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Box 16, Folder 7, Document 7
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Note: Mr. ©. E. Edstrom of San Francisco,
California, has taken the pains to collect some
34 outstanding quotations by Jews and Jewish
journals. These quotations speak for themselves.
“The patriotism of the Jew is simply a cloak
he assumes to please the Englishman. Jews who
pretend that they can at once be patriotic
Englishmen and good Jews are simply living
B. Feliz.
“Let us take the mask off. Let us play the
Lion of Judah for a change. Away with false
patriotism. A Jew can only recognize one i*ather-
M. J. Wodislawski, Jewish World.
“We are, whether born here or naturalized here,
not really British at all. We are National Jews—
by race and faith—and not Englishmen.”
“The general causes of anti-Semitism have al-
ways been the fault of the Jews themselves and
not the fault of those who have opposed them.
_.. With his disposition and his tendencies it is
inevitable that the Jew plays a part in revolu-
Bernard Lazare.
“What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent
have so powerfully contributed to accomplish in
Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish
mind and heart are tending to promote in other
The American Hebrew.
“We, the Jews, are a people—One people. ...
= 9
“We intend to make it impossible for Gerald
L. K. Smith or any of his ilk to meet in public
places anywhere in Chicago. Let them spew
their filth in sewers, in dungeons, in under-
ground basements — mot where decent people
Jewish Sentinel, J. I. Fishbein. Editor.
“The fact that Von Papen and Frietsche were
acquitted should not obscure the fact that the.
infinitely greater criminals who were directly re-
sponsible for the extermination of the European
Jews, such as Julius Streicher, the very symbol
of filthy Nazi anti-Semitism was sentenced to
death only because of his anti-Semitism. The
plain facts of the trial at Nuremberg are that it
was the first public and offical demonstration of
the Christian world against anti-Semitism,”
American Hebrew.
“Christ should have been ground up and fed
to dogs. Then he would not be a martyr today.”
Ben Hecht.
“The second World War is being fought for the
defense of the fundamentals of Judaism.”
Chicago Jewish: Sentinel.
“We have been at war with him (Hitler) from
the first day that he gained power.”
The Jewish Chronicle.
“Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced
to it, not this year, but later on.”
Emil Ludwig.
“Th nhedrin produced World Destruction in
which it was in 6 e plan outlined
in the Protocols that both revolutions 05 and
1917) occurred in Russia; that we have had two
World Wars.”
H. H. Klein.
“The Jew is not satisfied with de-Christianiz-
ing. He Judaises, he destroys Protestant or Cath-
olic faith, he provokes indifference but he im-
poses his idea of the world, of morals and of life
upon those whose faith he ruins; he works at his
age-old task, the annihilation of the religion of
Bernard Lazare,
“The international must take the position that
if another war occurs the workers will destroy
capitalism. With that end in view the workers
must be prepared to stretch arms across the fron-
tiers in case of war and definitely win power for
David J. Saposs.
“Should war be forced upon us and we see the
old, ugly, imperialistic aims dominating the rul-
ers of the Democracies, we of the Labor Party and
the working class everywhere see it as our duty
to turn those wars into civil wars and remake
those governments which disregard the working
classes which are their foundations.
“Then will the mob exalt us and bear us up in
their hands in a unanimous triumph of hopes and
Voting . . . will then have served its part
for the last time by unanimity of desire to make
close acquaintance with us before condemning us.
“To secure this we must have everybody vote
without distinction of classes and qualifications,
in order to establish an absolute majority which
cannot be got from the educated propertied
classes. In this way, by inculeating in all a sense
of self-importance, we shall destroy among the
Goyim the importance of the family.”
Zionist Statement,
“By all these means we shall so wear down the
goyim that they will be compelled to offer us
international power of a nature that by its posi-
tion will enable us without violence gradually to
absorb all the State forces of the world and to
form a super-Government. In place of the rulers
of today we shall set up a bogey which will be
called the Super-Government Administration. Its
hand will reach out in all directions like nippers
and its dimensions will be of such colossal dimen-
sions that it cannot fail to subdue all the nations
of the world.”
Protocol 5,
“The fact that it was Jewish help that brought
the U.S.A. into war (World War I) on the side
of the Allies has rankled ever since in German—
especially Nazi—minds, and has contributed in
no small measure to the prominence which anti-
Semitism occupies in the Nazi Program.”
