Box 15, Folder 12, Document 26

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Box 15, Folder 12, Document 26

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We, Charuss |. Dhwr s

March 29, 1968


(In Conjunction With Atlanta Public Schools)

TITLE OF PROJECT: Recreation, Employment and Enrichment Program

Duration: From June 1, 1968, to September 2, 1968 (With certain programs
extending to December 31, 1968).

(a) Department of Parks and Recreation, City of Atlanta, Georgia, (In
conjunction with Atlanta Public Schools), City Hall Annex,
260 Central Avenue, S. W., Atlanta, Georgia, 30303 (Public).
Ja. 2-4463, Ext. 311.

(b) Jack C. Delius, General Manager, Parks & Recreation, and Alan Koth,
School Department.

(c) Stanley T. Martin, Jr., Jack C. Delius.
(d) Charles L. Davis, Comptroller

The geographic area to be covered is that portion of the City of Atlanta
designated by E, 0, A. as Target Area; plus, Fringe Areas which are border-
line in respect to economic and social classifications.

The persons to be served are five years of age to senior citizens; both
sexes, in-school and out-of-school,

It is estimated that 150 participants each day will use each location. Plans
call for 140 locations to be served. Thus, 21,000 persons each day will be
served, This figure does not include activities such as Award Day, audiences
for band concerts, etc., and other spectator activities.

Many areas of the city are deficient in park and recreation facilities. This
fact had been clearly noted by the just completed 1968-1983 Parks and

Recreation Plan. Staff of E, O. A., Community Council, City Planning and

Department of Parks conducted the study. The need for the program covered by
this proposal is clearly evident in the total absence of park and recreation
facilities in many target areas and the inadequacy of facilities where they
do exist. In response to these deficiencies, some 40 playlots have been
constructed and staffed, using for the most part, E. O. A. funds. These
playlots fail to provide fully adequate physical facilities. Thus, some 62
schools will be used during the summer. The report Opportunity For Urban

Excellence cites a close correlation between absence of facilities and

incident of juvenile delinquency.

A coordinator of summer activities will be employed by May 1, 1968. His
duties will be to initially locate and recruit leaders of ALL age levels in
ALL target areas to serve as an Advisory Council for planning and develop~
ment. The Coordinator will be assisted in recruitment by school councilors


at 62 elementary and high school locations; by E. 0. A. Neighborhood Service
Center Personnel; by the Community Council and by staff of Parks and Recreation
Department. Leaders representing not only their age group but their respective
neighborhoods will be asked to assist the staff in planning the summer program.
It is intended that each location (be it school, park or public housing project)
will have local preferences as to types of programs. However, it is assumed
that some identifiable basic list of prepared activities will emerge and
utilized as a base to insure "equal" programs on a city-wide basis.

The program will initially be developed on ‘a pilot basis with constant
evaluation by neighborhood leaders. Once assured of our acceptability and
desirability of a given activity, it will be offered city-wide for the
duration of the summer.

Heavy emphasis will be placed on employing disadvantaged citizens in the
operation of the program. Assignments of employment will range from

actually operational, such as Recreation Aides to Advisory and Representation
Roles in the various communities. It is planned that distinctive shirts will
be supplied to teenagers whe will serve as cadre on a voluntary basis, approxi-
mately 100 teenagers and young adults will be transported to Atlanta Wilderness
Camp each week to assist in its development while at camp. The young people
will be taught swimming, canoeing, camping, nature interpretation, etc.

The project will have an overall Director, Assistant Director, Clerical
Staff, Recreation Leaders, Recreation Supervisors, Camp Directors, Enrichment
Personnel (Dance, Drama, Music, Arts and Craft). The number of poor youth »
employed will be 336. Volunteers will exceed 100.

