreation Department, The public schccls and libraries, the arts group, the
EOA Neighborhood Service Centers, the Chest agencies and several youth groups
have planned approximately 68 prejects. These projects combine recreation,
education and employment. Mary of these will be youth managed and operated.


Lis To provide meaningful recreational leisure time and cultural activities
for needy children and youth.

2% To provide such activities at hours and places suitable to the needs,
interest, and convient to the youth to be served. ,

3. To previde a well rounded, well organized, and very inclusive recrea~
tional program.

4, To provide programs that significantly involve youth in planning,
operation and evaluation processes.

The goal is to provide available recreational and/or leisure time
activities in amsunt cf frequency and distance.
It would be intéresticg to briefly summarize the recreational aspects of the
Youth Opportunity Program. A total of 35 proposals will be proposed. The federal -
budget request on these propesais total $600,000.

An integral part ef the recreational-cultural aspect’ of the program will be
resident and day camping programs. Effort was made to increase the number of day ard
resident camp sicts available to poor children and youth. Presently slots are avail-
able for 2.538 youek iz resident and day camp this program. Many agen-
cies are making many of their regular summer camp slots available to poor yeuth. These
include the Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, YMCA and YWCA, Bethlehem Centers,
etc. These crganizaticns will provide day and resident camp for non-members. In
addition the City cf Atlanta Recreation Department will operate a camping program.

The Jewish Community Center will make its day camp facilities available to groups of
poor youth throughect the susmer.

Many youth wili spend weekend camping trips at the State and National Parks.
Equally as impor

ant is the fact that these projects will employ approximately
1,000 peer teenage: n

‘s acd young adults.

Be Operatioual Orsanizations
The Citw ef Atlanta Parks, Recreation and School Departments wiil carry
the majcr responsibili y for EM recreational program. In addition, the
cities of East Feint

The United Appeal Agencies, the EOA Neighborhood Service Centers, and
several comunity based yeuth and young adult groups will provide special
The sembers end asseciate members of t
In @

re Arcs Council will provide

meaningful art and cultural pregrams. no erder to supplement these
prograus, several ousizessmer and women as well as several club groups
will provide special programs of recreation fer needed children and


Geographic Spread

In addiction to planning creative and innovative programs, every effort

will be made to spread the prajects geceraphicaily.

Frojects are bein,

planned ta be distributed as follows throughoul the target areas:

Neighbertcod Service Centers:
Central City Center

East Central Center
Area Block "EB"
Cabbaze Town
Youth Development Center

Edgewecd Center
Mobile Day Camp
Mentally Retarded
DeKalb "y"

Nash-Washiceten Center
North Fulton Center
Pittsburg Center

Price center

United Appeal:

Central YMCA

Bey Sccuts

Metrepolitat Boys’ Ciub
Wesley Comnunity Centers
Girl Sceuts

South Pulte:
East Peirnt Recreation
College Park Recreation

Sum=-Mec Center
Young Me's C

ivic League
e Project

Northwest Perry Homes Center
Young Men's Civic Association

West Central Center
West End Center
Gwinnett County

Reckdale County

Salvation Army (See Central City)
Butler Street "y"

Atlanta Giris’ Club

Grady Hemes Ciris’® Ciub

Atlanta Urban League


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