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Box 15, Folder 13, Document 73
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April 22, 1968
Mr. Alexander H. Morrison
Box 543
Lexington, Virginia 24450
Dear Mr. Morrison:
Mr. Bill Bassett of the City of Atlanta Planning Department may be able
to make available to you the movie shown recently in Atlanta at the
Urban Coolition Conference.
I am sending him copies of your letter to the Mayor and this letter to
you. However, if you wish to communicate with him directly, his address
is City Planning Department, City Hall, 68 Mitchell Street, City of
Atlanta, 30303 Georgia.
Very truly,
Assistsnt Personnel Director
HT: 44
ec: Mr. Bill Bassett “
Mr. Alexander H. Morrison
Box 543
Lexington, Virginia 24450
Dear Mr. Morrison:
Mr. Bill Bassett of the City of Atlanta Planning Department may be able
to make available to you the movie shown recently in Atlanta at the
Urban Coolition Conference.
I am sending him copies of your letter to the Mayor and this letter to
you. However, if you wish to communicate with him directly, his address
is City Planning Department, City Hall, 68 Mitchell Street, City of
Atlanta, 30303 Georgia.
Very truly,
Assistsnt Personnel Director
HT: 44
ec: Mr. Bill Bassett “