{Jews J
_wisrate interested in the diminuation, the kill:
org out oF te goyinr Our power is in the chronic
shortn ood and physical weakness of the
working classes because by all that this implies
he is made the slave of our will, and he will not
find in his own authorities either strength or
energy to set against our will. unger creates
the right of capital to rule the worker more sure-
ly than it was given to the aristocracy by the
legal authority of kings. By want_and the envy
and hatred which it engendérs we shall move the
— {jf —
Samuel Landman,
ahd with our hands we shall wipe out all
those who hinder us on our way.
“When the hour strikes for our Sovereign Lord
of all the World to be crowned, it is these same
hands which will sweep away everything that
might be a hindrance thereto.”
“With gold we can buy the most rebellious con-
sciences, can subsidize all State loans, and there-
after -hold the states at our mercy. Already the
principal banks, the exchanges of the entire
world, the credits of all the governments, are in
our hands.”
Rabbi Reichorn.
For a packet of literature to Include a copy of the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, include $1 in currency.
This sensational book which outlines the secret con-
spiracy of the International Jewish Cabal is so ter-
ritic in mature that it is very difficult to get. It is
only printed one or two places In the entire world.
It so completely exposes the machinations and opera-
tlons of the Jewish terrorists that practically all
printers are deathly afraid to reproduce it. It was
originally published by the late Henry Ford who al-
most lost his life for publishing it.
ATTENTION READER: Pass this tract on. Ad-
ditional copies may be had at the rate of $10 per
AN $5 per 500, $1 per 100. Address your order
Post Office Box 1031
St. Louis 1, Missouri
C Overy
Note: Mr. ©. E. Edstrom of San Francisco,
California, has taken the pains to collect some
34 outstanding quotations by Jews and Jewish
journals. These quotations speak for themselves.
“The patriotism of the Jew is simply a cloak
he assumes to please the Englishman. Jews who
pretend that they can at once be patriotic
Englishmen and good Jews are simply living
B. Feliz.
“Let us take the mask off. Let us play the
Lion of Judah for a change. Away with false
patriotism. A Jew can only recognize one lather-
M. J. Wodislawski, Jewish World.
“We are, whether born here or naturalized here,
not really British at all. We are National Jews—
by race and faith—and not Englishmen.”
“The general causes of anti-Semitism have al-
ways been the fault of the Jews themselves and
not the fault of those who have opposed them.
... With his disposition and his tendencies it is
inevitable that the Jew plays a part in revolu-
Bernard Lazare.
“What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent
have so powerfully contributed to accomplish in
Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish
mind and heart are tending to promote in other
The American Hebrew.
‘We, the Jews, are a people—One people....
When we sink, we become revolutionary prole-
tariat, the subordinate officers of a revolution-
ary party; when we rise, there rises also our
terrible power of the purse.”
Theodore Herzl,
“Let us recognize that we Jews are a distinct
nationality of which every Jew, whatever his
country, his station, or shade of belief, is neces-
sarily a member. Organize, organize, until every
Jew. must stand up and be counted—counted with
us, or prove himself wittingly, or unwittingly, of
the few who are against their own people.”
Louis B. Brandeis.
“We Jews, who have posed as Saviors of the
World, we are today nothing else but the World's
seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its ex
a. \. Oscar Levy.
“! am not an American citizen of Jewish faith.
| ama Jew. | have been an American for sixty-
three years, but | have been a Jew for 4,000
years. Hitler was right in one thing. He calls
the Jewish people a race, and we are a race.”
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise.
“FHivery time you blow up a British arsenal, or
wreck a British jail, or send a British railroad
train sky high, or rob a British bank or let go
with your guns and bombs at the British betray-
ers: and invaders of your homeland, the Jews of
America make a little holiday in their hearts.”
Ben Hecht, in a letter “To the
Terrorists of Paletine.”
“Nineteen hundred years ago you (Gentiles)
were an innocent, carefree pagan race. You
worshipped countless gods. . . You took unblush-
ing pride in glory of your naked bodies... . But
we did not let you alone... We conquered you as
no empire of yours ever subjugated Africa or
Asia. .. We did it solely by the irresistible might
of our spirit, with ideas, with propaganda.
