Box 15, Folder 12, Document 10

Dublin Core


Box 15, Folder 12, Document 10

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Subiic Agencies:


‘Vine City Poundation

Emmaus House
Royal Keights
Radio Station WAOK

Youth In Comminizy Service (Volunteer)


An integral part cf the Youth Oppertunity Program will be to make a
very special effort te get every youth possible, regardless of whether or
not they are worting, going te scheol, or just idling this summer, to serve
his comwenity.

Youth will be urged te join ihe Summer "Swingers" Program. The youth
will be urged to participate as volunteer personnel in agencies offering
recreation, education, employment and cther services. Youth will also be
urged to form youth acticn groups in their neighborhoods. They wili be
included in several cemmiitces and groups. Teenagers and young adults will
also be included oa the monitoring ard evaluation staff of the program.

Program Plans and Activities

Recruitment. Efforts will be made to recruit several hurdred volunteers
through school, churches, neighborhood greups and otgasizaticus. Recruit
ment will be by personal appearance, letter, brechures, radio and T.V.

Orientation and Training. In late April, an crienatation pregram will
be started for all youths indicating interest in vcluntcering, serving on
committees, etc. Training cf these potential voluateers wili begin in
early May. The user agencies will train the volunteers. They will be

assisted by the Red Cress, VISTA, and cther similar crganizaticns.

Placement. The placewent process will be undertaken by the Youth
Opportunity office, EOA, in cooperaticn with several cther agericies.
Attempts will be made to find suitable placements in agencies where they
might have possibile vecaticnal choices cr interest.

Awards and Incentives. A very carefully worked cut awards and incen=
tive pregram will be develcped and implemented. These will include an exe=
cursion, an award dinner or right, "A volunteer of the summer" award, and
a tea. Each user agercy will be urged to provide suitable incentive pro-
grams fer their volunteers.


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