Box 16, Folder 3, Document 65

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Box 16, Folder 3, Document 65

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United States
of America

Vol, 111


Mr. TALMADGE. Mr. President, the
southwest Georzia eliy of Americus has
become another in a lone and unhappy
line of American communities to be seb
Upon by racial agitation wand violent

The traric vietim of miiitant and ar-
rorant advecates of a philosephy tiat
threatens to destroy the American ideal
that ours is a Nation of laws and not of
men, upon which is based the freedom of
all Americans recardiess of race, creed,
or color, Americus, Ga. has been made
the scence of racial disorder and mob ac-
tion. Already there has oecurred a
brutal and senseless killing of a yaunr
U.S. Marine cniistee who was shot dawn
in cold bleod while standing on a ptrect
corner. ‘Two Nerrocs have been charred
with bis murder.

We pray that violence will end in this
strife-lorn city, (at peace and order will
be returned, sud that wilever dilfer-
enees exist between eitizens will be re-
solved in eceordanee wilh ile processes
of civilized taw, and nat. ncenrdin® to the
law of tie jimele, We pray that there
will be sg more deaths, and that the
food ciuzens of Americus, of both rarees,
will look to their minds and their hearts
and them conrciences for nm solution ta
preblems of tnman relations, aoe that.
there vhoare bent upon pittine neiebbor
arainss neivhber, whe make a profession
out of inciting riots and dissension, will
cense and desint.

Accord: in newspaper aceounis, thee
difienlues in Ameriens arose over voter
Tesistration procedures. I have stated

berars, and To repeat here today that I
faver the fll and unhindered right to
vote of every qualified Amerienan cili-

ven, and wherever this richt is being de-
nied there should be corrective action.
The rieht to vote is muarantecd by the
Constitution ond well-protected by stot-
utory law, inehiding the so-called Voting
Rirhts Act which now lies on the Presi-
dent's desk, which is enforecable in every
court in the land, both State and Fed-

Tean find no justification for the wave
of rioting which has swept the country
_over alleged deprivation of constitutional


Se - “«D

sateen Aucust 5, 1965

rinhts, nol so jont as the American sys-
fem survives and oboere onre annie
remedies atiaw, Chere ihe no jistiit-
eation for takiar wae Trey dato one’s wa
hands, ‘This enn only resaidh ia anareciy
and destroy the fevedoi of ail.

Mr. President, there appeared in the
Aust § anoof tle Columbus, Cin.
Tnquirer aan enecient ciity cia) eonecrne
ing Americas wad the gaceesedec break
to liw and order mothe dated Ptates,

Leommend this edituvint to lie atten
tion of the Seite, giei geo Wau niois
consent tlivk il tbe prints dda thie Recon,

There bei, no objeedon, the ecdtoricedl
was ordercd too be primiod in tbe econ,
as follows;

Tie in

“Tf owe cart
ve Ph elbow
canoer wos nk member af tie Nonviolent.
Coordination tbh ber

He w. peeoclines viedewer tan tes wheels
Hist awiresdiy bnewie vbobogee pdk teapedy. Tie
theddgT die henge Gd bok atibasene, 1G
welntt fi tle tlie yimidl oof
SACC ond haere peowp of baat varcety be tint
eqqreulbty, bart etineen,

Ta Mike ded pepe clint tia toed Dey
Telatead prove Veo dry, Alene: do ee boe
Lervinge ie thie Arne Ploeg, ose ine jars
worlirtyh dit ek we fe rieic Our Thyie ad ken
obhier cedererdd poopie Da Sate Deiadnyon td
Viebomin oo tit ton white Amerhoin ean pek
nehor’! the pampiiet cab, "Wo will be
Tendoc eh wpeny raitoern ov mb the colored
peepee the wert IfPqlie Fone peep ie conn
Voie te fit ork die witht mh ennse,

“And if they answer demaerracy (ia the
eumse), tell blew the treat, We dent knew
maythios atok conidia, dota tis and
all thot, but wee know thot Negroor have
camerhh beh orieht bere uneler thts Amertean

Aa onder this Americus denwerney, tae
wwribet oot Uliet pam piled, seed poe npewers oft
dineerston nad fate ned vboietee ean cone
finne te roa free ond piace their tresion.
Ver, tromnon, for there ie ao toilder werd
to describe the divectian wuteie part of tho
GVVb cheba mivew wot Pe ree fb iebtirs,

Union comin, thie wormmlal dae hinted
nwey coed shrek, Tak denmiceriey ns savings ien-
ture dso tolernnen af mesriv any internal
Lee thar fonwed to fear diewn the deantarnne
Mu ord bt.