CIe Ws
“Our tribal customs] have eds core of
your moral code. We_have been at the bottom
not merely of the latést great war but of nearly
all your wars, not only the Russian but of every
“Sther tiaion revolution in your history. We have
brought discord and confusion and frustration in-
to your personal and public life. No one can tell
I long we shall go on doing it. . . We still
dominate you. At this moment your churches are
torn asunder by civil war between Fundamental-
ists and Modernists.”
Marcus Hli.
“The Jews have lost falth in the Gentile World.
They do not want any part of it. Most of the
600,000 Jews in Palestine have close relatives in
Europe and desire their immediate removal to
Dafni Rubin.
“For the anti-Semite has no morality, and he
has no conscience. He understands but one lan-
guage, and he must be dealt with on his own
level. The Purim Jews stood up for their lives.
American Jews too must come to grips with our
contemporary anti-Semites. We must fill our
jails with anti-Semitic lunatics, we must combat
every alien-Jew-hater, we must harness and pros-
ecute and humble and shame our anti-Semitic
hoodlums to such an extent that none will wish or
dare to become Fellow-travelers.”
“We intend to make it impossible for Gerald
L. K. Smith or any of his ilk to meet in public
places anywhere in Chicago. Let them spew
their filth in sewers, in dungeons, in under-
ground basements — mot where decent people
Jewish Sentinel, J. I. Fishbein. Editor.
“The fact that Von Papen and Frietsche were
acquitted should not obscure the fact that the
infinitely greater criminals who were directly re-
sponsible for the extermination of the European
Jews, such as Julius Streicher, the very symbol
of filthy Nazi anti-Semitism was sentenced to
death only because of his anti-Semitism. The
plain facts of the trial at Nuremberg are that it
was the first public and offical demonstration of
the Christian world against anti-Semitism.”
American Hebrew.
“Christ should have been ground up and fed
to dogs. Then he would not be a martyr today.”
Ben Hecht.
“The second World War is being fought for the
defense of the fundamentals of Judaism.”
Chicago Jewish Sentinel.
“We have been at war with him (Hitler) from
the first day that he gained power.”
The Jewish Chronicle.
“Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced
to it, not this year, but later on.”
Bmil Ludwig.
“Th nhedrin. produced World Destruction in
which it was in o e plan outlined
in’ the Protocols that both revolution 05 and
Note: Mr. ©. E. Edstrom of San Francisco,
California, has taken the pains to collect some
34 outstanding quotations by Jews and Jewish
journals. These quotations speak for themselves.
“The patriotism of the Jew is simply a cloak
he assumes to please the Englishman. Jews who
pretend that they can at once be patriotic
Englishmen and good Jews are simply living
B. Feliz.
“Let us take the mask off. Let us play the
Lion of Judah for a change. Away with false
patriotism. A Jew can only recognize one i*ather-
M. J. Wodislawski, Jewish World.
“We are, whether born here or naturalized here,
not really British at all. We are National Jews—
by race and faith—and not Englishmen.”
“The general causes of anti-Semitism have al-
ways been the fault of the Jews themselves and
not the fault of those who have opposed them.
_.. With his disposition and his tendencies it is
inevitable that the Jew plays a part in revolu-
Bernard Lazare.
“What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent
have so powerfully contributed to accomplish in
Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish
mind and heart are tending to promote in other
The American Hebrew.
“We, the Jews, are a people—One people. ...
= 9
“We intend to make it impossible for Gerald
L. K. Smith or any of his ilk to meet in public
places anywhere in Chicago. Let them spew
their filth in sewers, in dungeons, in under-
ground basements — mot where decent people
Jewish Sentinel, J. I. Fishbein. Editor.
“The fact that Von Papen and Frietsche were
acquitted should not obscure the fact that the.
infinitely greater criminals who were directly re-
sponsible for the extermination of the European
Jews, such as Julius Streicher, the very symbol
of filthy Nazi anti-Semitism was sentenced to
death only because of his anti-Semitism. The
plain facts of the trial at Nuremberg are that it
was the first public and offical demonstration of
the Christian world against anti-Semitism,”
American Hebrew.
“Christ should have been ground up and fed
to dogs. Then he would not be a martyr today.”
Ben Hecht.
“The second World War is being fought for the
defense of the fundamentals of Judaism.”
Chicago Jewish: Sentinel.
“We have been at war with him (Hitler) from
the first day that he gained power.”
The Jewish Chronicle.
“Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced
to it, not this year, but later on.”
