Box 15, Folder 13, Document 77

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Box 15, Folder 13, Document 77

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The Urban Coalition / Federal Bar Buiiding West [ 1879 H Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. | 20006

Steering Committee Co-chairmen: Andrew Heiskell f A, Philip Randolph

December 14, 1967

Mr. Dan Sweat
Assistant to the Mayor
City Hall

Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Dan:

Many thanks for your assistance in the recent meeting in Atlanta.
Thanks, also, for the materials used in the workshops.

Please express my appreciation to members of your staff who
worked so closely with us and helped in so many ways.


t YS wha
Wiss URky
Mel Cotton
Associate National Coordinator


National Coordinators: John Feild | Ron M. Linton
Telephone 293-1530


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