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Box 16, Folder 8, Document 73
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issue of N;- U ff ES ks By Vy A LY X i
1 little boo}, : / RG J
ed this weel. y+ Ne
ly ran (| Yo 2 ves | JA
: Yat or Tih
went over
eo °3 jolly THE cuswer The best bill of goods any nation haever had; the only bills S48
. Bay. ~ of goods by which any nation can survive; the only bill of goods by which thiseyy & + =
“ nation has ever lived—Decency! rise és Sih
: And what is decency?—the right to live and die without fear; the right to. =~ =~ ped
Wi ; ive a friends and family; the right to die in pe idst quiet tears, hoping= +s =
W ‘ep % ive among friends vs g € in peace amidst q hopingg 1s s
: “§ » ( to find a place beside God. es S
z. a= This is worth fighting for; this is worth killing for; so that good peoples a e
hos$#! “® ~\ may keep their world a decent place in which to live and die. “A”
oVenty~ 3p
The world belongs to the good people. Every highway and every sea lane
Ae eae
= AN must be open to the good men and women of every land so they may pursue hap- s ee :
: ¥4 piness, with its bread and laughter, finding God in their own way, be it in a garden gs
2 Pa among flowers or-in a temple among strangers. In the dank darkness settling over ="
@& most of the world it is getting on toward midnight. Past that zero deadline looms ? 4 oA
2 dawn splashed with blood, streaked with hate. ride <
That dawn must never come. That dawn must and can be stopped by the AY ~S
nited States. : ° > 2
Hitler has spit in the face of every decent man and woman in the world. $ = A
He has spit in the face of every child, in the faces of the men and women who «@ ~
follow God, be they Jew, Protestant or Catholic. |
Hitler must be killed and all the others who would be Hitle
rs. must. go
with him to his grave.
A493 1 94 HA
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= — The United States must declare war against Germany and with this decla- $ € aS
Z . i Te i * : ts
ration addia simple clause condemning to death Hitler and his agents, The inter- raat soe
bs national gangland must go. < Fee
8 Werte, Ce, Aclw CO ee
ior, wh se, Th
Pe / 4 XS —. =
Uv » Funt Me Cow AL >
ew ' 7 VI : f t
a mat the eredo, the declaration of a citizen, a citizen who name I have forgotten. In handing down a decision he declared _, -
reed ‘ies in God, his country, his family, his friends and would that free speech, even under a Democracy, did not permit a man
> in has all of them intact. to yell fire in a crowded theater. I don’t understand why we are & +
y i Save never known much about praying but since this permitting men and women, high in the walks of American life, . oe)
iy” “*“oess fell upon the world I have been praying for my coun- to scream fire in a crowded theater—the fire of isolation, the fire
ip saying not alone that she comes ‘through but will make it of appeasement, the fire of defeatism, .. Cs
7 wabicfor all other good peoples and good countries to come ‘There are many things I don’t understand but I think that’s <<? 0
2 _ ha into a decent dawn of another day, a lasting day of unimportant. c+
~ Fe When I i idn’t alway. = =
a Thad never prayed before save in some emergency affecting but chep Wore iaeataus at aie pig Understand ee Pact eS.
s s Mec = ee In it oar ae I re been understand all of it. I don't always. anderatand my country but = i
' _. yy PFay for myself, feeling that V’ll be forgiven this I am willing to follow it passionately and loyally to my grave. &
, ts : } ask good things only for my family. Ihave a feeling the world will be decent again and th => >
A.) ; : , has vi en e€
ae ds MBit pile che cee Gnwehe s my country and I pray United States val help its gallant brothers England and China ? >
—— w ee i a to make it so. If it takes the rest of our days, let’s at least be- 2
Sah . esting dices pe strike first. One doesn’t fight a snake queath our children a decent world. That's a mighty fine legacy t S
ea eg a struck with its deadly fangs. ‘Those to leave behind. Iv’s the legacy we inherited,
. Psicd of already proved fatal to» fourteen countries, the IPs. idnieh ey ates ‘aah k So
pd zy . { des mae. longer walk in the garden among their! shrotigh clase on to midmaht 975, xpather dawais about to. brea 7 ~
io HN aod. 5 in - ce
( There are m 2 * ee id doe itt = Ae Be
> iy. of oud t-undeRetand Mi resident an ongress, We are awaiting your march= &
eo ' Abou our a a ‘We send ondertand the ieatasren, mg orders. Surely there is a job for every man and woman in axe 7
ie z Y J a Pershpal ¥, ‘L-dontt understand the kindof ae the United States to do at this zero hour. x.
ete" _ +e have nowadqys. I don’t know what free spesckts . .. w =
= as Never heard it styisfactorily defined, t kpe Peaiat free RUSSELL BIRDWELL ¢ © ¥
fa ee *A shouldn't be, Tt was defined by acgreat Justice whose New York City, July ro, 1942 & s f
pur (An Advertisement) < o
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(reed aged, opfees La fe LEC
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Vhe Log farat fraranrnphnt>
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dhe now woul /Loe, LES , h.