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Box 16, Folder 9, Document 1
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The Riot In Atlanta
Bleeds Internally
The ordinary trouble-makers and the professional agi-
tators stirred up the riot in Atlanta this week. Mayor
Ivan Allen, Jr., and the city’s Police Department kept it
from spreading and becoming even worse than it was.
Several things stand out:
—One was the courage of Mayor Allen. He calmly
insisted upon law and order. He acted at the actual scene
of crisis, not from the remoteness of an office at City
Hall. His cool head and great determination were ex-
amples for all to follow. The incident could easily have
spread beyond control had it not been for Mayor Allen.
The Griffin Daily News admires his calmness under fire,
if his physical as well as moral courage.
—Another was the restraint of the policemen. Taunted
and insulted, they fésisted the normal impluse to strike
out violently, which would have been exactly what the
agitators wanted them todo.
—A third is that known hate peddlers cold-bloodedly ince
whipped up the demonstration in a professionally trained
| manner. They rode up’ and down the streets and used
. loudspeakers to encourage individuals to gather into
what became a mob. Some method must be found to pre-
"i vent the abuse of civil rights by such exhorters as these
ay who prey upon suspicions and emotions. They exploit
lanac what they call their “black brothers.”” They are guilty of Soci
pe, inciting to riot and should be punished for that crime.
or —Also, all people must respect law and order, This| s there 4
ape begins with the individual citizen and the individual police- | "2<re i
ilfin man. The policeman, for example, has no right to insult ave ie 4
a" a citizen when he issues a traffic ticket. Nor has the citizen ll right
the — to insult sy co as one did and got away with i:
ee it in Atlanta some few days ago. Take it from there and| qe Rn
uursday, Sept. 8.) extend it from the traffic ticket > the Felonious, eniméas ode uaa
roe If policemen are to enforce the law as it is their obliga-|it, or your
Pe sis Yas tion to do, the ordinary law-abiding citizens must accord | rong, It al
ae them the tools with which to work. After all, a police | thing that ¢
wy hese: _| officer represents all the great body of law-abiding people | to your Chr!
Fed Bes be who make up a peaceful and orderly society. If an officer | Your influe
mt, ; of the law abuses his position—which is rare indeed, ;
Cee ve these days—recourse may be had in an orderly manner },
ie ee, Ronett but not by lawless riots. a
on this day in| .—Pinally, we have a severe problem which must be}
nee solved. Numerous long range proposals have been 1
[and a good many put in practice. Short term,
crisis which now am t,
ess International
e United States
castle burned off
NJ. taking 137
"ss International
rks Jr., executive
ie Miss America
merican corn and
pt it.
», Calif. —Sheriff
erry, describing a
| disturbance to
tedia were tipped
‘a planned and
) a?
)N — President
‘ing to a request
mocratic leaders
U.S. troops in
f not carelessly
Fite instrument
the 500 million
Atlantic world.’
ition Prices
by carrier: One
six months $8.50,
i $4.50, ome
, one week 35
lil, except within
iriffin, rates are
carrier. By mail
les of Griffin:
3.10, six months
‘aonths $3.85, one
| Deliverea by
pe, One Year
Are In Trouble
It is not the most popular thing to say in some quarters
but the hard truth is that local governments in Georgia
and elsewhere must consolidate and modernize or see
their strength and influence further diminished.
Paradoxically it is often those who profess to be sup-
porters of local government who are contributing the
most to its decline.
A recent report by an independent committee listed
80,000 local governments in the United States. This num-
ber, the experts say, should be reduced, perhaps as much
as 80 per cent.
The truth of the matter is that power has gravitated to
federal and state governments because local governments
simply could not or have not coped with the problems
of a modern society.
One reason for the failure of local governments is
simply that they are too small, too poor and,.in some
cases, too inefficient to get the job done.
In theory the best government is that which is closest
to the people. But this concept breaks down when local
governmental units fail to function properly.
It has become increasingly clear in recent years that
many local government services should be merged in the}.
interest both of economy and efficiency and that, in some
cases, consolidation of governments is called for.
This view, of course, meets with stout resistance from
some local officials. But streamlining is inevitable if local
governments are to survive.
With Ye Editor
We laugh at some jokes and gag at others.
ee @ @ 6 ®@
“Pins are about the only things that are pomted in one
pb] |
| direction and headed in another.’”” — The Anoka (Minn.)
® @ 6@ 6 @
We liked it better when the voters chose candidates on
a basis of character instead of “image”.
Published Daily Exeept Sunday, Second Cinas3
Postage Paid at Griflin, Ga. — Single Copy &
horses and
Near his h
and three 1
job. He toli
down the ra
and he ski
three feet
second did
he drove wi
kept as far
cipice as h
When it
ments, we
close we cz
still please 1
the yery aj
The Phi
ce Ui
Ye are o
our hearts,
all men. (
ther, we p!
power so th
live here fc
living epist
and read of
rit we pra}
“Our Fathe!
_ +. Amen,
A thoug!
