Box 15, Folder 12, Document 14

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Box 15, Folder 12, Document 14

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Rt LOn.
The Mayor appointed the Board of the Atlanta Children and Youth

Services Council ag the Program's Executive Committee.

The Council established an Ay veouy Committee composed of some 685
federal, stete, local, public and private agencies, including ‘youth
and indigenous adults. .The Cownittee has held approximately five (5)

“general meetings.

Several Committees huve been organived. They axe as follows:

1. Employment Committee - Mr. Charles Storn, ia

2. Recreation Comnittec - i, Henry Helton, Chairman;

3. Education Committee - Mrs. Betty Cantor, Chaizman ;

4. Public Relations Comaittee - Miss Ann Cobb, Chairman;

5. Volunteer Services Committee - Mrs. Vivian Henderson, Chairman;
6. Special Events Comittee - Mr. Steven Fox, Chaiznan;

7. Transportation Cornittes - Mr. Johnny Robinson, Chairman,

Each committee is functioning at various and different levels
or degress.

In addition, the Council has been in constant contact and working
with tir, Harold Barrett of FE. OQ. A., Nr. Alvin Koth of the Board

of Educa tion, Mr. Jack Delius end Miss Carmichael of the City's
Parks and Recreation Depertment. Mr. Richard Munroe of the Georgia
Arts euuetd,, Mr. Woody Seesars of the se: sabes of Labor, Docter
Hugh Noss of the Atlanta Gourd of Education, Mr. John Standridgea

of the Atlanta Board of Education, Mr. Charles Carlton of the Vaderal
Executive Board, Mr. James Ellis cf Small Business (eg ee
"FEB", and Mr, Williem Allgood of the Department of Lahor, Initial
contact bas also been made with the Georgia Department of Yamily and
Children Services.

Planning, Process «

Initial letters were sent to all agencies, groups, end organizetions
in the City requesting that they indicate how they could participate
in the Youth Opportunity Progrem, As a result, 73 initial preposals
were received, Yhe Covacil received proposals from cultural art
groups, United Appecl, BE. 0. A. Neighborhcod Service Centers and

indigenous pfroups.

The Youth éeportunilty Compeign Office halped ta develop these preposals
along the Federal guidelines.

A Fornell Submission of Proposals,


A total of sone eighty (80) proposals were submitted,

Rach of presenting progrars weve called in incdlividuel Ly)
and th: ‘projects were discussed “by @ pouel ceaposed of reproscutalives

the staff and Bonrd of the Atlanta Chaldean











from the staff of

and Youth Seryvit i Also, the Atlontea Parks end erention
japirtivent end Hiey Chast partie dy “Sie BELaMeD Baare
of Bducation wes divited but wes unable 2 representative.
IV, Othen Agencies _end Groups Contacted and Off ring










eee ee 1

Third Avay. “Fort McPherson, Dobbins and Connaly". The Third Arny

is offering ERASER facilit ee and services.

U. S. Depan tment £ Interios. The Department of Interior is offering

parks and Pag itiee.

U. S. Forest Services. The U. S. Forest Services is offering films,
camps, facalities Sy and speakers.

U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development + The HUD organization

spew eee PEFR RT Na ae tren a een neon een Sytem

is giving a planning grant, the moderation program and the vest pocket
program~if desired.

U. S. De alth, Education and Welfare, The Department

“of Health, Education end Wel by cllerving off .
campus employment in the work-study progran, the re aileeatien of Title I
funds, the availability of vocational education work-stuecy program é@ and
the Ixpansion Grant Progrem. The Public Relations Departinent of HE!

will also offer free mailing and publicity.



of Labor, Contacts were made with the Labor Depart-
ment to make cirollees of the Neighborhood Youth Corps and other prograr
Slots available to the needy. As a result, there has been an increase
in in-school slots for this City. The La bar Departiaent is exploring
the Special impact program for money available to the program,

; : mn, The Small Business Administration
is circularizing 27,000 employees to obtain volunteers, supplies and
transportation, they will coordinate this proaren,.

Fort McPherson Installation. Fort NcPherson is plenning and de SySlOps ee
camping activities for a choosen erea. Colonel Calloway is discussing
this information with us and we will have further information on this

at a later time.

