Dublin Core
Box 16, Folder 6, Document 74
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friday, April 7, 1967,
Experts to Review
Housing Bias Here
The Georgia State Advisory Committee to the U.S. Civil
Rights Commission will hold a
two-day open meeting on dis-
crimination in public and private housing in the Greater At-
lanta Metropolitan Areas beginning Friday.
Dr. Vivian W. Henderson, |
president of Clark College and
chairman of the state advisory
committee, an-
nounced _ that
the group will
collect informa-
tion on alleged
d is crimina-
tion and its ef-
fects on school
gation aon d|
community ten-|
sions, an d|
examine ways
Mayor Allen
in which the state, federal and
local governments and private |
organizations can combat hous-
ing discrimination.
Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen wl
welcome the group at 1 p.m.)
Directors of the Atlanta, DeKalb
and Atlanta Metropolitan Area
Planning commissions have
been invited to appear Friday.
Also invited are Housing Author-
ity officials from cities in the
metropolitan area, the Fulton
County Welfare director, the re-
gional director of the Federal
Housing Assistance Administra-
tion and the vice chairman of
the Georgia Council on Human)
Relations. The session is to con-
clude at 6 p.m.
Officials of the Southern Chris-
tian Leadership Conference, Na-
tional Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People,
American Friends Service Com-
mittee and National Commit-
tee Against Discrimination in
Housing will appear Saturday,
with representatives of the mort-
gage banking, real estate and
home building industries.
The two-day meeting will be,
in the federal district courtroom
on the third floor of the Olc
Post Office building on Forsytt
St. NW.
The Georgia committee is one
of 51 national groups whose
members serve without compen-
sation to inform the commission
of civil rights matters in their
communities and to disseminate
information about federal laws
and programs.
friday, April 7, 1967,
Experts to Review
Housing Bias Here
The Georgia State Advisory Committee to the U.S. Civil
Rights Commission will hold a
two-day open meeting on dis-
crimination in public and private housing in the Greater At-
lanta Metropolitan Areas beginning Friday.
Dr. Vivian W. Henderson, |
president of Clark College and
chairman of the state advisory
committee, an-
nounced _ that
the group will
collect informa-
tion on alleged
d is crimina-
tion and its ef-
fects on school
gation aon d|
community ten-|
sions, an d|
examine ways
Mayor Allen
in which the state, federal and
local governments and private |
organizations can combat hous-
ing discrimination.
Atlanta Mayor Ivan Allen wl
welcome the group at 1 p.m.)
Directors of the Atlanta, DeKalb
and Atlanta Metropolitan Area
Planning commissions have
been invited to appear Friday.
Also invited are Housing Author-
ity officials from cities in the
metropolitan area, the Fulton
County Welfare director, the re-
gional director of the Federal
Housing Assistance Administra-
tion and the vice chairman of
the Georgia Council on Human)
Relations. The session is to con-
clude at 6 p.m.
Officials of the Southern Chris-
tian Leadership Conference, Na-
tional Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People,
American Friends Service Com-
mittee and National Commit-
tee Against Discrimination in
Housing will appear Saturday,
with representatives of the mort-
gage banking, real estate and
home building industries.
The two-day meeting will be,
in the federal district courtroom
on the third floor of the Olc
Post Office building on Forsytt
St. NW.
The Georgia committee is one
of 51 national groups whose
members serve without compen-
sation to inform the commission
of civil rights matters in their
communities and to disseminate
information about federal laws
and programs.