Dublin Core
Box 15, Folder 13, Document 31
Text Item Type Metadata
Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404
December 7, 1967
R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison
To: Mr. Cecil Alexander
Mr. Duane Beck
Mr. Bradley Currey, Jr.
Mr. Curtis Driskell
Mr. James Furniss
Mr. Don Gareis
Mr. Collier Gladin
Mr. Richard Hicks
Mr. Boisfeuillet Jones
Mr. T. M. (Jim) Parham
Mr. John Wilson
From: Dan Sweat
Attached is a copy of the Workshop line-ups for the Eastern Regional
Action Conference of the Urban Coalition on Wednesday.
You will note that we have scheduled Don Gareis, Cecil Alexander
and John Wilson to be local resource persons on the Workshop panels.
We have also scheduled several members of our group to narrate the
employment slide presentation. These are Clint Rodgers of EOA for
Workshop A; Don Gareis - Workshop B; Duane Beck - Workshop C;
Johnny Robinson of the Mayor's Office for Workshop D; and Curtis
Driskell - Workshop E.
Curtis Driskell has revised the narrative script along the lines we have
discussed. A copy of the revised script is attached so that the narrators
might review it over the weekend and before the meeting. Copies of the
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December 7, 1967
visual slide presentation will be available Friday and those who might
want to obtain a copy of the presentation to run through can call Curtis
at the Chamber office at 521-0845.
Attached is another copy of the program so that you will know the time
table. ,
Slide projectors will be furnished by the Chamber, EOA, Don Gareis,
the Community Council, and the City. The City has two so that we will
have an extra one in case we have technical difficulty with one. We
will be in touch with the people who have offered their projectors on
Tuesday so that we might collect them and have them ready for Wednesday
morning's meeting.
If those persons furnishing projectors also have screens, it will be
appreciated if we could borrow those at the same time.
Please call me or my secretary, Miss Faye Yarbrough, if any questions
or problems arise,
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