Dublin Core
Box 16, Folder 5, Document 102
Text Item Type Metadata
Office of the’ Mayor
Siren. —
ith A A, Lhe!
Telephone No.
[-] Wants you to call [_] Is here to see you
[_] Returned your call [_] Came by to see you
{_] Left the following message:
Lz. UZ) Ao Sella O Reet
Sich s Lo Cul.
jf 7
vo =x 2
Cf) 27 Zo, kL ZA Qe
OLY Hee Lk Z oe“
Lak Lt. Z L- ~— se 6z~ os ct.
J Lb ths LAr a7
Date: Time a.m./ p.m.
FORM 25-5
Siren. —
ith A A, Lhe!
Telephone No.
[-] Wants you to call [_] Is here to see you
[_] Returned your call [_] Came by to see you
{_] Left the following message:
Lz. UZ) Ao Sella O Reet
Sich s Lo Cul.
jf 7
vo =x 2
Cf) 27 Zo, kL ZA Qe
OLY Hee Lk Z oe“
Lak Lt. Z L- ~— se 6z~ os ct.
J Lb ths LAr a7
Date: Time a.m./ p.m.
FORM 25-5