9. U. S. De partment OF omencs. The Comaerce Dep erties is considering the
hiring of Unqualified census takers for a special census progran.

This office has already sent 700 youth to apply for said jobs. The
Commerce Department is working with the Employment Comaittee, Publicity
Committee as well as SBA to pronote this program. This will also
include jobs given if S33 so desires,




Nationzl Guard, The National Guard comtact hes bean made with
xn, Hp. Baccus is his agent, The Nations). Guard will wake
the Hetional Guard Armories.
eee t of Feaily and. Children § Sete fees, This
> is wor with the Council's Office te try to get the

Geranane to appropriate $50,060 to this pregran, The Depar
Family and Children Services js also searching to see what

can provide in this respect.


make 5¢C


51 ots

ies a. See ‘ ssc Oa e Bie Rees ea tee
St we te Re SAT LOT ATi a 15 G00 =e . SLES In assistance

to J0ce!

assistance services, .

aches and he is

a por tion of the Arts ssion funds available to this

prograna hy dunding a specific project.


6. State Parks Depertwent. The State Parks Department has been contacted
about the use of parks forhiking and camping (resident and day).

7. Georgia State Health Department. This Department has been working
with this =e in developing a Rodent Control Program and also
offering its assistance in many other types of programs appropriate
for this agency.

l, ‘Personnel Departitent. The City of Atlanta Personnel Department is
helping N¥C enrollees obtain employment in the City's programs. The
Department is also developing a spacial kind of Pras to help
approximately 175 needy and disadvantaged youth in sumner jobs.

rt. The Public Relations Department is
ast daily in de ‘veloping a Rodent Control Program and . \
rex with the

24 mE Relat
, ssisting a]
also is contemplating the hiring of youth during -Cthe sum:

Sanitation Departinent,


xecreation Departinant. The Recreation Department is sponsoring a
major expansion of its program and neighborhood centers.

Atlanta Poard of Education. The Board is sponsoring a major program

under Title I which was expended through total comaunity efforts.

a. lixpansion of the Neighborhood Youth Corps Program;
b. Conduc a summer programs and an increase Im summer scholarships;

rete s
* ate
c. Some Wérk-~s

study programs under vocational education.

5. Coxnunity Schools Program. The Comminity Schools will develop and

expand Y several education-recreational and training progvens,

6. Teacher Corps. Contact was wade with the Director of the Teacher Lh
Corps. <A final word on whether a Teacher Corps will or will not
be held in Atlanta or Athens is forthcoming today, April 24, 1968.

7. Fuucation TV. The Atlanta Education TV will help in the develorment
of a program to disadvanteged youth.


8. Atlanta Public Housing Authority. Contacts have been made to explore

What prozrans are possible » with this < éesency. It was also learned
a through the Office of the Secretary of HUD,

that $4,000 is ave

which could provide jebs end orngeren: for needy youth; hovever, the
Atlanta Fousing Authority jis not eble to participate in such a progran
at this time. j

9. United Avpeal. Several meetings have been held with Richard Hicks and

Nicholes Novak concerning the participation af the United Appaal Agency

] j 2
in the progras All Chest Agencies have been urged to participate in
the swaner peeeteas

The Progvan arranged some proposals subaitted to BE. QO. A. for group
‘ ng) » special work with

services, comping, (resident and
problen childcen ant vaved mother dition to the Fanily Coumsecling
Center, the Gate City Nurser anc i, 0. Av, an individual casevork ascancy
> y Ys > & y
in the Chest will undertake recruiting 200 unved teenage mothers. to get
them to return to school, :

Ll. Vhe United Asp
a thea, ox
11 inelude


senk prograns
for the surrey.
bUkidene 3 preg ay coups, resident
services be SOURLETENS,




Page ty ‘

2. The United Appeal is also planning to make a special
appropriation to the Youth Opportunity Program, The
proposals are attached.

3, Jewish Community Center will make its day camp available
Saturdays. This will be used by Groups from areas not
having day camp facilities.

h, The Catholic Social Services will hire one er two
disadvantage youth.

The Atlanta University School of Secial Work and the Atlanta
Board of Education are conducting a special project for absenteeisin
in the Northwest Perry Homes Area.* The Absenteeism Project has been
officially endorsed and will be participated in by the Atlanta
Board of Education.