Emil Ludwig.
“Th nhedrin produced World Destruction in
which it was in 6 e plan outlined
in the Protocols that both revolutions 05 and
1917) occurred in Russia; that we have had two
World Wars.”
H. H. Klein.
“The Jew is not satisfied with de-Christianiz-
ing. He Judaises, he destroys Protestant or Cath-
olic faith, he provokes indifference but he im-
poses his idea of the world, of morals and of life
upon those whose faith he ruins; he works at his
age-old task, the annihilation of the religion of
Bernard Lazare,
“The international must take the position that
if another war occurs the workers will destroy
capitalism. With that end in view the workers
must be prepared to stretch arms across the fron-
tiers in case of war and definitely win power for
David J. Saposs.
“Should war be forced upon us and we see the
old, ugly, imperialistic aims dominating the rul-
ers of the Democracies, we of the Labor Party and
the working class everywhere see it as our duty
to turn those wars into civil wars and remake
those governments which disregard the working
classes which are their foundations.
“Then will the mob exalt us and bear us up in
their hands in a unanimous triumph of hopes and
Voting . . . will then have served its part
for the last time by unanimity of desire to make
close acquaintance with us before condemning us.
“To secure this we must have everybody vote
without distinction of classes and qualifications,
in order to establish an absolute majority which
cannot be got from the educated propertied
classes. In this way, by inculeating in all a sense
of self-importance, we shall destroy among the
Goyim the importance of the family.”
Zionist Statement,
“By all these means we shall so wear down the
goyim that they will be compelled to offer us
international power of a nature that by its posi-
tion will enable us without violence gradually to
absorb all the State forces of the world and to
form a super-Government. In place of the rulers
of today we shall set up a bogey which will be
called the Super-Government Administration. Its
hand will reach out in all directions like nippers
and its dimensions will be of such colossal dimen-
sions that it cannot fail to subdue all the nations
of the world.”
Protocol 5,
“The fact that it was Jewish help that brought
the U.S.A. into war (World War I) on the side
of the Allies has rankled ever since in German—
especially Nazi—minds, and has contributed in
no small measure to the prominence which anti-
Semitism occupies in the Nazi Program.”
{Jews J
_wisrate interested in the diminuation, the kill:
org out oF te goyinr Our power is in the chronic
shortn ood and physical weakness of the
working classes because by all that this implies
he is made the slave of our will, and he will not
find in his own authorities either strength or
energy to set against our will. unger creates
the right of capital to rule the worker more sure-
ly than it was given to the aristocracy by the
legal authority of kings. By want_and the envy
and hatred which it engendérs we shall move the
— {jf —
Samuel Landman,
ahd with our hands we shall wipe out all
those who hinder us on our way.
“When the hour strikes for our Sovereign Lord
of all the World to be crowned, it is these same
hands which will sweep away everything that
might be a hindrance thereto.”
“With gold we can buy the most rebellious con-
sciences, can subsidize all State loans, and there-
after -hold the states at our mercy. Already the
principal banks, the exchanges of the entire
world, the credits of all the governments, are in
our hands.”
Rabbi Reichorn.
For a packet of literature to Include a copy of the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, include $1 in currency.
This sensational book which outlines the secret con-
spiracy of the International Jewish Cabal is so ter-
ritic in mature that it is very difficult to get. It is
only printed one or two places In the entire world.
It so completely exposes the machinations and opera-
tlons of the Jewish terrorists that practically all
printers are deathly afraid to reproduce it. It was
originally published by the late Henry Ford who al-
most lost his life for publishing it.
ATTENTION READER: Pass this tract on. Ad-
ditional copies may be had at the rate of $10 per
AN $5 per 500, $1 per 100. Address your order
Post Office Box 1031
St. Louis 1, Missouri
C Overy
Note: Mr. ©. E. Edstrom of San Francisco,
California, has taken the pains to collect some
34 outstanding quotations by Jews and Jewish
journals. These quotations speak for themselves.
“The patriotism of the Jew is simply a cloak
he assumes to please the Englishman. Jews who
pretend that they can at once be patriotic
Englishmen and good Jews are simply living
B. Feliz.
“Let us take the mask off. Let us play the
Lion of Judah for a change. Away with false
patriotism. A Jew can only recognize one lather-
M. J. Wodislawski, Jewish World.
“We are, whether born here or naturalized here,
not really British at all. We are National Jews—
by race and faith—and not Englishmen.”