The program will cover all areas within the defined boundries of E, 0, A's,
target zones. Some 140 locations will be staffed, using 62 schools and 78
parks and playlot locations, The hours of operation will be 9 A.M. - 9 P.M.,
Monday through Saturday. There will be a Central Headquarters located at
Central Junior High School, 232 Pryor Street, S. E. The central office will
coordinate all Park and Recreation Department and Atlanta Public School
Department's summer activites related to recreation, employment and cultural
enrichment for the disadvantaged. The Program Director will be in overail
charge of the project and will answer to a committee made up of School and
Parks personnel as well as advisory committee of citizens, All supplies,

e uipment, travel and transportaion, payroll, etc., will be handled at the
Central Office. The City of Atlanta Purchasing Department will handle purchase
transactions when requisitioned by the Central Office. The Central Office will
maintain account records in order to have available current data. The Data
Processing Division of Atlanta Public Schools will be utilized if needed to
analyze problems, expenditures, participation, etc. It is imperative that

the Central Office be staffed by May 1, 1968 in order to establish procedures,
communications with the neighborhood's recruitment and supply channels. This
Parks/Schools joint venture will carefully supplement and mesh with (1)

regular City recreation problems, (2) Community Schools, (3) work-study and
vocational education, (4) Title I Programs, (5) Neighborhood Youth Corps In-
School Enrollees, (6) contributing private agencies, (7) Academic Summer School
Program (8) Head Start, (9) individual contributions, (10) other public agency
contributions. The Atlanta Children and Youth Council will serve as overail
coordinator acting for and with Mayor's Council on Youth Opportunity to
see that all other support agencies are carefully coordinated with the
City's program. This project will not pre-emp, but rather supplement
regular City programs, Without Federal Funds, much, if not all, of the
planned activities for disadvantaged areas would be curtailed. Thus,
this Community Action Program complements the total City program.

Youth, young adults, adults and senior citizens will assist in planning

the program, its operation, and evaluation. Of special emphasis will be

age group 5-25 years with the greatest attention directed to the teenager
and young adult. The school drop-out, the potential drop-out, those with

no immediate source of income, those with no positive contacts with Social
Service Agencies, and those with no consistent work history on marketable
skills will be located and employed by Central Office as an initial step in
structuring and planning the program. Allocation of job slots will be based
on geographical distribution and population so that all target areas will
contribute. The Neighborhood Service Center, School Counselors and Social
Agencies will be invited to assist in locating and screening applicants.

A police record will not necessarily preclude employment, but the Director's
judgement will prevail in cases involving morals, and in particular, sexual
offenses. There will be no formal Civil Service Examination; selection will
be based on (1) need for employment as outlined above, (2) neighborhood
identification, (3) leadership ability, and (4) skills that can contribute
to the program. The Program Director will name final selection and assign-
ment. Arrangements will be made for medical physicals to be given each
applicant. Medical problems will be reported to Fulton County Medical
Department for follow-up. Medical problems will not necessarily bar
employment, but rather serve as a guide in assignments.

Five recreation districts will be established and supervised by regular

Park/School personnel. Youth will be used as Aides in each district
office (as well as Control Office), each school and each park area.

Activities to be offered:

Creative Rhytmics Wood Working
Outdoor Games Baton Lessons
Quiet Games Cheerleading
Folk Dancing Swimming
Softball Track and Field
Volleyball Puppetry

Camp Crafts Tumbling

Sewing Typing

Ceramics Field Trips
Photography Teen Charm
Music Appreciation Jewelry Making
Team Sports Modern and Tap Dancing
Weight Training Judo

Day and Overnight Camping

Obviously, not all of the above activities can be offered at each
location. The Citizens' Advisory groups may delete and/or add to
the list. As to frequency, in the case of field trips, these will
be scheduled for at least once a week per location. Definite
schedules and programs will be distributed thru schools (before
they recess for summer) Neighborhood Service Centers, and news
media. Already, one television station has agreed to publicize the
program on a continuing daily basis.

Atlanta Youth Council. Coordination of private and public agencies
in youth opportunity program.

Ga. Arts Commission. Contribution of technical assistance in arts
and drama. Production of neighborhood movies and plays.

Atlanta Braves and Atlanta Chiefs. Sports clinics, donated tickets
to stadium events.

Atlanta School System. Full partnership with Parks Department in
summer program. Program will use some 62 schools.

Army Corp's of Engineers. Full utilization of Lake Allatoona property,
namely, Atlanta Wilderness Camps and Atlanta Recreation Camps.

Atlanta University Center. Supply some 50 students majoring in Phs. Ed.
and Recreation to serve internship in summer.

Childrens' Academy Theatre. Plays in target areas.

Public Library. Reading clinics.
Band of Atlanta. At least two concerts in disadvantaged areas.
Theater Atlanta. Series of free productions.