Jit Lhere is a iimnth, evews
And tht (rit ds cdese at diab tor tlie more
bocce eivay ab fa iret Wil, pereety bg
the there baie dithdhe re pre tenily
pehieved, dite eda thee uplber nivel mare

NST Eere th
Wwolta Anjertones, we noenid



thio democracy,

, AUGUST i 5, 7

“D gem

Nor itt er \b- Wy



No, 143


fripitentag side of thelr nature, The mask
ef (he alehter for rhydits has been removed to
revere Che @ertroyer of Taw ana evider,

The Mio osppl pamphlet quite obviously
rem tei gtek tae dihi Tar equniity as &
dvtht betwee lie Wiilte pak colored peopica
scavhd, oth a ATAeN belwern
Atwrleciool Vareiijo enor "Phere ison vit
fied Gaittorioat Goterenee da tie lwo ape
Jitencetan :

She Wad Chine © lave ponypink to deplet the
Worklogs os eae between the ipht and


ether dened Stoo t Araerieci heroes hive
Teper ded Claet Thieeey aad pice thelr faith
Mhachleviny: Pil sturns fa be th. citivenn, Be

(Gert Erae Gor (ome a oti Peovity mare
qrewbess aration af the
Whole yuive Lien

i fhe ao tee
Heb be teh UD bee

Leak the Atte
itt Nera
PACHeLOPS OT ctiett flee
exces Meat inekd per oie:

The di redo anenpern abe Cakhayy fro
dons nite baoosdin. Whey tlramt a peeved
word wilile escuoit the haiti t ivriinay
chit pthoie ite Raw

Wiretover the Anerieat white tad bin
nye He Arorical Neyrra, det iia peeduerd
for the Nepean Grete ha) ged pee eek ain
tion, wed the Metre chould net porter tht.

Aq the averape demonstrator wheels Tin
lite-mordeid ear dite ie driveway of n G-reom

Dose eared

ca aeame =o the Amere
en vbe te uoeyed by the
jel us auriy os by tho

che ceny

house ocith no holes in the reot, ated poes
inte nh leme-eooeeal meal atl watehes tele
vision witlle baviog & Take soe, aid his chil-
drow finde thetr echoed beso, De alveatd
CWiibk lon nel Berd about what freedom is,
before dae iit tiled Wot mead ab,
Slopans cou ev ber dhe reniity af freee
dom Testis eh pore TM oes, une free-
(evs fries nge net barve ted By all who
march in its wo Maay ere willing to
mareh and ei Dat are veh prepared to
Poy the trie ated ean pane for freedom,

which la du fa todg.ente, (oom year of
Mbecent efert. wot onon few oooenatrations,
The American Ne vo inv “ty amid of the

preaho omiajerity of the pea;
White or colored, simply bec u.
thin band et eppertunity—

Amd at‘a nbout thae semenue in high vue
thority todd him se, instead of timohing with
Buli.every tire ps minor shorlcoming ts cited,

Someooy de Preakut Tyicdon B. Jolie
Bon, lor instunce,

im the world,
woo dives in
vd freed wm.

_— SS

eeteee get - V9 nan ll tm

United States
of America

Vol. 111


- tn 6 ~



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Na. i350


Mr, TALMADGE. Mr. President, the
entire Nation is shocked and horrified
by the racial rioting in the city of Los
Anteies. In the wake of this holocaust,
in which more than 30 lives have been
lost and wieeh still rages in some parts
of the Los Angeles area, various sid sun-
dry so-called explanations and exes
have been offered by experts in the Gelds
of Jaw enforcement, soctolory, psyehol-
ory, psychiatry, urban affairs, and eeca-

Recardiess of how learned the expert
ov how scholarly the presentation, 1, for
one, canna comprelicnd how poverty,
sinm conditions, unemployment, cultural
or econnmiec need, or alloned diserimina-
tion—anas deplorable as they are—ean he
justification for lawlessness and rioting.
T, for one, Mr. President, have yet to be
fiven an scceptable exeuse for takings
the Jaw into one’s own liands. In our
country under the Amerienn sysiem of
government, Lhere is ne such exeise.

Tiowever, [T believe the Washiston
Evening Star in an editorial lest fetur-
day came close to the heart of the roant-
fer. The Star in my apinien prt iis
fineer on a danrerous trend in Ameries
at the prevent fime which we lave seen
manifested in Los Anrmeles, Sprimiuheld,
Mass., Chicago, TIL, New Yori City,
Selma. Als Amerieus Ga. and indeed
throuciioidc dl parts of the Unthed States.

