Dublin Core
Box 15, Folder 13, Document 26
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November 6, 1967
Mr. Mel Cotton
The Urban Coalition
1819 H Street, N. W.
Suite 220
Washington, D. C. 20006
Dear Mel:
Iam submitting a few of my thoughts on what the Private Employment
Task Force meeting might look like in Atlanta on December 13.
I would hope that we would be able to complete workshop sessions in
the mgrning and end in a general session with a late lunch without
reconvening for workshop sessions in the afternoon, With every work-
shop conference I have attended, including the recent Coalition meeting
in Chicago, we have always lost our audience in the afternoon and I
believe this would be the case in Atlanta where you are involving key
I would suggest starting about 9:30 with a general session with welcome
remarks by the Mayor and a keynote stage setting address by Phillippe,
Henry Ford or someone of this order.
Workshop sessions would convene about 10:30 or 11;00 and run until
12:30. These might be broken into two workshop periods for each
participant, Luncheon would begin about 12:45 with the program to
commence about 1:30 or 1:45.
I would like to see the Atlanta color slide presentation on manpower
programs, problems, etc. presented by the key Chamber of Commerce
official with maybe time for a few questions or comments from the
floor following this. This would take about 48 minutes total. We
might want to pass out some critique sheets to be filled out and
returned giving a chance for expressions or comments on the film
Mr. Cotton
Page Two
November 6, 1967
The conference could close with a hard-hitting speech by Phillippe or
Ford, Possibly the keynote speech in the morning should be designed
to tell about some of the things that are happening in private industry
in connection with Coalition efforts throughout the country.
I would also like to see discussion of the Step Program of the National
Association of Manufacturers worked into the program, This possibly
could be done in the workshops.
Please let us know what steps you want us to take next.
Sincerely yours,
Dan Sweat