Buckhead Men's Garden Club. Mr. George Meyer. Children garden plots,
etc. "Magic of Growing".

Private Theater Group - Mr. Eugene Moore. Plays in Piedmont Park.

Individual. Douglasville, Ga. Large estate - apple orchard. "Day at the

Junior League. Individual participation.
Possible Donor - Wegner Showmobile.
All facilities of the Department of Parks and The Atlanta School System

which are needed to have a successful program will be used. The location
of schools is as follows:



English Avenue, l., 2., 3.
Craddock, 1.

Bethune, 1., 2., 3.
Ware, 1., 2., 3.

Couch, 1., 3.

Fowler, 1.

Haygood, l.

Hardnett, 1., 2.
Harris, 3.

M. A. Jones, 1., 2., 3.

Herndon, l.

E. R. Carter


Harper, l.

Parks, Jr. High, l.
Gilbert, 3.


Blair Village, 2., 3.


Scott, l., 3.

Mt. Vernon
Finch, l.

Hill, diy: 2e5 Bi
Forrest, l.
Butler, 1.

John Hope, l.
Inman Park, l.


Mayson, 1.



Willians,. 1. , (2s, 3
Carey, l.

West Haven


Clement, 1.

High School

Brown, 1l., 2.
Washington, l.

Central (Office)

Price, l., 2.

Archer, l.
Grady, 2.

West Fulton, l.
Turner, 1., 2.

Reynolds, l. Bass

Lin Roosevelt, 1., 2.
Pryor, l. Murphy, l.
Cooper, 1.

Capitol Avenue, l., 2., 3.
Slaton, 1., 3.

Cook, 1., 3.

E. P. Johnson, l.

Daniel Stanton, l.

Hubert, l.

Coan, l.

Wesley, 1., 2., 3.



Chattahoochee Howard - Hope


1. Title I
2. Academic Program
3. Head Start


1. Chattahoochee (undeveloped)
2. Gun Club

3. English Parks - supplement
4. Adamsville (use Fain playground) - supplement
5. Center Hill

6. Grove - supplement

7. Anderson Park - supplement
8. Mozley - supplement

9, Maddox Park
10. Washington Park
ll. University Park
12, Couch Park
13. Home Park - supplement
14. Techwood (Housing Project)
15. Piedmont Park
16. Bedford-Pine (Hill School)
17. Butler Park
18. Bass - supplement
19, Savannah Street
20. Oakland City Park
21. Adair Park - supplement
22. Pittman - supplement
PARKS (Cont'd)

- 30.


Joyland - extended

Carver - extended
Rawson-Washington - supplement
Thomasville - supplement
Walker Park

Wesley Park

Branham Park - supplement
71 Little Street

253 Dodd Avenue

666 Parkway Drive

Haynes Street

Vine City

Knight Park

Harper Park

Senior High Rise)



. * . . *.


Auburn Avenue - Boulevard, N. E.
Forrest & Fort Avenue, N. E.
Angier-Parkway, N. E.
Merritts & Bedford St., N. E.
Bivd. Pl. & Glen Iris Dr., N. E.
Sampson - East Avenue, N. E.
Wylie & Tye St., S. E.

Vernon Street, N. E.

Hanover & Renfroe St., 5S. E.
Conley St., S. E.

Atlanta Stadium

Windsor St., S. W.

Ira St., S. W.

Eugenia-Rawson St., S. W.
McDaniel St. & Georgia Avenue
Ashby Circle

Harris Homes

Rhodes St. - Sunset Blvd.

373 Thurmond St., S. W.
Vanier & Capital

Hubbard & University

Park Avenue & Lansing

Haygood & Crew

Ladd St., S. W.

Wilson Dr., N. W.

Verbena St., N. W.

Habshal & Perry Blvd., N. W.
Perry Blvd. & Lively, N. W.
Arlington Circle, N. W.
Daniel Street, N. E.


Constant monitoring and evaluation by Citizens' Advisory Committee
as well as staff of School Board and Parks Department.

This project compliments and extends normal agency program and fills
gaps and deficiencies existing in disadvantaged areas. In addition

to service to the poor, the program will clearly illustrate to the
city and its citizens what can be done with sufficient financing.

It can not be stated at this time what part of this program will be
continued once federal funding is completed. However, on two previous
occasions, the City has continued parts of 0,E.0, financed funding.


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