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Box 16, Folder 9, Document 87
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a gt Sg ee eS re a + Gea = =
Mayor Ivan Allen September 17, 1966
Atlanta, Georgia Bremen, Georgia
Sirs ¥
_ As a citizen of Georgia who loves a permit me to congratulate you 7
upon the excellent manner in which quelled the recent racial disturbances
\ eine your cibye
Since my wife ond I would 1 rmuch to continue coming into Atlanta
on periodic shopping trips, I feel you should be made aware of certain con-
ditions now prevalent which prohibi > doing so.
The small groups cf Negro you stand idly on street corners and
| shout obscenities at passing white sts are definitely not conducive to
good relationship between Atlanta and neighboring cities.
The strong possibility of a t c or bottle being tossed into a windshield
holds absolutely no attraction for me, or eny other law abiding citizen,
Sooner or later an enraged motorist will lose control of his senses, and
someone else will die; another riot will ensue, and more hatred will build,
Friends tell me that Negro youths saunter idly across streets in front
of passing wake in many sections of your city, and seemingly dare drivers to
run them down. When a horn is sounded, these Negro youths scream curses, aided
by groups of adults on the sidewalks, ‘
Being an admirer of your excellent tenure of office, I feel you should
lmow these things are happening in Atlanta, and that more and more people are
becoming disenchanted with your city because of them.
Very truly yours,
“John £. Reeves
ee Rei ee es a m - ss i I a a a Ee
Mayor Ivan Allen September 17, 1966
Atlanta, Georgia Bremen, Georgia
Sirs ¥
_ As a citizen of Georgia who loves a permit me to congratulate you 7
upon the excellent manner in which quelled the recent racial disturbances
\ eine your cibye
Since my wife ond I would 1 rmuch to continue coming into Atlanta
on periodic shopping trips, I feel you should be made aware of certain con-
ditions now prevalent which prohibi > doing so.
The small groups cf Negro you stand idly on street corners and
| shout obscenities at passing white sts are definitely not conducive to
good relationship between Atlanta and neighboring cities.
The strong possibility of a t c or bottle being tossed into a windshield
holds absolutely no attraction for me, or eny other law abiding citizen,
Sooner or later an enraged motorist will lose control of his senses, and
someone else will die; another riot will ensue, and more hatred will build,
Friends tell me that Negro youths saunter idly across streets in front
of passing wake in many sections of your city, and seemingly dare drivers to
run them down. When a horn is sounded, these Negro youths scream curses, aided
by groups of adults on the sidewalks, ‘
Being an admirer of your excellent tenure of office, I feel you should
lmow these things are happening in Atlanta, and that more and more people are
becoming disenchanted with your city because of them.
Very truly yours,
“John £. Reeves
ee Rei ee es a m - ss i I a a a Ee