British wri
George Be)
“Silence is
expression |
dates bac
when the
In’ the Pi
mans wt
naires ag
Louis 1X
Egypt ir
ers deve
leys whit
well asc
© Enc
The Riot In Atlanta
Bleeds Internally
The ordinary trouble-makers and the professional agi-
tators stirred up the riot in Atlanta this week. Mayor
Ivan Allen, Jr., and the city’s Police Department kept it
from spreading and becoming even worse than it was.
Several things stand out:
—One was the courage of Mayor Allen. He calmly
insisted upon law and order. He acted at the actual scene
of crisis, not from the remoteness of an office at City
Hall. His cool head and great determination were ex-
amples for all to follow. The incident could easily have
spread beyond control had it not been for Mayor Allen.
The Griffin Daily News admires his calmness under fire,
if his physical as well as moral courage.
—Another was the restraint of the policemen. Taunted
and insulted, they fésisted the normal impluse to strike
out violently, which would have been exactly what the
agitators wanted them todo.
—A third is that known hate peddlers cold-bloodedly ince
whipped up the demonstration in a professionally trained
| manner. They rode up’ and down the streets and used
. loudspeakers to encourage individuals to gather into
what became a mob. Some method must be found to pre-
"i vent the abuse of civil rights by such exhorters as these
ay who prey upon suspicions and emotions. They exploit
lanac what they call their “black brothers.”” They are guilty of Soci
pe, inciting to riot and should be punished for that crime.
or —Also, all people must respect law and order, This| s there 4
ape begins with the individual citizen and the individual police- | "2<re i
ilfin man. The policeman, for example, has no right to insult ave ie 4
a" a citizen when he issues a traffic ticket. Nor has the citizen ll right
the — to insult sy co as one did and got away with i:
ee it in Atlanta some few days ago. Take it from there and| qe Rn
uursday, Sept. 8.) extend it from the traffic ticket > the Felonious, eniméas ode uaa
roe If policemen are to enforce the law as it is their obliga-|it, or your
Pe sis Yas tion to do, the ordinary law-abiding citizens must accord | rong, It al
ae them the tools with which to work. After all, a police | thing that ¢
wy hese: _| officer represents all the great body of law-abiding people | to your Chr!
Fed Bes be who make up a peaceful and orderly society. If an officer | Your influe
mt, ; of the law abuses his position—which is rare indeed, ;
Cee ve these days—recourse may be had in an orderly manner },
ie ee, Ronett but not by lawless riots. a
on this day in| .—Pinally, we have a severe problem which must be}
nee solved. Numerous long range proposals have been 1
[and a good many put in practice. Short term,
crisis which now am t,
ess International
e United States
castle burned off
NJ. taking 137
"ss International
rks Jr., executive
ie Miss America
merican corn and
pt it.
», Calif. —Sheriff
erry, describing a
| disturbance to
tedia were tipped
‘a planned and
) a?
)N — President
‘ing to a request
mocratic leaders
U.S. troops in
f not carelessly
Fite instrument
the 500 million
Atlantic world.’
ition Prices
by carrier: One
six months $8.50,
i $4.50, ome
, one week 35
lil, except within
iriffin, rates are
carrier. By mail
les of Griffin:
3.10, six months
‘aonths $3.85, one
| Deliverea by
pe, One Year
Are In Trouble
It is not the most popular thing to say in some quarters
but the hard truth is that local governments in Georgia
and elsewhere must consolidate and modernize or see
their strength and influence further diminished.
Paradoxically it is often those who profess to be sup-
porters of local government who are contributing the
most to its decline.
A recent report by an independent committee listed
80,000 local governments in the United States. This num-
ber, the experts say, should be reduced, perhaps as much
as 80 per cent.
The truth of the matter is that power has gravitated to
federal and state governments because local governments
simply could not or have not coped with the problems
of a modern society.
One reason for the failure of local governments is
simply that they are too small, too poor and,.in some
cases, too inefficient to get the job done.
In theory the best government is that which is closest
to the people. But this concept breaks down when local
governmental units fail to function properly.
It has become increasingly clear in recent years that
many local government services should be merged in the}.
interest both of economy and efficiency and that, in some
cases, consolidation of governments is called for.
This view, of course, meets with stout resistance from
some local officials. But streamlining is inevitable if local
governments are to survive.
With Ye Editor
We laugh at some jokes and gag at others.
ee @ @ 6 ®@
“Pins are about the only things that are pomted in one
pb] |
| direction and headed in another.’”” — The Anoka (Minn.)
® @ 6@ 6 @
We liked it better when the voters chose candidates on
a basis of character instead of “image”.
Published Daily Exeept Sunday, Second Cinas3
Postage Paid at Griflin, Ga. — Single Copy &
horses and
Near his h
and three 1
job. He toli
down the ra
and he ski
three feet
second did
he drove wi
kept as far
cipice as h
When it
ments, we
close we cz
still please 1
the yery aj
The Phi
ce Ui
Ye are o
our hearts,
all men. (
ther, we p!
power so th
live here fc
living epist
and read of
rit we pra}
“Our Fathe!
_ +. Amen,
A thoug!
British wri
George Be)
“Silence is
expression |
dates bac
when the
In’ the Pi
mans wt
naires ag
Louis 1X
Egypt ir
ers deve
leys whit
well asc
© Enc