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Box 16, Folder 7, Document 17
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June 19, 1967
latinos already trained in Havana and re-
turned to their native countries since Castro
came to power.
If Cuban subversion worsens, as many
diplomats say it will, a name to remember Is
tanuel Piniero, known as “Barba Roja,” or
ed Beard.” Piniero (educated at Columbia
versity and married to a Connecticut girl,
. Birdsell) is director of the DGI and,as
‘eads a Cuban espionage apparatus
laborate than elther United State
or Latin Americans realize.
dozen Soviet advisers are attached
3I and the Russians clearly are
‘niero’s operation, directly and
oublicly listed Bolivia, Colom-
and Venezuela as targets for
: to be the area of prime
v, primarily because it is
‘d its political structure
y rivalries.
Castro’s envious eye is
‘ke her oil to give Cuba
‘e with which to carry
ig his role as saviour
» prime target be-
of a democracy
‘sts feel 1t can-
ties in Latin
tually no slum problem. The family in-
come from 1960 was the highest of any
large municipality in the State and the
per capita cost for municipal services is
the lowest in the State. i
I am happy to wish Clifton and its
mayor, Joseph Vanecek, and its city
manager, William Holster, another 50
years of continued progress in this, its
golden jubilee year.
Riots Must Be Stopped
Monday, June 19, 1967
Mr. JONES of Alabama. Mr. Speaker,
the distressing reports of violence, riots,
have moved elsewhere to new violence,
in many cases.
Thoughtful and responsible citizens
must still seek to resolve the problems
and contentions through lawful process
and hard work. 2
Within the family of nations it has
long been clear that the appeasement of
aggressors is a self-defeating road which
leads to greater deterioration of law and
international order. Within our comniu-
nities responsible citizens must make
clear to the lawless that threats and dis-
order will not be rewarded by conces-
sions. Appeasement gives sanction to
unlawful action, leads*to greater de-
-mands, and strengthens the hand of law-
less elements in the community.
To capitulate to the rioting mobs
weakens the very foundations of our sys-
tem of government by law. It demon-
strates to the lawless that violence has
a reward. It intimidates the weak and
uncommitted. It attracts to future law-
lessness those who want to be on the
and disrespect for the law are flaring winning side. It creates more problems
again in widely scattered parts of the than it solves in the present or future.
country. The same groups of agitators, The time to suppress riots and disor-
however, appear to be connected with gers is before they start. This requires
a considerable show of solidarity on the
part of the responsible elements of each
ut the Fidel- these terrible outbreaks of chaos, confu-
es and stir- sion, and outright criminal activity.
\e orthodox
in intel-
eee rupt peace among nations and subject
4 may neighboring peoples. to harassment and
us to
We have condemned foreign dictators community—a solidarity for law, order,
who seek advantage with threats to dis-. and progress. It must be clear to all that °
ace will prevail,
When lawless elements do gain control
bo ork of inter- No civilization can tolerate violence and
35 \pational law and justice. On occasion, mass crime.
FS iis Nation finds it necessary to assert Both prevention and control of these
thority and enforce the lawin terms of outbreaks require improved support for
power which can be understood by the police forces—support stronger than em-
lawless. brace of a slogan, As the very guardians
In our own communities, we must not of peace within a community the police
condone that which we condemn abroad. merit greatly increased moral support
uae we seek to bring the force of as well as improvements in number,
, world wpinion to bear against aggressors financial incentive, and equipment.
who wo unt the rule of law among Tronically, the moral support for the
f nations, responsible citizens at home police seems weakest in many areas
- must demonstrate beyond any doubt that which have the most to gain from a
public order and law will prevail. To do stable, orderly community. The abuse to
less is to erode the very foundation of our which policemen have been subjected in
civilization. many areas is appalling. In far too many
Regardless of the participants, there is cases, the policeman, the most conven-
’ absolutely no reason for the strife to ient symbol of the community in a com-
which so many communities are being plex society, has been used as a scapegoat
subjected.-There is no contention by the for personal, social, or economic failures.
rioters which could merit the destruction To these malcontents, it is easier to blame
resulting from this lawless activity. their problems on someone else than to
The loss of life, injury, and damage engage in constructive activity to better
resulting from riots are tragic enough, their plight. :
but it is far worse that the rioters ignore Although the destruction of the lawless
and disavow the most basic principles is appalling, we must remember that a
f of our civilization. Clearest among these relatively small portion of the total com-
; is that law and order must prevail for munity is engaged in this activity at this
the fulfillment of freedom, and that re- time. An even smaller number is in-
\ sponsibility is the handmaiden of liberty. volved in the promotion of this discord.