The Star, calling: attention to a crow.
ine contempt for law ood the rindtes of
law-abiding, poopie, asked this very per.
tinent question:

What ia the efecto on respect for uw when
prominent members of the clergy announce
they will not obey # inw if they disagree with


gC rere]
AvcusT 16, 1965
1t? What ls the effect when the Supreme
Cour, aa we > lower FPeserai courts, ovec-
turn coanyieiwons for hav vielutions on the
SImsiest 6f bores, or, as aa one Instance, for
Blaterh reyes?

Dees tals sortoiot thine eneournpe ie heod-
Tum type te tihek that respect dor inw ts for
the birds? We tilak ie.

Mr. President. Task wnaninous con-
sent that ties editorial Le punted da the

Toere bea: ne objection, the edie
forind was avaered to be priited in ihe
Rico, on Follows:

Tar, ANGELI Gtbers

The mosh do dinpranpe: tool the savage rlot-
Inypp add) dette whieh bas awept Los Anpeles
in the wtter reine tes Of the Gling,

It storied Werboodkiuy evenine when a white
Teillcemian trom te arr a epro motorist
ono oateopiebom cf oerumiiess sleiving. And oe
really took aly froar these

A Geast Th penple are dewd, dnebudbag a
deputy ndvih gted a die wae Ct Dy ae
Twine wail, Peaperty de WOLD rum tiled
inte the niilideter, The py yweourlel
Bee chee bey devebbadioay tee) bveey ster ae aetiel
fight att diapetien respihig tee EP ted,
Also stoned Were atmiabeaers teyined ve
tie Injured PLC Were ye day t
many Beiwys wreeaed,
wien tin | me Hone
ecomtred fie gabe Mattes
elied in bit night ane
leisk an Tneusy peare prey

To try ta put tits thio: jaiio come kind
af perepective, Los Angele: hug a Negra pope
Wiohlen of gow Si0.000, a reaghily 1 pers
eruit oar the iol, ‘Dhe lavgest dither of
now at aaa eng tne da mot belbeviel to
hive exseoodedt TOOO. ‘This, ihe derrdbunis
have eomptitwbodd a relatively smatl minortiy.
Awl there Ja prebably novel traci: tia the
comment atm heunewlfe whi salds “it's tie
rowdy teenkera nll pasced up on airplane
glue and gin who provoke the trouble” The

Jo pieners

eed teet
» RO were

PV 7ne parent at

1 4

news pPhojies indicate Unis is true, So dora

mTCmert te tte New Vor Ton eh stated
that the Waite area of Tain An

he trouble Giaaite ld, is not

nelle, i oe

reve olay ahi
Gre Lhe ahesceatetta arte Loe tee r
Wn oneltiorieds tei werk ry Hel tt
thee ghee’ pba) dadin Daw ti ee a Neetu
By ee dual Fem be Tilted tiaet Ovbev tes HT bd
Pedic Wheat someting of ou thie t

rays Wied arte bie me 4
howe ied el wiih aoe AMO ie
eed tay “Paes wee atthe

0d tilidial

One certaliiy dea haters al pete whote
or Whoek, baa wepeehaliy woot Aime ler
anh Ceatenepi bor aM Thin Tiare Th
hawealieia,, gatepee, PAT eit ye ne
ear fer Dies Anette TR Gi) 9 tbh an 3
plus hooey ETAL dd deed Aa ee

Th shop, Ge rie ol lew, te woe 1 po ae

: ae Po pad, wei be dee Deeb Go &

t Aniceiee anad Uae ee he
TART er wile ty Makin! pros ne
eer Tie Vreven aw oar }
Crime, Whotaee dle reatire oan lve
Tyrer aiihiee’ hans? Londerprasiarge Woy at
(hie bate povkoeh Tae ete Wa nb
sine ie hee Lhe biningsbod em bbe oo
pu wbbathe Witt da ola ga 1 oe ff J
bac Ghaw shoe yer TOL decor yeaa gf doce
eterey foodie ca WEED ee eae
Vv divey A ree wat? Wh >» theo eh
Wie foe SC obieiee ab, ae Well ag luwer

Bey Cees dew wen eanvied longs for law
* dhidaeiernbh ey Ineaes, er, ae on
Yogbo inte re ane The
Bite cunt oat fp enero. foe Tew dint
type to think that respect Dee daw on for che
Win in? We think we
Atony sete, Gb bees Detetere eeu ip ews
Angeles toist the dolera will pive way to
pathing, except superior force, Ad tn tant
event the mupeitor forea nist bo applled—
followed, one may hepe, by severe puiuivh-
ment of those who may be found guilty of
criminal netivity,

Viacom om 4

pode Deity,


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