Box 16, Folder 9, Document 20

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Box 16, Folder 9, Document 20

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2756 Mt. Olive Drive
Decatur, Georgia
September ©, 1966

The Honoreble Iven Allen, Jr.
Mayor, City of Atlenta

City Hall

Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mr. Meyor:

We were most impresse@ with your personal in-
volvement, bravery and devotion to Atlanta
during the disturbsnceg = couple of nights

#20, We have just returned to the area after
living in Cleveland, Ohio for =» yesr. We were
so proud of Atlanta and extolled its chsrms

to ovr meny friends in Clevelznd, and on Tuesdey
- night you showed the world why we have reason
for cur pride.

We have slwsya2 been supportes of the Nerroes'
aquest for better opportunity *né@ ecval treat-
ment, but we deplore the recent turn of events
towerd = lswless solution. Our lovely city hes
been sn exemple for 211 to see of how these
chenses can be wrought without sovelching the
opportunities of eny one group. We hope, ag

you do,thst there willbe no more such occurrences

Yours very truly,

PJrancess Mythiana/


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