| And when you consider that means exist For every individual who throws a brick,
. for lawful protest and redress of griev- many thousands in like circumstances do
, ances, the riots seem even more futile. not become involved in this lawless
} When the disorder is ended, the dead action. ‘ -
f are buried, the fires extinguished, and Those who are preaching anarchy and
: the rubble removed from the streets, the violence, who adyocate violation of cer-
’ original contention or problem remains. tain laws, are out of step with the ma-
: ‘This lawless action builds no play- jority of the community and any sub-
; grounds; provides no job training; alters stantial segment of it. Their annointment
to no degree our Nation’s commitments; to leadership is not Som people but.
. enlarges in no way academic freedom; rather from their own hand. It is en-
» erases not a single word from the law hanced by the exi they receive in
' of the land. Moreover, as the damage is framing thelr eir appeals in terms which
counted, those who incited the mobs will irritate, shock, or upset. ; is
a |
It is hard to believe that they are sin-
_cerely interested in the causes they avow.
Their very method of operation through
violence, division, and destruction so
alienates a vast majority of the people as
to be counterproductive.
Those who foster mass crime do noth-
ing to eliminate the deplorable condi-
tions of poverty and ignorance to which
they link their calls to violence. That
even the link is false is indicated by the
vast number of the poor and unschooled
who are still good citizens.
Because the violence and mob action
and threats is more serious than would
be indicated by the total of dead and in-
jured and the value of property de-
stroyed, it is imperative that every re-
sponsible citizen make his position clear
in support of law and order. Failure
to do so gives encouragement to the law-
less elements.
Respect for the law is the very heart of
our civilization and freedoms. This re-
spect must be demonstrated in more than
words and slogans. It must be backed up
by action which includes a strong per-
sonal commitment to respect and obey
_ the laws, proper support for law enforce-
ment agencies, and full acceptance of a
citizen's responsibility to cooperate with
the police in maintaining peace in the
It cannot be stressed too strongly that
each individual is the first line of defense
against lawlessness and criminal acts.
Other segments of the community—
schools, churches, organizations, and
-governments—have direct obligations in
building greater respect for the law. But
in the final analysis the individual is the
most important factor in preserving law
and order.
The support for law and order must
be unequivocal. Selective compliance
with the law, whether by individual or
community, weakens the entire fabric
of our civilization because every man’s
selection for compliance will differ.
Likewise, the total support for law and
order is undermined with appeasement
of lawless elements. Appeasement
abridges the lawful process for change
and gives evidence of society’s willing-
ness to deviate from full support of law
and order. It enhances the position of
those who would bring total chaos to our
elvilization in an effort to have their will
The end result is that no law survives
save the Jaw of the jungle—the will of
the strongest or largest group prevails.
The Queen of Angels Story
Monday, June 19, 1967
In tic ae soaiie tile Tioegitar Way Bese
in existence it has provided care to many
thousands of people in the area. The hos-
pital was founded in 1926 by the Fran-
ciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart.
In commemoration of the 40th anni-
versary of its founding a book has just
been published about the hospital en-
titled “At 40: The Queen of Angels
Story. ”
The book contains a most interesting
and informative account of the hospital's
founding and growth. It tells an inspiring
story of years of dedication, work, and
the hopes and dreams of many—from the
first efforts of the devoted Franciscan
Sisters to the present-day staff.
A dictionary definition of a hospital is:
“An institution where the sick or injured
are given medical or surgical care.” With
regard to the Queen of Angels Hospital
such a definition is woefully inadequate.
It must be expanded to cover the love,
tenderness, and devoted care provided to
the many patients to whom it has opened
its doors during its 40 years.
To Dr. Robert L. Blackmun, president
of the hospital, and his capable and de-
voted associates, including Mr. Dan M.
Gann, of the hospital staff who authored
the book, and all those whose work has
gone into founding and operating Queen
of Angels Hospital over the years I want
to express my sincerest congratulations
and gratitude.
U.N. Peacekeeping: Does It Help or Hurt?