“The general causes of anti-Semitism have al-
ways been the fault of the Jews themselves and
not the fault of those who have opposed them.
... With his disposition and his tendencies it is
inevitable that the Jew plays a part in revolu-
Bernard Lazare.
“What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent
have so powerfully contributed to accomplish in
Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish
mind and heart are tending to promote in other
The American Hebrew.
‘We, the Jews, are a people—One people....
When we sink, we become revolutionary prole-
tariat, the subordinate officers of a revolution-
ary party; when we rise, there rises also our
terrible power of the purse.”
Theodore Herzl,
“Let us recognize that we Jews are a distinct
nationality of which every Jew, whatever his
country, his station, or shade of belief, is neces-
sarily a member. Organize, organize, until every
Jew. must stand up and be counted—counted with
us, or prove himself wittingly, or unwittingly, of
the few who are against their own people.”
Louis B. Brandeis.
“We Jews, who have posed as Saviors of the
World, we are today nothing else but the World's
seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its ex
a. \. Oscar Levy.
“! am not an American citizen of Jewish faith.
| ama Jew. | have been an American for sixty-
three years, but | have been a Jew for 4,000
years. Hitler was right in one thing. He calls
the Jewish people a race, and we are a race.”
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise.
“FHivery time you blow up a British arsenal, or
wreck a British jail, or send a British railroad
train sky high, or rob a British bank or let go
with your guns and bombs at the British betray-
ers: and invaders of your homeland, the Jews of
America make a little holiday in their hearts.”
Ben Hecht, in a letter “To the
Terrorists of Paletine.”
“Nineteen hundred years ago you (Gentiles)
were an innocent, carefree pagan race. You
worshipped countless gods. . . You took unblush-
ing pride in glory of your naked bodies... . But
we did not let you alone... We conquered you as
no empire of yours ever subjugated Africa or
Asia. .. We did it solely by the irresistible might
of our spirit, with ideas, with propaganda.
CIe Ws
“Our tribal customs] have eds core of
your moral code. We_have been at the bottom
not merely of the latést great war but of nearly
all your wars, not only the Russian but of every
“Sther tiaion revolution in your history. We have
brought discord and confusion and frustration in-
to your personal and public life. No one can tell
I long we shall go on doing it. . . We still
dominate you. At this moment your churches are
torn asunder by civil war between Fundamental-
ists and Modernists.”
Marcus Hli.
“The Jews have lost falth in the Gentile World.
They do not want any part of it. Most of the
600,000 Jews in Palestine have close relatives in
Europe and desire their immediate removal to
Dafni Rubin.
“For the anti-Semite has no morality, and he
has no conscience. He understands but one lan-
guage, and he must be dealt with on his own
level. The Purim Jews stood up for their lives.
American Jews too must come to grips with our
contemporary anti-Semites. We must fill our
jails with anti-Semitic lunatics, we must combat
every alien-Jew-hater, we must harness and pros-
ecute and humble and shame our anti-Semitic
hoodlums to such an extent that none will wish or
dare to become Fellow-travelers.”
“We intend to make it impossible for Gerald
L. K. Smith or any of his ilk to meet in public
places anywhere in Chicago. Let them spew
their filth in sewers, in dungeons, in under-
ground basements — mot where decent people
Jewish Sentinel, J. I. Fishbein. Editor.
“The fact that Von Papen and Frietsche were
acquitted should not obscure the fact that the
infinitely greater criminals who were directly re-
sponsible for the extermination of the European
Jews, such as Julius Streicher, the very symbol
of filthy Nazi anti-Semitism was sentenced to
death only because of his anti-Semitism. The
plain facts of the trial at Nuremberg are that it
was the first public and offical demonstration of
the Christian world against anti-Semitism.”
American Hebrew.
“Christ should have been ground up and fed
to dogs. Then he would not be a martyr today.”
Ben Hecht.
“The second World War is being fought for the
defense of the fundamentals of Judaism.”
Chicago Jewish Sentinel.
“We have been at war with him (Hitler) from
the first day that he gained power.”
The Jewish Chronicle.
“Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced
to it, not this year, but later on.”
Bmil Ludwig.
“Th nhedrin. produced World Destruction in
which it was in o e plan outlined
in’ the Protocols that both revolution 05 and