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Box 16, Folder 9, Document 33
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P, 0. Box 2151
Valdosta, Georgia
September 8, 1966
Mayor Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
My dear Mr. Mayor:
Though I have many times disagreed with some of the stands
you have taken I want to write you and commend you on your
actions during the recent Vine Section riot.
If there is one thing I admire in a man it is courage and
you displayed as much of this as any man could ever be called
upon to show.
My deepest congratulations on how you conducted yourself during
this messy situation.
Very truly yours,
x = aa 7
bal A Pears
Valdosta, Georgia
September 8, 1966
Mayor Ivan Allen
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia
My dear Mr. Mayor:
Though I have many times disagreed with some of the stands
you have taken I want to write you and commend you on your
actions during the recent Vine Section riot.
If there is one thing I admire in a man it is courage and
you displayed as much of this as any man could ever be called
upon to show.
My deepest congratulations on how you conducted yourself during
this messy situation.
Very truly yours,
x = aa 7
bal A Pears