Monday, June 19, ‘1967
Mr. MICHEL. Mr. Speaker, it is time
that the U.N. face up to the facts in the
Mideast situation. A realistic approach
demands that both parties in this issue
' come face to face in reaching a decision.
Intermediaries will only delay a solution.
The Israelis and Arabs must reach an
agreement which they can “shake” on.
On Thursday, June 15, Mr. Chuck
Dancey, editor of the Peoria Journal
Star, wrote a fine torial which il-
lustrates this point very succinctly. Un-
der unanimous consent, Mr, Speaker, I
include the editorial at this point in the
U.N. PEACEKEEPING: Dors Ir Hetr on Horr?
(By C. L. Dancey)
_The United Nations has for twenty years
carried on magnificent humanitarian works
in backward countries that could not have
been done by any other instrument.
It was a device for funneling American aid
to places that wouldn't take it from America,
directly, Its humanitarian function has been
very real.
However, as a peace-keeping agency, there
is now a very solid question of whether over
all it hes not done more harm than good—
with an excellent chance that it is presently
in Ae sane tact Theta of a [
it & real
Be ce: Bava the UM ee eee e-
Tits business has not been
posce mut a Ae an, arena: for Playing cynical in-
Thus, the UN Tar eecely invented and created
‘June 19, 1967
a serles of “new nations” that were not “na-
tions" in any meaningful sense of the word,
and gave each of them a vote. (Several are
smaller than Peoria and its immediate en
virons, with tribal societies and’ tribal loya”
ties rather than national, to boot).
Then, to curry their favor, the UN, it
embarked not on peace but a “war o’
gression” with UN troops in the Cor
impose a political solution there tha’
fit the prejudices of the other Azrice
Meanwhile, in the Middle East
stepped in to rescue the Arab ¢
any necessity to negotiate with
Teach any settlement in whicb
responsibility. '
This constant UN interve
possible for Nasser and cor
for 20 years in the attitude
invective involved in cla
did not exist, in refusi"
hegotiate or accept an
relation to Israel, and
“state of permanent w
None of these po
possible had it ber
to deal directly v
settlement, and
Thus a cli
tained throur
ence and the
in the are
claims not ¢
of war."
The Isr
selyes a’
and ur
land, *
latinos already trained in Havana and re-
turned to their native countries since Castro
came to power.
If Cuban subversion worsens, as many
diplomats say it will, a name to remember Is
tanuel Piniero, known as “Barba Roja,” or
ed Beard.” Piniero (educated at Columbia
versity and married to a Connecticut girl,
. Birdsell) is director of the DGI and,as
‘eads a Cuban espionage apparatus
laborate than elther United State
or Latin Americans realize.
dozen Soviet advisers are attached
3I and the Russians clearly are
‘niero’s operation, directly and
oublicly listed Bolivia, Colom-
and Venezuela as targets for
: to be the area of prime
v, primarily because it is
‘d its political structure
y rivalries.
Castro’s envious eye is
‘ke her oil to give Cuba
‘e with which to carry
ig his role as saviour
» prime target be-
of a democracy
‘sts feel 1t can-
ties in Latin
tually no slum problem. The family in-
come from 1960 was the highest of any
large municipality in the State and the
per capita cost for municipal services is
the lowest in the State. i
I am happy to wish Clifton and its
mayor, Joseph Vanecek, and its city
manager, William Holster, another 50
years of continued progress in this, its
golden jubilee year.
Riots Must Be Stopped
Monday, June 19, 1967
Mr. JONES of Alabama. Mr. Speaker,
the distressing reports of violence, riots,
have moved elsewhere to new violence,
in many cases.
Thoughtful and responsible citizens
must still seek to resolve the problems
and contentions through lawful process
and hard work. 2
Within the family of nations it has
long been clear that the appeasement of
aggressors is a self-defeating road which
leads to greater deterioration of law and
international order. Within our comniu-
nities responsible citizens must make
clear to the lawless that threats and dis-
order will not be rewarded by conces-
sions. Appeasement gives sanction to
unlawful action, leads*to greater de-
-mands, and strengthens the hand of law-
less elements in the community.