The United Ap

ppeal is making a special. appropriation available
to help support this i

i ‘
Hs program.

Fulton County. The Fulton County Department of Family and Children
Service will hire ven (10) youth to work in its homemaker and care
aide programs. It will also utilize volurteers in its Child Welfare


The Atlanta Fulton County Library will. offer a special progran of
reading, bookmobile and filn-lending.

B.0.A. and Neighborhood Groups.

re tao fsb eel nia oh Sa a a Re oe Ras

In compliance with the OLO Guidelines, several. youth and indigenous
groups submitted proposals for funding. Nost of these proposals
dealt with community services, youth casploynent , and training. There
are proposals of this type from every neighborhood center area,

Private Groups | end Service Clubs

The Service Clubs in the comnunity have met with the Chember of Coimaerce
to get them to solicit jobs in their neighborhoods. JMr. Frenk Player
will also ask these clubs to support this program.

J. The Association of Retired Teachers is polling their members
to find tutors,

2. The Leegue of Women Voters, the Council of Jewish Women end
the Jack and Jills are helping with volunteers,

also, help to find transportation resources, especially anong
the churches.

3. VISTA’ will help train the volunteers, The VISTA Council will

i. Sone of the private suburban schools will provide sclolanships
for summer prograas for poor youth. One (Trinity) night
to make some.of its teachers available for tutoring in the jnner-.

Red Cros

The Red Cross will furnish volunteers for svimning, ete.

Ne ‘dical Associe

The Fulton and Dekalb Medical Associations will provide wedical.
exeminatious for camp.

the Arts Councils will find ang train volunteers for its arts and




Coll & ges

1. Georgia State College will assist with voluntecrs for art and
public relations.

2. The University of Georgia will assist in monitoring and

3. The Atlanta University Center Schools will assist in the art,
the volunteer, and the reading program.

“Off-Campus Work-Study Program

All colleges in the Southern Region participating in the Wo ovk=titudy

Program were weitten to see if they would use some of their work-study slots
for their students living in Atlanta to participate in an off-campus vork-
study progran. While the results for this year resulted in less than


. 100 students, most of the colleges expressed a willingness to work in

te te

such programs in 1959, Many of them might still participate.

Special Events

1. The Atlante Braves-Chief will make tickets available egain this

2. The Convention Bureau has sent resource material,

3. The Auditorius Manager will inform this office on all shows end

events, as well as the sponsors of same for the month of June,
July and Augudt.

4, Southern Bell will provide a filn.

5. The soft drinks and baking companies will offer tours and treats
for special occasions.

6. The NAACP will offer a guitar progrein.


-eyhoun railway an ntinental allway will provide bus trips,
Greyhound, Trai lway and Cont tal Trallway will { bus trip

8. Hajor wags associations and professional. groups will circulariz
Les members,

9. The major airlines will again offer around-the-city rides anda

The Police Depantnent
A most important part of the summer program will be th
of the Crime Prevention Bureau, The Burenu will op
in poverty areas. It will] conduct tours of the Pol
offer talks to youth groups, and it will assist azencie
tions in conducting social and other programs.


The Public and eedwete agencies will conduct their regular Haew
prograns over and above the special summer prograas. These will inelude

such er ass
die Em wloyment,

a. Nelzhborhoad Youth Coras

bh. Vocations) Education Vork-Studcy

#5 .

Resular Summer School.

b. Title I and Tit oa



Page 6

3. Reerecation

a. The regular.programs of the Parks and Recreation Departinent
b. The regular program of the United Appeal Agencies

Public Relations and Publicity


The advertisement firm of Little, Neal, Battle and Lindsey has been

obtained by the mayor to serve as our public relations counselor.

‘We also have a public relations sub-ccmmittee chaired by Miss Ann Cobb,

The Industrial Editors Asseciation is working with this part of the
program, The Regional Public Relations Offices of HEW, and Labor
arevje;!omg is om tjos area/

Other Activities

Several groups are working on a variety of projects and prograias on

their own, but in close contact with the Youth Opportunity Progra.
These include the Chamber of Commerce, the Junior Chamber of Comnerce
(Softball League, Rodent Control), Grady Hospital, Price Comprehensive
Health Program, and the hetropolitan Atlanta Christian Council,


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