Box 16, Folder 2, Document 30

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Box 16, Folder 2, Document 30

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Mrs. Josephine Vance

2D 26th Street, N.W.
Apt. De2

Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lewis
3779 N. Stratford Road, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mer. J. Kurt Holland

Haas, Holland, Freeman, Levison & Gibert
First National Bank Building

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mrs, George Beattie
857 Woddley Dr., N. We
Atlanta, Georgia 30318

Mr. Harold Brockey (Harold)
President and General Manager

Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. C. C. Covey (Chet)

J. H, Hilsman & Co., Inc.
1410 C & § Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30603

Mrs, Laura Northington
377 Felton Dr,, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia

Betty Haverty Smith

Reverend Ronald G. Hanie

Park Avenue Baptist Church
486 Park Aves, S.Es
Atlanta, Georgia 30312

Mr. Herchel R. Coile
Honeywell, Inc.

500 Plaster Ave., N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30324

Mrs, Helen W. Adams
2795 Peachtree Road, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305

Mrs. Grace A. Boynton
600 Willard Aves, S.W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mrs, Judy Neiman
3640 Cloudland, N. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30327

Mr. Henry C. Malden
3288 Briarcliff Rd., N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30329

Mr. I. L. Kunian (Sonny)
Kay Developers

P.O.Box 13041 Station K
Atlanta, Georgia 30324

Mr, William M. Robinson
Vice President

Colonial Stores, Inc.
P.O.Box 4358 .
Atlanta, Georgia 30302

Mr. NE. Cornish, Manager

Dixie Division

Eneyclopaedia Britannica

1371 Peachtree Street, N.E, Suite 400
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Mr, Bill C. Wainwright (Bill)

Atlanta Federal Savings & Loan Assn.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. John H. Bennett (John)

Aviation Division

100 State Capitol

Atlanta, Georgia 30334

Mr. W. King Grant


Southern Discount Company
919 West Peachtree St., N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. Ira H. Hardin (Ira)

Ira H. Hardin Company
174% Mills St., N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30313

Mrs. Rose S. Saper
Box 7715 Station C
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr, Fred Ellis
Student, Morehouse College
Atlanta, Georgia 30314

Mr, Max M, Cuba (Max)
45 Eighth Street, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Mr, Stanley P, Meyerson (Stan)
Hatcher, Meyerson, Oxford and Irvin
Third Floor, First Federal Bldg.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mr. G. Albert Lawton (Al)

Genegia International Life Ins. Co.
P.O. Box 6036

Atlanta, Georgia 30308

Mr, William Underwood
Executive Vice President
1375 Peachtree St., N.E,
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. Victor K, Meador
Attorney at Law

1401 William-Oliver Bldg,
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

WAGA-TV Editorial
P.O.Box 4207
Atlanta, Georgia 30302

Mr. Edward A. Jones
1341 Thurgood St., S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30314

Mr, Paul W. Sanger, Jr.
50 Westminster Dr., N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Mr, Mike Wilson
Georgia Tech Box 34707
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. John L. Allen

General Agent

John Hancock Building

Butler at Houston Streets, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mre Roy Ey Smith


Bankers Fidelity Life Ins. Co.
2045 Peachtree Rd., NE.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Mrs. W. K. Alexander
2630 Winslow Dr., N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305 9

Mrs. James T, Anderson, Jr,(Jeanie)

Mr. Sims Bray (Sims)
P.O. Box JET:
Atlanta, Georgia 30301

Mr. Trammell NeIntyre (Trammell)
Vice President & Treasurer
Guaranty Title Insurance Co.

Bank of Georgia Building

Atlanta, Georgia

Mr, James S. Briggs

3459 Stratford Rd., N.E.

Atlanta, Georgia

Mrs. T. Erwin Sehneider (Virginia)
1 Austell Way, NW.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. James D. Robinson, Jr. (Jim)
First National Bank of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. Max Alterman

Vice President

Alterman Foods, Inc.

933 Lee Street, S. WW.
Atlanta, Georgia 30310

Mr. Herbert R. Borges
2102 Lenox Road, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30324

Mr, John B. Coppedge (John)

Sophie Mae Candy Corporation
P.O. Box 6202 Station H
Atlanta, Georgia 30308

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Stevens
313 Oakland Street
Decatur, Georgia 30030

Anne Wynn and Bruce Montgomery
3527 Woodhaven Road, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305

Mr, Jack Walsh


1611 We Peachtree Stay NE.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mrs. Dera Cosse (Dora)
Dera Clayton Agency
Carnegie Building
Atlanta, Georgia

Honorable Charles L. Weltner

327 Old Post Office

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mr, Richadd L, Kattel (Dick)

Vice President

The Citizens & Southern National Bank
Atlanta, Seorgia

Mr, James H, Pair (Jim)
518-535 Forsyth Building
86 Forsyth Ste, NW.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mrs, Caroline Bethea (Caroline)
200 The Prado, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Mrs. Kate F. Edwards