To capitulate to the rioting mobs
weakens the very foundations of our sys-
tem of government by law. It demon-
strates to the lawless that violence has
a reward. It intimidates the weak and
uncommitted. It attracts to future law-
lessness those who want to be on the
and disrespect for the law are flaring winning side. It creates more problems
again in widely scattered parts of the than it solves in the present or future.
country. The same groups of agitators, The time to suppress riots and disor-
however, appear to be connected with gers is before they start. This requires
a considerable show of solidarity on the
part of the responsible elements of each
ut the Fidel- these terrible outbreaks of chaos, confu-
es and stir- sion, and outright criminal activity.
\e orthodox
in intel-
eee rupt peace among nations and subject
4 may neighboring peoples. to harassment and
us to
We have condemned foreign dictators community—a solidarity for law, order,
who seek advantage with threats to dis-. and progress. It must be clear to all that °
ace will prevail,
When lawless elements do gain control
bo ork of inter- No civilization can tolerate violence and
35 \pational law and justice. On occasion, mass crime.
FS iis Nation finds it necessary to assert Both prevention and control of these
thority and enforce the lawin terms of outbreaks require improved support for
power which can be understood by the police forces—support stronger than em-
lawless. brace of a slogan, As the very guardians
In our own communities, we must not of peace within a community the police
condone that which we condemn abroad. merit greatly increased moral support
uae we seek to bring the force of as well as improvements in number,
, world wpinion to bear against aggressors financial incentive, and equipment.
who wo unt the rule of law among Tronically, the moral support for the
f nations, responsible citizens at home police seems weakest in many areas
- must demonstrate beyond any doubt that which have the most to gain from a
public order and law will prevail. To do stable, orderly community. The abuse to
less is to erode the very foundation of our which policemen have been subjected in
civilization. many areas is appalling. In far too many
Regardless of the participants, there is cases, the policeman, the most conven-
’ absolutely no reason for the strife to ient symbol of the community in a com-
which so many communities are being plex society, has been used as a scapegoat
subjected.-There is no contention by the for personal, social, or economic failures.
rioters which could merit the destruction To these malcontents, it is easier to blame
resulting from this lawless activity. their problems on someone else than to
The loss of life, injury, and damage engage in constructive activity to better
resulting from riots are tragic enough, their plight. :
but it is far worse that the rioters ignore Although the destruction of the lawless
and disavow the most basic principles is appalling, we must remember that a
f of our civilization. Clearest among these relatively small portion of the total com-
; is that law and order must prevail for munity is engaged in this activity at this
the fulfillment of freedom, and that re- time. An even smaller number is in-
\ sponsibility is the handmaiden of liberty. volved in the promotion of this discord.
| And when you consider that means exist For every individual who throws a brick,
. for lawful protest and redress of griev- many thousands in like circumstances do
, ances, the riots seem even more futile. not become involved in this lawless
} When the disorder is ended, the dead action. ‘ -
f are buried, the fires extinguished, and Those who are preaching anarchy and
: the rubble removed from the streets, the violence, who adyocate violation of cer-
’ original contention or problem remains. tain laws, are out of step with the ma-
: ‘This lawless action builds no play- jority of the community and any sub-
; grounds; provides no job training; alters stantial segment of it. Their annointment
to no degree our Nation’s commitments; to leadership is not Som people but.
. enlarges in no way academic freedom; rather from their own hand. It is en-
» erases not a single word from the law hanced by the exi they receive in
' of the land. Moreover, as the damage is framing thelr eir appeals in terms which
counted, those who incited the mobs will irritate, shock, or upset. ; is
a |
It is hard to believe that they are sin-
_cerely interested in the causes they avow.
Their very method of operation through
violence, division, and destruction so
alienates a vast majority of the people as
to be counterproductive.
Those who foster mass crime do noth-
ing to eliminate the deplorable condi-
tions of poverty and ignorance to which
they link their calls to violence. That
even the link is false is indicated by the
vast number of the poor and unschooled
who are still good citizens.
Because the violence and mob action
and threats is more serious than would
be indicated by the total of dead and in-
jured and the value of property de-
stroyed, it is imperative that every re-
sponsible citizen make his position clear
in support of law and order. Failure
to do so gives encouragement to the law-
less elements.
Respect for the law is the very heart of
our civilization and freedoms. This re-
spect must be demonstrated in more than
words and slogans. It must be backed up
by action which includes a strong per-
sonal commitment to respect and obey
_ the laws, proper support for law enforce-
ment agencies, and full acceptance of a
citizen's responsibility to cooperate with
the police in maintaining peace in the
It cannot be stressed too strongly that
each individual is the first line of defense
against lawlessness and criminal acts.
