Box 16, Folder 3, Document 69

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Box 16, Folder 3, Document 69

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September 16, 1966

Mayor Ivan Allen

City Hall

68 Mitchell Ste, S. We
Atlanta, Gae 30503

My dear Mayor Allen:

It is indeed regrettable that we as citizens of Atlanta had to witness the
deplorable incident that took place on Capitol Avee recently and more similar incidents
sinceo We do realize that all over the world there is discord and seemingly hatred
everywhere we turne Yet there are many of us who believe firmly that we can wite
together with brotherly love and erase this hatred from the face of the earthe

As Christians we recommend an easy and simple methode If we would come together
just now on thet one accord and plant that tiny seed of love in our hearts and minds,
spreading it to the four corners of the earth in prayer and faith, believing that the
Lord God, himself would be with us at his appointment and settle these world affairs

and differencese As we think on this, let's remember these words of our Lerd and
Savior "Love yea one another as I have also loved youe" If all people of this world
would turn to God on this day, we would doubt such an incident would happen again in
Atlanta, Gae or any other cityo

Mayor Allen I have a patriot-love song that I feel would be very fitting for times
like theseo If these wordsswere to reach out to the people, I would like to be con=
vineced that there would be a change in man's heart and show more concern for brotherly-
love for one another as ‘patriotic Americans' shoulde

I am sending you enclosed to keep a copy of such a love song which I have composed
myselfe Ido hope you will enjoy the music of "Let's Turn To God Americae"

Sincerely yours, 2
“7 e

Tie ce Le eqn
Mrse Marie Pull
MP/gs 1586 Alder Cte, Se Ee
ENMLe Atlanta, Gae 30317
(Music sheet ~ Let's Turn To God America)


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