The Darling, Apt. 1105
2025 Peachtre e Rd., N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Mr, Sam Adams Dorsey (Sam)
1801 Peachtree Rde, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Mr, Roy D,. Warren(Roy)
Roy D, Warren Co., Inc.
30 Pryor Ste, S. We
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mr. Joseph D, Franco
2823 Ridge Valley Rd., NW.
Atlanta, Georgia

Dr. Noah Langdale, Jr. (Noah)

Georgla State College

33 Gilmer ae BS. Es
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Hon. Richard C, Freeman (Richard)
1116 First National Bank Bldg.
Atlanta Georgia 30303

Mr, Clifford Oxford (Clifford)
Hatcher, Meyerson, Oxford and Irvin
Third Floor, First Federal Bldg.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dr. and Mrs. Irvin Blumenthal
747 Longleaf Dr., NE.
Atlanta, Georgia

Theodore C. Levitas, D.D.S.

Suite 131

The Baptist Professional Building
340 Boulevard, N.E.

Atlanta, Georgia

Archbishop Hallinan
2689 Peachtree Road, N.£.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305

Mrs. James Crow
578 Rosemont Dr., S.E.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. Benjamin H, Oehlert, Jr. (Ben)
P.O. Drawer 1734 3
Atlanta, Georgia 30301

Mr. LaFayette Frederick
672 Beckwith Sti, S.W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. Irwin A. Webb (Irwin)
2317 Shasta Way, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30399

Reverend Allen T. Newby

Cokesbury Methodist Church
1146 Sheridan Road, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30324

Miss Julia N. Clifton
115 Peachtree Memorial Dr., N.W. C#2
Atlanta, Georgia 38309

Pr. Wallace M, Alston (Wallace)

Agnes Scott College

Decatur, Georgia 30030

Mr. E. G. Cummins

Cummins Machinery Company
182-184 Courtland St., N.E.
Atlanta, Geergia 30303

Mr, G. Maynard Smith (Maynard)
Fulton National Bank Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mr. George E. Gill
924 Woodland Ave., S.E,.
Atlanta, Georgia 30316

Mr, R. E. Gormley

Vice President

Georgia Savings Bank & Trust Company
Atlanta, Georgia


Mr. Arthur B,L,. Martin

Smith, Ringel, Martin & Lowe

Suite 509 Standard Federal Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mr, Will L, Kinard
1105 Kingston Dr., N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305

Mr. We. J. Bookholt (Bill)

Atlanta Federal Executive Board
Internal Revenue Service
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. Robert G. Watt (Bob)
Courts & Company

P. O. Box 1295

Atlanta, Georgia

Mr, Grady Stamps

Cafeteria Facility

State Office Building Authority
648 State Office Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mr. Frank Ridley (Frank)
Vice President

Marsh & McLennan

1201 Peachtree Center Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30302

Reverend Carroll Tinsley


Céhdivnity Park StreetMethodist Shurch
1684 Beecher St., S. W.

Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. C, H. Stubbs

Ace Sign Company

1091 Euclid Ave,, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30307

Mrs. Annie P, Wright
347 Mary Ste, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Reverend Bevel Jones


St. Mark Methodist Church
Peachtreeeat Fifth St., N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30308

Mr, Charles G. Bethea (Charlie)

Executive Consultant to

State Mutual Life Assurance Co,of America
917 Fulton Federal Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mr. C, R. Bommby, Jr. (Charlie)

Crystal Laundry and Cleaners, Inc,
304 Angier Ave., N.E.

Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. R. S. Howard, Jr.

Executive Secretary

State Water Quality Control Board
47 Trinity Ave., S. W.

Atlanta, Geprgia 30334

Mr. Hal L. Smith (Hal)
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. Robert R. Snodgrass (Bob)

Atlas Finance Co., Inc.

262-264 Spring St. NeW.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303


Mr. G. Conner Henry (Conner)

Law & Company

P. 0. Box 1558

Atlanta, Georgia

Mrs. Fred W. Robinson
323-F Lakemoore Dr., NE.
Atlant, Georgia 30305

Mr. William C. Bartholomay (Bill)
Atlanta Braves

Atlanta Stadium

Atlanta, Georgia

Mrs, Leila M. Terry

Church Clerk

Friendship Baptist Church
Mitchell at Haynes St., S.W,
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Reverend Samuel W. Williams
Pastor, Fréendship Baptist Church
Mitchell at Haynes Street, S.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mrs, Raymond L. Kuniansky
1213 Poplar Grove Dr., N.E,.
Atlanta, Georgia 30306

Mr. Sam Tupper
80 26th St., Ne We
Atlanta, Georgia 30309


Mr. Eugene Caldwell (Gene)

Montap & Caldwell

1100-13 First National Bank Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mr, E, A. Trabant