Other segments of the community—
schools, churches, organizations, and
-governments—have direct obligations in
building greater respect for the law. But
in the final analysis the individual is the
most important factor in preserving law
and order.
The support for law and order must
be unequivocal. Selective compliance
with the law, whether by individual or
community, weakens the entire fabric
of our civilization because every man’s
selection for compliance will differ.
Likewise, the total support for law and
order is undermined with appeasement
of lawless elements. Appeasement
abridges the lawful process for change
and gives evidence of society’s willing-
ness to deviate from full support of law
and order. It enhances the position of
those who would bring total chaos to our
elvilization in an effort to have their will
The end result is that no law survives
save the Jaw of the jungle—the will of
the strongest or largest group prevails.
The Queen of Angels Story
Monday, June 19, 1967
In tic ae soaiie tile Tioegitar Way Bese
in existence it has provided care to many
thousands of people in the area. The hos-
pital was founded in 1926 by the Fran-
ciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart.
In commemoration of the 40th anni-
versary of its founding a book has just
been published about the hospital en-
titled “At 40: The Queen of Angels
Story. ”
The book contains a most interesting
and informative account of the hospital's
founding and growth. It tells an inspiring
story of years of dedication, work, and
the hopes and dreams of many—from the
first efforts of the devoted Franciscan
Sisters to the present-day staff.
A dictionary definition of a hospital is:
“An institution where the sick or injured
are given medical or surgical care.” With
regard to the Queen of Angels Hospital
such a definition is woefully inadequate.
It must be expanded to cover the love,
tenderness, and devoted care provided to
the many patients to whom it has opened
its doors during its 40 years.
To Dr. Robert L. Blackmun, president
of the hospital, and his capable and de-
voted associates, including Mr. Dan M.
Gann, of the hospital staff who authored
the book, and all those whose work has
gone into founding and operating Queen
of Angels Hospital over the years I want
to express my sincerest congratulations
and gratitude.
U.N. Peacekeeping: Does It Help or Hurt?
Monday, June 19, ‘1967
Mr. MICHEL. Mr. Speaker, it is time
that the U.N. face up to the facts in the
Mideast situation. A realistic approach
demands that both parties in this issue
' come face to face in reaching a decision.
Intermediaries will only delay a solution.
The Israelis and Arabs must reach an
agreement which they can “shake” on.
On Thursday, June 15, Mr. Chuck
Dancey, editor of the Peoria Journal
Star, wrote a fine torial which il-
lustrates this point very succinctly. Un-
der unanimous consent, Mr, Speaker, I
include the editorial at this point in the
U.N. PEACEKEEPING: Dors Ir Hetr on Horr?
(By C. L. Dancey)
_The United Nations has for twenty years
carried on magnificent humanitarian works
in backward countries that could not have
been done by any other instrument.
It was a device for funneling American aid
to places that wouldn't take it from America,
directly, Its humanitarian function has been
very real.
However, as a peace-keeping agency, there
is now a very solid question of whether over
all it hes not done more harm than good—
with an excellent chance that it is presently
in Ae sane tact Theta of a [
it & real
Be ce: Bava the UM ee eee e-
Tits business has not been
posce mut a Ae an, arena: for Playing cynical in-
Thus, the UN Tar eecely invented and created
‘June 19, 1967
a serles of “new nations” that were not “na-
tions" in any meaningful sense of the word,
and gave each of them a vote. (Several are
smaller than Peoria and its immediate en
virons, with tribal societies and’ tribal loya”
ties rather than national, to boot).
Then, to curry their favor, the UN, it
embarked not on peace but a “war o’
gression” with UN troops in the Cor
impose a political solution there tha’
fit the prejudices of the other Azrice
Meanwhile, in the Middle East
stepped in to rescue the Arab ¢
any necessity to negotiate with
Teach any settlement in whicb
responsibility. '
This constant UN interve
possible for Nasser and cor
for 20 years in the attitude
invective involved in cla
did not exist, in refusi"
hegotiate or accept an
relation to Israel, and
“state of permanent w
None of these po
possible had it ber
to deal directly v
settlement, and
Thus a cli
tained throur
ence and the
in the are
claims not ¢
of war."
The Isr
selyes a’
and ur
land, *