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Box 16, Folder 3, Document 12
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gnman Park Methodist Church
September 9, 1966,
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.,
The City Hall
Atlanta, Ga.
Dear Ir, Mayor,
As one of the ministers of the city of Atlanta,
let me congratulate you on your forthrightness and courage
im meeting the situation that arose in the Capitol Avenue —
Ormond Street area on Tuesday afternoon this week, There is
just no excuse for such rioting as was precipitated by the
"Snick" leadership.
I have sometimes wondered if policemen are not
too quick to use their guns, which was the excuse used in this
instance, And I have not always been in agreement with certain
stands that you have taken with respect to our city. But I
have appreciated the manner in which all along you have tried
to work to help the Negro people. We need courageous leader-
ship in this field, and you have shown courage again and again,
You certainly acted with courage last Tuesday.
I commend you from the bottom of my heart about that. The
reluctance of the white mind to welcome a new day in race
relationships is deplorable, and lays itself liable to just such
as the radical leadership perpetrated on last Tuesday.
But we don't need the Stokely Carmichaels and
those of his ilk who foster such actions and attitudes. They
do not help the Negro, They hurt him,
Thank you, Mayor Allen, that you moved unhesita—
tingly and with such courage to try to halt an angry situation.
We sincerely hope that we may have no more of what Ilr,
Carmichael and his gang stirred up that afternoon.
Gratefully and cordially yours,
L 6 Uae Keele hate
L. F. VanLandingham, Paster
Inman Park Methodist Church
gnman Park Methodist Church
September 9, 1966,
Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.,
The City Hall
Atlanta, Ga.
Dear Ir, Mayor,
As one of the ministers of the city of Atlanta,
let me congratulate you on your forthrightness and courage
im meeting the situation that arose in the Capitol Avenue —
Ormond Street area on Tuesday afternoon this week, There is
just no excuse for such rioting as was precipitated by the
"Snick" leadership.
I have sometimes wondered if policemen are not
too quick to use their guns, which was the excuse used in this
instance, And I have not always been in agreement with certain
stands that you have taken with respect to our city. But I
have appreciated the manner in which all along you have tried
to work to help the Negro people. We need courageous leader-
ship in this field, and you have shown courage again and again,
You certainly acted with courage last Tuesday.
I commend you from the bottom of my heart about that. The
reluctance of the white mind to welcome a new day in race
relationships is deplorable, and lays itself liable to just such
as the radical leadership perpetrated on last Tuesday.
But we don't need the Stokely Carmichaels and
those of his ilk who foster such actions and attitudes. They
do not help the Negro, They hurt him,
Thank you, Mayor Allen, that you moved unhesita—
tingly and with such courage to try to halt an angry situation.
We sincerely hope that we may have no more of what Ilr,
Carmichael and his gang stirred up that afternoon.
Gratefully and cordially yours,
L 6 Uae Keele hate
L. F. VanLandingham, Paster
Inman Park Methodist Church