Box 17, Folder 1, Document 22

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Box 17, Folder 1, Document 22

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—<Associated Press Wirephoto.

Harold Thomas O'Brien was
added to the Federal Bureau of
Investigation’s list of Ten Most
Wanted Fugitives Friday. He is
sought for unlawful interstate
flight to avoid prosecution, based
on a federal warrank i
Chicago in 1960 in the slay
a barroom acquaintance aly
Lake, Til,

he placement of city-erected bar-
iers between Negro and white

esidential areas in southwest

Judge Robert E. Jones dis-
iissed a petition brought against
ne city by a group of Negroes
nd white persons seeking to have
ae barriers removed, The suit
harged that the barricades were
public nuisance,

The wood-and-steel barricades
rere erected Dec. 18 after Mayor
van Allen Jr. and the board of
Idermen approved ordinances
ermitting them.

Jones ruled that the roads
eased to be public streets when
he ordinances closing them were

'_ People

*xx*x*x Saturday, January 5, 1963
an Li


No Fury’s Like
Undentured Girl

Compiled From Wire Reports
MISSING DENTURES led to battles both inside and outside the
court Friday. Miss Carol Drowdy, 19, testified that she had jilted
Michael Kasparian, 38, of Providence, R.I. She charged that he
had stolen her dentures to get even with her. Kasparian denied
the charge and was found innocent, but his troubles were not yet
over. After the verdict, police said Mrs. Loretta Robin, Miss
Drowdy’s sister walked up and hit him in the face. The two
women then waited outside the courtroom, but Kasparian escaped
out a side door. About a half hour later, the women caught up



off her spiked heel shoe and attacked him. She was charged with
assault and battery.

THE CLASSIC NEWS story occurred in San Bernardino, Calif., if
an angry wife’s charge is true. Mrs. Joe Cardova accused her
husband of biting their one-eyed Pekingese dog because it bit
him first. No complaint was filed, but officer Elio Gonzales advised
the husband to seek medical treatment for a cut above his mouth.

FOUR - MONTH - OLD Deborah
Jeanne Nobrega has a social
security card all her own.
Deborah has had a bank sav-
ings account opened for her
and the law requires recipients
of dividends, interest or other
payments to give identifying
numbers for reports to the In-
ternal Revenue Service. So law-
abiding Deborah got a social
security number.

housewife is on trial for run-
ning a “save your marriage”
DEBORAH NOBREGA mail-order service. According
to the newspaper Moscow Pravda, Mrs. Nedezhda Sosnovskaya
cleared more than $1,400 with the scheme. She picked her clientele
from divorce notices in Soviet newspapers. She wrote the wives,
promising to “bring peace and harmony to married life and make
their husbands love them.”’ Mrs. Sosnovskaya's secret cure: “Take
an ordinary piece of paper, fold it and place it near the bed. Set
an alarm clock for midnight and when it rings, tear off a strip
of the paper. If this fails to bring results, repeat the operation
on following nights.”

ACTRESS Rita LaRoy’s ad offering a silver blue mink stole for
sale brought quick results, Los Angeles police reported. Someone
responded while she was not at home and stole the stole.

EIGHTY-TWO-YEAR-OLD Mrs, Anna Hunt was talking to a sales
clerk in a Philadelphia gift shop when an armed bandit appeared
and announced, “This is a holdup!’ “Holdup, nothing,” cried Mrs.
Hunt, as she began striking the would-be robber, He fled to a
waiting taxicab.


with Kasparian at a bus stop, where Miss Drowdy allegedly took |.


“Tf it is not a public street]
hen, of course, an obstruction)

vould not be a nuisance,” the}

udge said.

White homeowners in the area
iad urged that the barriers be
lonstructed to create a racial buf-
er zone, intended to discourage
he movement of Negroes into the
Il-white neighborhood.

Virgil Copeland, president of the
Vhite Southwest Citizens Associa-
ion which takes credit for the
lan to use the barriers, said
hat racial tension had mcereased
h the area recently because of
wessures being put on white resi-
lents to sell their

Washington Bureau of The News

WASHINGTON—Rep. Jim Wright
of Fort Worth said Friday he felt
“pretty confident” that authoriza-
tion of the proposed 900-million-
dollar Trinity River canalization
project can be obtained in Con-
gress this year.

Wright said he was certain the
\project will be approved by the
House Publie Works Committee,
on Which he is a member.

The Fort Worth congressman

homes tolwrote a letter to the Board of

Jim Wright Confident
Of OK on Trinity Plan

meanwhile, urging speedy action
by the board in the hearings it
will hold on the Trinity,

A hearing has been set by the| |

board in Washington on Jan, 24.
Wright said he did not know
whether it would be public or
whether he would be able to

_ Action by the board will be the
first step in a lengthy proces
necessary before Cor

Ghe Ballas Morning Nema Section 1—$

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