Box 16, Folder 4, Document 43

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Box 16, Folder 4, Document 43

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September 8, 1966

Honorable Ivan Allen, Mayor
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mayor.

All of those who refused to stand up and fight, are now praising you
Which shows that those who do show strength an’? stand up for the

rights of the people, are the respected ones. When I read the con-
gratulatory message to you, fron our U.S. Vice President, I remembered
a short while ago, when he said,# I do not blame them (the demen-
strators, I would do it myself)?

I received a letter from our U.S. Senator, Richard B. Russell, in

answer to a letter which I had written him, in which he stated,I

quote, “ I made the longest fight in the history of the Senate

against the 1964 Federal Force bill and I predicted at that time

that it was impossible to satisfy thease the bill was supposed to benefit.
Unhappily, my predictions have been more than borne out. The vostrs

in other sections of the country, have continued to increase the
self-styled "liberals" in the congress,who will vote for any program

no matter how fantastic, catering to the whims and demands of the minority
groups, and the odds are heavy against those few of us who seek to pre-
serve Constitutional Government. I can, however, assure you that

we will fight this vicious bill with every means at out command."

The Senator had reference to the housing bill, about which I
had written him.

Mayor, in only a short while, our yards and our homes would
become the scenes of what happened in S.E, Atlanta.

Let me say, " We are proud of our Mayor. Proud of someone who
has the strength to fight, and who is not afraid to use it.

Uh , a S \


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