Vice President for Academic Affairs
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332

Reveren€ L, F,. VanLandingham
Inman Park Methodist Church
1015 Edgewood Ave., N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30307

Mrs. Margaret P, Lindsey
247 Brighton Road, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr, Charles H, Smith (Charlie)
Vice President

Real Estate Loan Company

710 Atlanta Federal Savings Bldg.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mr. Edward D. Smith (Ed)


The First National Bank of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia 30302

Mr. Clayton Yates
228 Auburn Ave., N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mrs. ro Me Parham
503 Wabash Ave. o NE.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mrs. Grace T,. Hamilton
1201-8 City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mr. C. E. Prothro, Jr.
797 Harwell Rd., N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia

Lt, Col. H. We Bush
2484 Black Forest Trail, S.W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Rev. S. A. Baker
2980 Del Mar Lane, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. and Mrs. Thad Morrison, Jr.
562 West Wesley Rd., NW.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305

Rep. G. D. Adams, Jr.
532 St. Johns Ave., S.W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. Wallace H, Stewart (Wally)
1439 Peachtree St., NE.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. E. Je Kelley
MacDougald-Warren, Inc,
P.O, Box 19695 Station N
Atlanta, Georgia 30325

Mr. Joseph Ae Logan
1819 Peachtree Rd., NE.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. Le T, Wells

Business Opportunities, Inc,
976 Piedmont Ave., N. FE.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mrs, Josephine Wilkins
Atlanta Biltmore
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. Re As Siegel (Pop)
2783 Syngate Rd., N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305

Mr. N, Barnard Murphy, Jr.

Goodbody & Co.

Suite 1414 Fulton National Bank Bldg.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mra. Waldo Oettinger (Carolun)
550 Kingswood Lane, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mrs. Walter Hunken
3175 Verdun Dray N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr, Augustus H, Sterne

Trust Company of Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia 30302

Mrs, C. Mildred Thompson
3750 Peachtree Rd., N.E,
Atlanta, Georgia 30319

Mr. George S. Craft (Heorge)
P. O;. Box 4418
Atlanta, Georgia 30302

Mr. Carl J, Reith (Carl)

Colonial Stores, Inc.
PO, Box 4358

Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. Allen E, Lockerman (Allen)
Troutman, Sams, Schroder & Lockerman
1600 William Oliver Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mrs, Leon Froshin (Arlene)
1165 We Conway Dray NW.
Atlanta, Georgia 30327

Mr. Harold Davis (Harold)
News Officer

Georgia State College

33 Gilmer Ste, Ss Bu
Atlanta, Georgia 390303

Mrs. Gene C, Miller
3540 Woods Drive
Decatur, Georgia

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Mra. Mariana Knox (Mariana)
Atlanta Biltmore - Mezzanine
Atlanta 83, Georgia

Mrs. Anna Marie Shinn

City of Atlanta Law Department
1114 William Oliver Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mr. Charles G. Bass
Parker-Hannifin Corp.
1735 Tully Circle, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30329

Mrs. As Davant Lawton
404 Redland Road, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Dr. William Martin Cason (B1i11)
Sandy Springs
Atlanta, Georgia 30328

Mrs. Kathleen LaBelle
Carriage House

69 Spring St., S. W,
Atlanta 3, Georgia

Mr, David Goldwasser
Atlanta Envelope Company
P.O. Box 1267

Atlanta, Georgia 30301

Mr. Re. Lie Gardner, Jre
1803 Haypgood Dr., N. EB.
Atlanta, Georgia 30307

Mrs. Irma McAulay

Arnall for Governor Headquarters
Atlanta American Motor Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. Thomas H, Read (Tommy)

Read Concessions Co,

30 Courtland St., S. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mr. Le Le Austin (Lew)
1174 Zimmer Dr., N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. He As Wiggins
P. 0. Box 4545
Atlanta, Georgia 30302

Mr. Thomas F. Chouce
Suite 1114 William Oliver Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mr. John E. Branch (John)
Wilson, Branch, Barwick & Wilcox
Rhodes Haverty Building

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Mr. Saul Feldman
1254 W. Paces Ferry Rd., NeW.
Atlanta, Georgia 30327

Mr. Louis Le. Kennedy (Buck)
General Manager

Rich's North DeKalb

2144 Lawrenceville Highway
Decatur, Georgia

Mrs. Herman M. Kulman
2309 Montview Dr., NW.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305

Mr. Ae W. Rhodes (Warren)
Chairman of the Board
S.P. Richards Paper Co.
P.O. Box 2666 Saation D
Atlanta, Georgia 30318

Mr. Milton Weinstein (Milton)
1180 Peachtree St., N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. W. Elmer George (Elmer)

Executive Director

Georgia Municipal Assn, 406 Pulton Fed.Bldg
Atlanta, Georgia 30303


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